Book Description

Weight loss Myths. Have you felt like you were doing the right things to lose the extra pounds, but you were not seeing the results? Get this extra weight loss motivation now. 3,900 words This is a short read, but will leave you with motivation and a plan to get started. Use this easy road map to make sure. Free fat burning workout inside. Also includes: Master food list Nutrition rules Do not miss out on this free information Click buy

Weight Watchers Weight Loss That Lasts

Book Description

Break through the 10 big diet myths! In this book, renowned expert Dr. James Rippe and Weight Watchers give you the scientific knowledge you need to break through the myths, get off the dieting roller coaster, and shed those pounds for keeps. Believers Beware! MYTH #1 You can't lose weight and keep it off MYTH #2 A few extra pounds don't matter MYTH #3 Willpower is the key to successful weight loss MYTH #4 You can lose weight with exercise alone MYTH #5 Calories don't matter—avoid fats or carbs to lose weight successfully MYTH #6 You can't lose weight if you have the wrong metabolism or genes MYTH #7 You can boost your metabolism by what, how, and when you eat MYTH #8 It doesn't matter how you take the weight off; you can think about keeping it off later MYTH #9There is only one right approach to losing weight MYTH #10 Your weight is your problem, and you need to solve it on your own "Incisive and refreshing. James Rippe and Weight Watchers expose a series of ten myths pervasive in the weight-loss industry, revealing both the kernels of truth they contain and how they have been misinterpreted and distorted." —Claude Bouchard, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University

Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat

Book Description

Get the real skinny on fat. When it comes to losing weight, the false beliefs most of us cling to could fill a book–this one! As a medical doctor, medical journalist, and veteran of the diet wars, Nancy L. Snyderman knows better than almost anyone what really works and what sabotages your best efforts to shed pounds and keep them off. Do you believe any of these prevalent diet myths? • Your weight is your fault. • Dieting is a waste of time–most dieters regain their weight before long. • Carbs are bad for you. • Carbs are good for you. • Calories don’t count–it’s the kind of food you eat that’s the problem. • Fat is fat–it doesn’t matter where on your body you carry it. • Diet drugs and surgeries are a magic bullet. In Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat, Dr. Snyderman reveals exactly why these and other bogus ideas get in the way of what should be the simple and even joyful endeavor of reaching and maintaining your ideal weight. In their place, she reveals 101 surprising truths–muscle doesn’t weigh more than fat, you can eat after 8 p.m. and not gain weight, you can eat dessert for dinner when on a diet, and 98 more. But here’s the best news: Slimming down and getting healthier doesn’t have to be about deprivation or superhuman feats of willpower. Instead, you will enjoy a new relationship with food–including those treats you love the most–while feeling fabulous inside and out. So forget the fad diets that work great . . . until they don’t, along with the negative emotions associated with everything from bathroom scales to full-length mirrors. Most of all, forget all the myths and remember what’s true: You can do this and you’ll never regret it for a minute.

The Calorie Myth

Book Description

Contrary to what most diets would have you believe, the human body does not recognize all calories as equal. Some foods are used to boost brain power, fuel metabolism, and heal the body—while others are simply stored as fat. In The Calorie Myth, Bailor shows us how eating more of the right kinds of foods and exercising less, but at a higher intensity, is the true formula for burning fat. Why? Because eating high-quality foods balances the hormones that regulate our metabolism. When we eat these foods, our bodies naturally maintain a healthy weight. But when we eat sugar, starches, processed fats, and other poor-quality foods, the body's regulatory system becomes "clogged" and prevents us from burning extra calories. Translation: Those extra 10 pounds aren't the result of eating too much . . . they're the result of eating the wrong foods! Bailor offers clear, comprehensive guidance on what to eat and why, providing an eating plan, recipes, and a simple yet effective exercise regimen. Losing weight doesn't have to mean going hungry or spending hours at the gym. The Calorie Myth offers a radical and effective new model for weight loss and long-term health.

Rethinking Thin

Book Description

In this eye-opening book, New York Times science writer Gina Kolata shows that our society's obsession with dieting and weight loss is less about keeping trim and staying healthy than about money, power, trends, and impossible ideals. Rethinking Thin is at once an account of the place of diets in American society and a provocative critique of the weight-loss industry. Kolata's account of four determined dieters' progress through a study comparing the Atkins diet to a conventional low-calorie one becomes a broad tale of science and society, of social mores and social sanctions, and of politics and power. Rethinking Thin asks whether words like willpower are really applicable when it comes to eating and body weight. It dramatizes what it feels like to spend a lifetime struggling with one's weight and fantasizing about finally, at long last, getting thin. It tells the little-known story of the science of obesity and the history of diets and dieting—scientific and social phenomena that made some people rich and thin and left others fat and miserable. And it offers commonsense answers to questions about weight, eating habits, and obesity—giving us a better understanding of the weight that is right for our bodies.

