3000 Facts about Actors

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3000 Facts about Historic Figures

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This book is a compilation of 1000 Facts about Historic Figures Vol. 1-3 Stalin executed scientists because they didn't believe him that plants can be Communists. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. Lenin died when part of his brain turned to stone. Princess Diana once visited a gay bar dressed as a man. Martin Luther King won a Grammy. The Queen of England owns all the dolphins in British waters. Albert Einstein couldn't drive. Galileo didn't believe in comets. Aristotle thought the Moon was alive. Florence Nightingale popularized pie-charts. Alexander Graham Bell tried to teach his dog how to talk.

1000 Facts about Writers

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Ernest Hemingway shot himself in the legs with a machine gun while wrestling a shark. George RR Martin can only type with one finger at a time. Arthur Conan Doyle passionately believed in fairies. Bram Stoker couldn't walk until he was seven. CS Lewis couldn't use a typewriter. Charles Dickens regularly visited the morgue and stared at the dead for hours. Edgar Allen Poe made $9 for writing The Raven. John Milton created more English words than anyone else in history. Lewis Carrol wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to show how stupid mathematics was. Arthur Miller wrote Death of a Salesman in one day. There are two naked women hidden on the front cover of F. Scott Fitzgerald's book, The Great Gatsby. James Joyce wrote Ulysses in crayon. JRR Tolkien was kidnapped when he was a toddler. JK Rowling wrote the final chapter of the last Harry Potter book in 1990; seven years before the release of her first book.

3000 Facts about TV Shows

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