8 Spiritual Heroes

Book Description

"It is evident after exploring these heroes' lives and writings that God remains a Mystery—a reality beyond images, descriptions, dogmas and creeds."—From the Epilogue How does a person imagine God? How does that image change as the person matures spiritually and undergoes a significant religious experience? What influences—political, social, gender, faith tradition—shape and change a person's view of God? In this compelling and inspiring book of biographical theology, Brennan Hill uses stories and historical and theological sources to tell us how eight modern religious heroes see God. Hill's religious heroes are diverse: a Hindu (Mahatma Gandhi), a Jewess who converted to Christianity (Edith Stein), a black Baptist minister (Martin Luther King, Jr.), a Catholic laywoman (Dorothy Day), a Salvadoran archbishop (Archbishop Oscar Romero), two Jesuit priests (Pierre Tielhard de Chardin and Daniel Berrigan) and a nun (Mother Teresa of Calcutta). Hill writes: "Many of my religious heroes lived out their faith in an outstanding manner. For all of these religious heroes God was often close at hand, deeply felt in the events of their lives, glimpsed in the people they met, pursuing them in their minds and hearts. God, as it were, came with many intriguing faces: as a God of truth, of the homeless and of the mountain. God came in the cosmos, as one beckoning to prophecy and as a fellow sufferer sharing the cross. Divinity appeared as the power of peace and in the poverty of the abandoned. Each one of us might now ask: What face has my God shown to me?"

Spiritual Heroes

Book Description

8 Freedom Heroes

Book Description

Following the success of the best-selling 8 Spiritual Heroes: Their Search for God, Brennan Hill further explores biographical theology-a lived theology that comes out of experiences and events. In this current volume, Hill profiles heroes of freedom-men and women who lived as emancipators, liberators, stars of social justice. From the theological insights of Bernard Häring to the humble leadership of Cesar Chavez, to the life-risking heroics of Harriet Tubman to the lifelong bravery of Susan B. Anthony, the work of these heroes has established the freedoms we enjoy today. Their stories inspire the heroes of tomorrow.

Unlikely Spiritual Heroes

Book Description

In his third Heroes volume, Brennan Hill profiles eight improbable candidates for the great things they did: - Thomas Merton, at first glance, a party-going lady's man, becomes a Trappist monk and peace activist; - Helen Prejean, a quiet religious sister, befriends and advocates for the seemingly most monstrous among us--murderers on death row; - Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, a bookish, shy son of Italian immigrants, becomes one of the most outspoken prelates of our time; - Pedro Arrupe, a medical student then priest, survives nuclear holocaust and becomes a great Jesuit leader; - Jean Donovan, a Harley-riding businesswoman, turns missionary and is martyred; - Dorothy Stang, a religious sister and schoolteacher, champions the environment and loses her life doing so; - Maximilian Kolbe, a sickly, eccentric Franciscan, turns publisher and "warrior" for peace and dies in Auschwitz trading his life for a Jewish prisoner; - Karol Wojtyla, a young Polish actor whose election to pope makes him one of the most famous men on the world stage. These unlikely heroes saw great injustice, sorrow, and violence in the world and, in their own ways--some small, some universal--sought and created love, justice, peace, and hope for our time.

The Power of Spiritual Motivations

Book Description

In today's rapidly changing world, raising children who are steadfast in their faith and devoted to Jesus Christ is a significant challenge. This book delves into the essence of discipleship, emphasizing the power of influence over coercion in nurturing young hearts. Drawing from both personal experiences and biblical teachings, the author, Theodore Andoseh highlights the importance of presenting children with role models they can admire and imitate. By offering love, support, and spiritual guidance, ministers to children can leave a lasting impact that transcends mere words. This approach aligns with the teachings of Jesus and the practices of the early church, proving that true transformation comes from admiration and imitation.

Heroes and Gods

Book Description

The Secret of Spiritual Fruitfulness

Book Description

How do you bear fruit that abides? In this book, Z.T. Fomum answers this crucial question that believers often ask themselves in their walk with the Lord. In fact, they most often ask it from discouragement. The believer must have a heart full of compassion, be aware of the needs of people without Christ, in a world lost in impotent Christianity, religion, and the like. Here, the author provides us with some rather striking and disconcerting statistics of the distribution of populations, by religion. Everyone will need to know that they have what they need, only as long as we surrender ourselves to the Lord for the blessing and multiplication of what we have. This book is to be read in prayer and with faith.