Big Fat Myths

Book Description

When you lose weight, where does the fat go? Most people assume it turns into heat and energy, but Albert Einstein showed us that diets would be devastating if this were true. The correct answer is that fat is converted to carbon dioxide and water. Energy is released, but no mass is created or destroyed. This was known when the First Fleet sailed into Sydney and yet it took two more centuries for Ruben Meerman to show that precisely 8.4 kilograms out of every 10 kilograms of fat are exhaled, while the remaining 1.6 kilograms become crystal clear water. His calculations were published in The British Medical Journal in December 2014. Meerman begins this diet myth-busting book by reminding us what we already know: that human beings are carbon-based, oxygen-dependent life forms. Where do the carbon atoms we exhale come from? Carbohydrates are hydrated carbon, and so are fats, whether they're saturated or not. Eat less, and you'll exhale the excess carbon stored under your skin. Big Fat Myths lifts the veil on weight loss by tracing every atom you eat into and out of your body. Diet myths and wellness nonsense topple like dominoes along the way, restoring your confidence in common sense and the age-old wisdom that to lose weight, you simply need to eat less and move more.

The Top 10 Fat Loss Myths

Book Description

Sticking to a diet is never easy, and with the abundance of weight loss myths circulating the weight loss community, it's often difficult to distinguish between effective weight loss techniques and strategies and misleading programs and tactics that are not only ineffective but often dangerous. In this book, we'll cover the top 10 fat loss myths that have misled and confused dieters for years, so you can focus on realistic goals and surefire strategies of losing weight. How many of these have you bought into?

Secrets From the Eating Lab

Book Description

A provocative expose of the dieting industry from one of the nation’s leading researchers in self-control and the psychology of weight loss that offers proven strategies for sustainable weight loss. From her office in the University of Minnesota’s Health and Eating Lab, professor Traci Mann researches self-control and dieting. And what she has discovered is groundbreaking. Not only do diets not work; they often result in weight gain. Americans are losing the battle of the bulge because our bodies and brains are not hardwired to resist food—the very idea of it works against our biological imperative to survive. In Secrets From the Eating Lab, Mann challenges assumptions—including those that make up the very foundation of the weight loss industry—about how diets work and why they fail. The result of more than two decades of research, it offers cutting-edge science and exciting new insights into the American obesity epidemic and our relationship with eating and food. Secrets From the Eating Lab also gives readers the practical tools they need to actually lose weight and get healthy. Mann argues that the idea of willpower is a myth—we shouldn’t waste time and money trying to combat our natural tendencies. Instead, she offers 12 simple, effective strategies that take advantage of human nature instead of fighting it—from changing the size of your plates to socializing with people with healthy habits, removing “healthy” labels that send negative messages to redefining comfort food.

Supersized Lies

Book Description

The world would have you believe that losing weight is easy, but the truth is, in many cases, you're being fed a generous helping of falsehoods and misguided dieting advice. The media, celebrities, weight-loss gurus, and the Internet bombard society with recommendations about how to shed unwanted pounds: Count calories, cut carbs, exercise more, skip meals, drink more water, pop a pill. Yet as more people try diligently to follow this advice, waistlines continue to expand. In Supersized Lies, Robert J. Davis, PhD, aka The Healthy Skeptic, shows you why this inability to lose weight isn't your fault as he reveals how hype, half-truths, and unproven solutions have steered you into fruitless quests that inflict emotional and physical harm. In this health and wellness book, the award-winning health journalist, whose work has appeared on CNN, WebMD, and in The Wall Street Journal, reveals: Which weight-loss measures are most - and least - likely to be effective. How conventional wisdom about weight loss is often wrong. How to spot misleading weight-loss advice, and avoid being duped into wasting time, money, and effort. How, contrary to what we often hear, effective weight control doesn't require following complicated, restrictive rules. The interesting history behind flawed weight-loss advice, and the forces that currently perpetuate and benefit from it. In addition to uncovering how and why we're being led astray, Supersized Lies lays out weight-control strategies that research shows actually work, and it tells the inspiring stories of people who, after falling victim to the falsehoods of conventional guidance, have achieved success by forging their own paths. Written in a lively, easy-to-understand style, this myth-shattering book sheds surprising new light on old assumptions and offers an inspiring way forward to those caught in the cacophony of weight-loss advice.

How to Win at Losing

Book Description

Make this the last year that "losing weight" tops your list of New Year's Resolutions! Licensed nutritionist and dedicated myth-buster Monica Reinagel (aka the Nutrition Diva) tackles the 10 biggest weight loss myths that keep you from achieving your goals. Elaborate theories and complicated regimens sell books and magazines but they (obviously) don't offer a real solution. In this brief but empowering book, Monica sifts through the science and the silliness, separates food fact from food fiction, and reveals simple strategies that lead to lasting success.