A Bikers Tales The Series

Book Description

This is the First in a series of A Bikers Tales The Series called The Hang Around. It about Chuck a thirteen year old boy growing up in a poor area in a city at the beginning of Cape Cod, Massachusetts during the sixties, where kids had tended to group up in gangs to protect their neighborhood area. He graduates from a street club into being a hang around for a local motorcycle club, after a set of unforeseen events. There after he learns about club life, and motorcycles. Attending biker parties and learning the lifestyle, while growing up and facing family issues of his own. Chuck learns to grow up faster than most kids his age, and most kids twice his age for that fact. It’s a fast paced book that imitates the very life, of a fast paced life style, and it’s based mostly on all true events. It’s a must read for all, has some strong language, and sexual scenes.

Band of Bikers 1962/1972

Book Description

In the basement of an apartment building in Manhattan,Scott Zieher discovered a pile of photographs among theeffects of a recently deceased tenant. These photographs,presented for the first time in Band of Bikers, offer anintimate portrait of a group of gay bikers in the city and thewoods, and a touching snapshot of an entire generation atits carefree zenith. Newly aware of muscle and biker magazines and their heavy-handederoticism, photographer and photographed brimwith a subtly vibrant, chromatic pride. The photographs asa whole bring into focus a brief, specific period of relativeinnocence, when middle-of-the-road Americans more oftenthan not failed to perceive the homoerotic undertones oftheir most heterosexual of institutions. With conceptual lightcast by issues ranging from anonymity in homosexuality andunderground motorcycle chic, to vernacular photography'spop-culture ramifications, a warm and generous spiritof camaraderie pervades this subterranean survey. Likea real-world set forScorpio Rising casually captured byan unpretentious extra, presented as Band of Bikers andaccompanied by an essay by Zieher, this found cache ofold-school, leather party snapshots attains archeologicalsignificance.

A Biker's Tale

Book Description

An hilarious tale about an epic event, written from a unique perspective. To be able to appreciate the story, the reader needs to be young at heart, have a vivid imagination and a love for adventure. If that sounds like you, join the writer on his journey, and experience his daily ups and downs with him.The Tour Aotearoa is a mountain bike 'brevet' (a timed, long-distance cycling event) covering the length of New Zealand. The Tour is held biennially and requires participants to follow a set route covering 3,000 km which consists of existing mountain bike trails scattered throughout the country and connected by back country roads. The Tour is unsupported, so participants carry their own gear. To be awarded the brevet, the riders need to cover the full distance within 30 days. The writer took part in the 2018 edition of the Tour. His experience was different from what he expected. He encountered all types of challenges, from getting lost to physical ailments, serious weather events and loneliness. In between he had plenty of time to contemplate and let his thoughts and imagination run free.

Riding on the Edge

Book Description

The story, outrageous but true, of John Hall, a Harley-riding hell raiser who founded the Pagans, a club the FBI called "the most violent criminal organization in America."

Three Little Bikers

Book Description

Follows the adventures of three bicyclists as they ride through the countryside.

Urban Dirt Bikers

Book Description

A new culture of young, inner city bikers has grown up over the past years in the UK. Young men and women have taken to the streets on dirt bikes, quads and all manner of motorbikes to perform stunts. Often hidden in the mazes of industrial estates, where they won't draw too much attention from the public or police, riders gather on weekends and perform tricks up and down a strip of tarmac. Photographer Spencer Murphy, who is continually interested in people who exist on the fringes of law and society, spent two years documenting these gangs of riders and quad bikes.


Book Description

Biker: Short Stories is a work of fictional short stories with a variety of perspectives of the biker world. In each story, one will find something unique. Each story has its own personality from action and adventure to comedic situations mixed in with some sage advice. Every story takes the reader on its own, often surprising, ride.

All Roads Lead To Sturgis

Book Description

Adopted to different families shortly after birth, identical twin brothers Scott and Henry grow to manhood having no idea that the other exists. They ultimately wind up on opposite sides of the fence, for Scott 'Zipper' Conlon is a member of the Skuldmen, an outlaw motorcycle club, and Henry Baker is a federal law enforcement officer. During a stakeout, when FBI agent Mitchell Gates observes Zipper leaving the apartment of a suspected terrorist, he implores his old Army buddy to learn what he can about the man. Although uncomfortable doing so, Zipper feels obligated, not only as an American, but because Gates saved his life during the first Gulf War. Due to the Skuldmen's anti-law enforcement beliefs, they agree that their cooperation be kept secret. A terrorist plot to kill thousands, combined with a woman's revelation that Zipper is Henry Baker the cop, sets off a chain reaction that will shake the Skuldmen to the core, as the brothers react. In an unpredictable story of suspense, murder and mistaken identity, three tales merge into one during the biggest biker party of the year, when All Roads Lead to Sturgis.

Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude

Book Description

When their teacher gives a joint storytelling assignment, a boy and a girl have different ideas of how their fairy tale should evolve. Can they agree on who will live happily ever after? With a cool motorcycle dude and a beautiful princess the possibilities are endless in this read-to-me eBook! Once upon a time there was ... a princess who loved all her beautiful ponies, a cool muscle dude who rode an awesome motorcycle. But a giant came and started stealing them! The dude came to fight the ugly, smelly giant with his mighty sword. She turned gold into thread while she cried for Buttercup, her favorite pony. And he took the princess's gold thread for payment The end! Wait a minute! That's not how it ends! Oh no? Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl who had to tell a fairy tale to the class, but they couldn't agree on the story. Will everyone live happily ever after?

First to Last

Book Description

The quest ... a military man ... his motorcycle adventures - all are weaved into a life's odyssey of war and peace that culminates in the answer to his lifelong search, and perhaps yours as well. The question is: ""Where does your treasure lie?"" First to Last is the true story of a soldier's life through the motorcycles he has owned and the most prominent action events that have occurred on those bikes and during his lifetime. It is a factual, first-hand account of the tale of a biker, a warrior and an incurable romantic. The story has an international tone, is action oriented during peace and.