Book Description
The storytelling gifts of Coleen W. Cain are her gifts to you. When she conceived of this book, Ms. Cain had the idea that these quick stories would help travelers pass away the time on the airplane, in airports, or during those passive waiting periods that occur in ordinary business dealings. There are 115 stories in this softcover volume, yet it fits in your breifcase or handbag. Here's a typical story about Georgia Hempel who was upset with glorious thoughts while she awaited her husband's arrival from work. It's called, "Shining With Secrets." At three o'clock that afternoon the doctor had assured her she was pregnant with triplets. But how had that happened? Someone in the Gynocology Clinic must have impregnated her with sperm of a donor instead of giving her a biopsy. Husband Don laughed outloud when she told him. The couple had a secret between them. He was impotent and they had agreed it was best to let it remain so. The stories average about 300 words each, are quick and to the point. They were written in ten or five minute flashes each and come to you unedited, just as the author wrote them. They contain humor, wisdom and irony from Ms. Cain's travels across the United States, China, and Fantasis Land. Good for revealing the American soul and stimulating your own imagination. Also, 115 JET STORIES FOR YOUR BRIEFCASE makes a unique gift for your friends.