Arquitetura da Educação

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A educação é um processo natural, ela se fundamenta no desenvolvimento interno do aluno. As crianças são boas por natureza, elas têm uma tendência natural para se desenvolverem. Existe um distanciamento entre todos os seres humanos, este distanciamento precisa ser reduzido com elementos tirados da realidade conforme diz Pestalozzi. Neste sentido, o arquiteto representa a arte de construir esteticamente e funcionalmente estruturas com embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural, se tornando uma ciência pluridisciplinar. A arquiteto busca saber do distanciamento entre o ser humano e os meios em que vive atuando de forma pluridisciplinar e realizando assim uma exegese para então reformular o espaços, tornando-os confortáveis e contextualizados com a realidade do homem da atualidade. O docente assim como o arquiteto reconhece a distância entre ele e o aluno?, trazendo consigo embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural para construir sua aula, analisar seus alunos, a cultura em que vivem pois hoje existe a necessidade dos professores se adatarem com os alunos diante da distância que os separam.

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A look at development

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Interatividade nas TICs: abordagens sobre mídias digitais e aprendizagem

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A forma com que os indivíduos estabelecem suas relações com o mundo tem mudado constantemente. As Novas Mídias e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) proporcionam maneiras diferenciadas no que diz respeito às práticas destes indivíduos, sejam essas em momentos de lazer, de estudo ou de trabalho. Os ambientes virtuais, através das mídias interativas, possibilitam a conexão de diferentes áreas do conhecimento e a convergência dos meios na potencialização dos mais variados campos, especialmente a partir da internet. Hoje em dia não basta apenas a disposição de plataformas como forma de repositório de conteúdos. A interatividade é o ponto chave nesta nova era, focando, principalmente, a participação ativa dos usuários. Esta conexão entre professores e alunos, entre produtores e usuários das mídias inaugura um tempo em que a imersão e a participação são essenciais na geração das informações e na construção do conhecimento. Considerando este cenário, os capítulos que compõem este eBook trazem reflexões importantes para o momento atual em que a convergência das mídias e as novas tecnologias têm gerado desafios antes impensados, tanto para o campo da comunicação quanto para o da educação. A superação nas diversas áreas em que se refletem acerca de formatos diferenciados para que se estabeleçam novas práticas sociais e culturais é uma constante não somente para os profissionais em formação, mas para os usuários ávidos por novidades e na expectativa por serem inseridos neste mundo cada vez mais tecnológico, interativo e participativo. É nesse sentido que esta obra apresenta em suas páginas estudos e análises que vão além da fronteira do tradicional, incentivando ações inovadoras a partir dos dispositivos tecnológicos com os quais somos todos os dias confrontados.

Teaching the World's Teachers

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Fischman, James W. Fraser, Guangwei Hu, Arie Kizel, Jari Lavonen, Lauren Lefty, Wei Liao, Jason Loh, Silvana Mesquita, Hannele Niemi, Lily Orland-Barak, Paula Razquin, Carol Anne Spreen, Eduard Vallory, Yisu Zhou

Computer Supported Qualitative Research

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The World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR) is an annual event that aims to bring together researchers, academics and professionals, promoting the sharing and discussion of knowledge, new perspectives, experiences and innovations on the field of Qualitative Research. This book includes a selection of the articles accepted for presentation and discussion at WCQR2019, held in Porto, Portugal, October 16-18, 2019. WCQR2019 featured four main application fields (Education, Health, Social Sciences, and Engineering/Technology) and seven main subjects: Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research; Systematization of Approaches with Qualitative Studies; Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research; Data Analysis Types; Innovative Processes of Qualitative Data Analysis; Qualitative Research in Web Context; Qualitative Analysis with Software Support. The book is a valuable resource for everyone interested in Qualitative Research with emphasis on Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis.

The Routledge Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design

Book Description

Curriculum design options cover a continuum from regional and school-based programs to national and international frameworks. How does policy speak to practice? What have teacher-researchers discovered through in-classroom studies? Where do you begin to describe or measure ‘effective’ language education curriculum design? The Routledge Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design presents a comprehensive collection of essays on these issues by 31 established practitioners and new researchers. Informed by experienced scholarship and fresh studies, this handbook shares international perspectives on language education from policy and curriculum to teacher training and future directions. The handbook addresses language education curriculum design across five sections: Language curriculum design: perspectives, policies and practices Designs across the curriculum Curriculum designs in language education Curriculum resources, evaluation and assessment Teacher education, research and future projects With contributions from Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Switzerland, Timor-Leste and more, the handbook represents the breadth of research into and the global implications for sound language education curriculum design. It considers equally the needs of students and policy makers from urban metropolises and remote communities. It is designed to reinvigorate discussions about education policy, curriculum management and the role of teacher-researchers.

Workplace Learning in Teacher Education

Book Description

This book explores teacher workplace learning from four different perspectives: social policy, international comparators, multi-professional stances/perspectives and socio-cultural theory. First, it considers the policy and practice context of professional learning in teacher education in England, and the rest of the UK, with particular reference to professional masters level provision. The importance of teachers’ and schools’ perceptions of improvement, development and learning, and the inherent tensions between individual, school and government priorities is explored. Second, the book considers models of teacher workplace learning to be found in international research and practice to explore what perspective they can bring to understanding policy and practice relating to workplace learning in the UK. Third, it draws on cross-professional analysis to get an intellectual and theoretical purchase on workplace learning by examining how insights from across the professions can provide us with useful perspectives on policy and practice. The analysis draws particularly on insights from medicine and educational psychology. Fourth, the book cross-fertilises research and practice across the field of education by drawing on insights from perspectives such as socio-cultural and activity theory and situated learning/cognition to discover what they can offer in analysing the theoretical and pedagogic underpinnings of teacher workplace learning. In short, the book offers a number of contexts for exploring how best to conceptualise and theorise learning in the workplace in order to generate evidence to inform policy and practice and facilitates the development of a more theoretically informed and robust model of workplace learning and teaching.

International Perspectives on Teacher Education

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This book explores major factors impacting on teacher education in recent times. It uses examples from a broad range of international contributors who compare larger countries such as the USA, England and Australia with their smaller partners: Canada, Scotland and New Zealand, demonstrating the substantial differences existent in all three cases. They also contrast the approaches of the countries that are members of the European Union with those that are not and discuss the special circumstances of developing countries, using Malawi as a case study. The international dimension of the book allows it to address the impact of globalisation on teacher education, with attention given to subjects such as the implications of rapid technological change, the movement of teachers and students on a global level and the drive to improve standards in various parts of the world. The book asks key questions, such as whether teaching is a craft or a profession and whether teacher educators view themselves as practitioners or researchers. The question of how the profession is viewed from outside is also addressed, highlighting the lack of trust displayed by politicians and communities towards both teachers and teacher educators. The final chapter looks to the future, and considers strategies for dealing with it. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Education for Teaching.