10 Minute Guide to WordPerfect 5.1

Book Description

The quickest way to learn WordPerfect 5.1 effectively. All essential editing, entering, moving, and copying text fundamentals are taught in 15 to 20 short lessons. Each lesson includes a clearly defined goal in a short tutorial to reach that goal in 10 minutes or less.

10 Minute Guide to WordPerfect 6.0

Book Description

A clear, concise guide to the most important features of WordPerfect. Organized in lesson format, it teaches the basics of WordPerfect in 25 "mini-tutorials", each of which can be completed in 10 minutes or less. Along the way, new users are assisted with Timesaver Tips, Plain-English definitions, and Panic Button advice.

10 Minute Guide to WordPerfect Presentations

Book Description

A tutorial that teaches the basic features and functions of the latest release of WordPerfect Presentations, in approximately 20 mini-tutorials, each of which can be completed in 10 minutes or less. Timesaving Tips, Plain English definitions and Panic Button advice help users throughout the book.

Wordperfect 6

Book Description

Ten Minute Guide to Q and A Four

Book Description

Offers information on the Q&A, version 4, word processing and database operations package. It adopts a format of 15 to 20 short task-by-task lessons, each establishing a goal that can be achieved in 10 minutes. Topics covered include TimeSaver tips, Plain English definitions and more.

Networking Windows

Book Description

Provides a concise, step-by-step guide to implementing Windows 3.0 and 3.1 in the NetWare environment. Each detail from planning directory structures to solving complex memory issues is explained. Includes a resource guide to the software tools available for NetWare Windows users.

10 Minute Guide to WordPerfect 6 for Windows

Book Description

Addresses the needs of users who want to learn WordPerfect for Windows quickly, and who don't have large blocks of time to spend learning and often feel overwhelmed or intimidated by new programs. It also serves as a guide for potential buyers to determine if WordPerfect for Windows will meet their needs.

Data Communications, Networks, and Systems

Book Description

This book provides essential information about modems, multiplexers, concentrators, fiber optics, and cables. Plus, the latest developments in legalities and communications law are discussed.

Developing Windows Applications with Borland C++3

Book Description

An extensive reference section highlights tutorials and advice--so all C++ programmers can successfully build their own Windows applications. The code examples, illustrations, and exercises to reinforce learning cover all facets through Borland C++ 2.0.

Understanding Data Communications

Book Description

Who This Book Is For This book was written as a comprehensive guide to the evolution and modern development associated with the various facts of the field of data communications. As such, this book can be used as a textbook both by students and professionals. Each chapter includes a quiz to test your knowledge, and the answers to questions are contained at the back of this book. This Book's Approach to Data Communications The modern society we live in today is a communications-oriented society. Thus, the goal of this book is to assist readers in understanding how this society operates by examining the basic structure of the field of data communications. This book explains how different communications devices operate, describes the different types of transmission facilities used to transport information, and examines such emerging technologies as digital subscriber lines and cable modems that might revolutionize the manner by which we work. For readers who surf the Web with conventional modems, imagine being able to transmit and receive data at a speed several orders of magnitude beyond what we now do. The possibilities for new applications become almost endless. Soon, we will be able to visit museums and join virtual lectures on the style of different artists, and we'll be able to zoom in to see minute details that might previously have required a trip around the world. Soon, we will be able to talk and view our parents, business associates, or pen pals located hundreds or thousands of miles away as if they were in our living rooms or offices, and we will do so not only on our home computer but on our cell phone! So join me in examining the field of data communications as we explore its evolution and the technical aspects of equipment and transmission facilities that make the wonderful world of data communications a reality. 0672322161P03252002