40 Dias: Diario de Mi Secuestro

Book Description

Betty Amadio fue secuestrada cuando transitaba con su vehículo por una barrio de su ciudad. Su pequeño hijo y su prima fueron abandonados junto al vehículo en el cual viajaban cerca del lugar del secuestro. Cuarenta días después fue liberada, sana y salva.Decidió contar su historia, segura de que su experiencia podría ayudar a muchas personas, ya fueran víctimas o familiares de estas, a manejar la situación. En 40 días: diario de mi secuestro, Betty Amadio narra, día a día, la experiencia vivida durante su cautiverio. Cómo logró hacerse amiga de sus victimarios, en qué ocupaba sus días para que la tristeza y el aburrimiento no la hicieran flaquear, qué comía, cómo dormía... Una crónica detallada desde el primer minuto de esa terrible experiencia.Paralelamente, narra el proceso de negociación que llevaban a cabo su hermano y su esposo, detallando todas las llamadas que recibieron y el ataque psicológico que pretendían imponerles.Asimismo, gracias a un diario escrito por su hermana, describe el día a día en la casa familiar, el sufrimiento de sus pequeños hijos, de toda su familia y amigos.Una lectura que pone al descubierto la extensa gama de emociones que se viven en situaciones extremas como el secuestro. Emociones que van desde la angustia y la desesperación ante la incertidumbre, hasta el coraje y la determinación tan necesarios para superar esta experiencia.

40 días

Book Description

Glosario Del Banco Mundial

Book Description

This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.

Paper Cadavers

Book Description

In Paper Cadavers, an inside account of the astonishing discovery and rescue of Guatemala's secret police archives, Kirsten Weld probes the politics of memory, the wages of the Cold War, and the stakes of historical knowledge production. After Guatemala's bloody thirty-six years of civil war (1960–1996), silence and impunity reigned. That is, until 2005, when human rights investigators stumbled on the archives of the country's National Police, which, at 75 million pages, proved to be the largest trove of secret state records ever found in Latin America. The unearthing of the archives renewed fierce debates about history, memory, and justice. In Paper Cadavers, Weld explores Guatemala's struggles to manage this avalanche of evidence of past war crimes, providing a firsthand look at how postwar justice activists worked to reconfigure terror archives into implements of social change. Tracing the history of the police files as they were transformed from weapons of counterinsurgency into tools for post-conflict reckoning, Weld sheds light on the country's fraught transition from war to an uneasy peace, reflecting on how societies forget and remember political violence.

Shared Responsibility

Book Description

Shared Responsibility: U.S.-Mexico Policy Options for Confronting Organized Crime is a joint research project between the Woodrow Wilson Center's Mexico Institute and the University of San Diego's Trans-Border Institute. This publication examines specific challenges for security cooperation between the United States and Mexico including efforts to address the consumption of narcotics, money laundering, arms trafficking, intelligence sharing, policy strengthening, judicial reform, civil-military relations, and the protection of journalists. It concludes that binational efforts to stop organized crime and the exploding violence in Mexico have made positive advances but could fail to adequately address the challenge unless cooperation is significantly deepened and expanded.

Nationalism, Violence and Democracy

Book Description

Ludger Mees offers the first comprehensive study of one of Europe's most protracted ethnic conflicts. He carefully analyzes both the historical roots of the conflict and its later growing violent dimension. Special attention is paid to the framing of a new opportunity structure during the 1990s, which facilitated the first serious, but ultimately frustrated, attempt to broker a settlement. In the light of different theoretical and comparative approaches, the reasons for the dramatic return of terrorism and the possibilities of a more successful conflict de-escalation in the near future are discussed.

Cosmos Latinos

Book Description

The first-ever collection of Latin American science fiction in English.

Autobiographical Writings on Mexico

Book Description

This is the definitive bibliography of autobiographical writings on Mexico. The book incorporates works by Mexicans and foreigners, with authors ranging from disinherited peasants, women, servants and revolutionaries to more famous painters, writers, singers, journalists and politicians. Primary sources of historic and artistic value, the writings listed provide multiple perspectives on Mexico's past and give clues to a national Mexican identity. This work presents 1,850 entries, including autobiographies, memoirs, collections of letters, diaries, oral autobiographies, interviews, and autobiographical novels and essays. Over 1,500 entries list works from native-born Mexicans written between 1691 and 2003. Entries include basic bibliographical data, genre, author's life dates, narrative dates, available translations into English, and annotation. The bibliography is indexed by author, title and subject, and appendices provide a chronological listing of works and a list of selected outstanding autobiographies.