140 jeux de relaxation pour l'école et la maison - 3-11 ans

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Des jeux simples pour détendre et relaxer les enfants à l'école ou à la maison, à retrouver ici au format Epub 3 enrichi pour tablettes iPad. À l'école, dans les différentes activités périscolaires ou de loisir, il y a tant à apprendre, tant à partager, tant à appliquer et à comprendre que l'on peut se demander comment les enfants, surtout les plus jeunes, parviennent à supporter ces rythmes effrénés ! Et comment les enseignants, les éducateurs, les animateurs, réussissent, eux aussi, à s'adapter, à transmettre ou à éduquer en conservant patience et bonne-humeur... Ces 140 jeux ont pour objectifs d'aider les enseignants à maintenir un bon climat de travail au sein de la classe ou une ambiance calme dans un cadre périscolaire. La plupart des jeux proposés dans cet ouvrage, destinés à canaliser les tensions et à instaurer une situation de bien-être, sont conçus pour une durée de une à cinq minutes. L'adulte peut choisir de ne proposer qu'un ou deux jeux par jour, ou conduire un atelier relaxation de 45 minutes. Pour chaque jeu sont décrits : le public auquel il s'adresse (maternelle ou élémentaire) ; le lieu : en classe, dehors, ou dans un espace spécialement dédié à la relaxation ; l'objectif : les différentes intentions du jeu de relaxation sont détaillées (physique ou psychiques) ; l'accompagnement sonore (à titre indicatif, une courte liste d'œuvres est proposée) ; des conseils sur la pratique du jeu (à quel moment de la journée, détails techniques) ; le déroulement (les différentes étapes et l'énoncé progressif et oral des consignes) ; Un index thématique, en fin d'ouvrage, permet une utilisation ciblée en fonction des objectifs recherchés. Cette version enrichie comporte les vidéos des 50 jeux qui peuvent sembler les plus complexes à effectuer.

Mathematicians of the World, Unite!

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This vividly illustrated history of the International Congress of Mathematicians- a meeting of mathematicians from around the world held roughly every four years- acts as a visual history of the 25 congresses held between 1897 and 2006, as well as a story of changes in the culture of mathematics over the past century. Because the congress is an int

Why We Play

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Play is one of humanity's straightforward yet deceitful ideas: though the notion is unanimously agreed upon to be universal, used for man and animal alike, nothing defines what all its manifestations share, from childish playtime to on stage drama, from sporting events to market speculation. Within the author's anthropological field of work (Mongolia and Siberia), playing holds a core position: national holidays are called "Games," echoing in that way the circus games in Ancient Rome and today's Olympics. These games convey ethical values and local identity. Roberte Hamayon bases her analysis of the playing spectrum on their scrutiny. Starting from fighting and dancing, encompassing learning, interaction, emotion and strategy, this study heads towards luck and belief as well as the ambiguity of the relation to fiction and reality. It closes by indicating two features of play: its margin and its metaphorical structure. Ultimately revealing its consistency and coherence, the author displays play as a modality of action of its own. "Playing is no 'doing' in the ordinary sense" once wrote Johan Huizinga. Isn't playing doing something else, elswhere and otherwise ?

From Mobilization to Revolution

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Abbé Sicard's Deaf Education

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Abbé Sicard was a French revolutionary priest and an innovator of French and American sign language. He enjoyed a meteoric rise from Toulouse and Bordeaux to Paris and, despite his non-conformist tendencies, he escaped the guillotine. In fact, the revolutionaries acknowledged his position and during the Terror of 1794, they made him the director of the first school for the deaf. Later, he became a member of the first Ecole Normale, the National Institute, and the Académie Française. He is recognized today as having developed Enlightenment theories of pantomime, "signing,' and a form of "universal language" that later spread to Russia, Spain, and America. This is the first book-length biography of Sicard published in any language since 1873, despite Sicard’s international renown. This thoughtful, engaging work explores French and American sign language and deaf studies set against the backdrop of the French Revolution and Napoleon.

Ethics and Sport in Europe

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Defending ethics in sport is vital in order to combat the problems of corruption, violence, drugs, extremism and other forms of discrimination it is currently facing. Sport reflects nothing more and nothing less than the societies in which it takes place. However, if sport is to continue to bring benefits for individuals and societies, it cannot afford to neglect its ethical values or ignore these scourges. The major role of the Council of Europe and the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) in addressing the new challenges to sports ethics was confirmed by the 11th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport, held in Athens on 11 and 12 December 2008. A political impetus was given on 16 June 2010 by the Committee of Ministers, with the adoption of an updated version of the Code of Sports Ethics (Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)9), emphasising the requisite co-ordination between governments and sports organisations. The EPAS prepared the ministerial conference and stepped up its work in an international conference organised with the University of Rennes, which was attended by political leaders, athletes, researchers and officials from the voluntary sector. The key experiences described in the conference and the thoughts that it prompted are described in this publication. All the writers share the concern that the end result should be practical action - particularly in terms of the setting of standards - that falls within the remit of the EPAS and promotes the Council of Europe's core values.

Dictionary of Modern Colloquial French

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First published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

A Textbook of Translation

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In Defiance of Painting

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The invention of collage by Picasso and Braque in 1912 proved to be a dramatic turning point in the development of Cubism and Futurism and ultimately one of the most significant innovations in twentieth-century art. Collage has traditionally been viewed as a new expression of modernism, one allied with modernism's search for purity of means, anti-illusionism, unity, and autonomy of form. This book - the first comprehensive study of collage and its relation to modernism - challenges this view. Christine Poggi argues that collage did not become a new language of modernism but a new language with which to critique modernism. She focuses on the ways Cubist collage - and the Futurist multimedia work that was inspired by it - undermined prevailing notions of material and stylistic unity, subverted the role of the frame and pictorial ground, and brought the languages of high and low culture into a new relationship of exchange.