A Call to Obedience

Book Description

The fourth fun installment in the Debutante Dropout series finds ex-debutante Andy Kendricks following a cold lead into a hot Dallas strip club. Renegade rich girl Andy Kendricks isn't the belle of any Dallas ball—and that's just the way the debutante dropout likes it! She's got a good life and a great man: her defense attorney boyfriend, Brian Malone. Brian's such a straight arrow that he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to a close friend's bachelor party at a sleazy local "gentlemen's club." So why is the groom-to-be saying that Brian left the bacchanal arm-in-arm with the hottest body in the Lone Star State? And what was that hot body doing stone-cold dead in the trunk of Brian's car? And where is Brian, anyway? The cops are looking for Andy's allegedly unfaithful/possibly homicidal beau, who hasn't been seen since the party. But Andy can't believe her upstanding lover is a murdering fool, and she's determined to prove it—though she may end up with a lot more broken than just her heart.

Reaching and Teaching

Book Description

Most Christians know and understand that we are to seek to reach the lost around the world. Yet, Christ's command to us is more specific and calls us to a higher standard of involvement with the peoples of the world. He has called the church to make disciples of all people groups and to teach them to observe all He commanded us (Matthew 28:18-20). In recent years mission agencies and missionaries have increasingly shifted away from discipleship and teaching toward an emphasis upon evangelism and church planting—many to the exclusion of any other field activity. While evangelism and church planting are essential components of a biblical missions program, they are not sufficient for the complete task to which we have been called. Reaching and Teaching examines the task Christ gave in the Great Commission and redefines the task of missions from that which is currently prevalent. It surveys missions strategies and methodologies that have increasingly replaced Christ’s Great Commission instructions even as they have sought to fulfill it. It is a clarion call to return to the biblical task of reaching and teaching the nations for Christ’s sake.

Into Thy Word

Book Description

This book is about how to read and study the Bible. This book is about getting the non-Christian to learn how to study the Bible, and this book is for the Pastor and theologian who needs to have their "refresh" button pressed. This book is in fact for anybody desiring to know the Book of ages. If you are new to the Word or are a seasoned teacher. If you do not know where to begin, or you have tried countless times and feel overwhelmed and frustrated, this is the book for you!

A Call to Obedience

Book Description

Although there are many crossroads that lead to defining moments, none is greater than deciding to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The second most important crossroad is whether to live in obedience to God and His commandments or to ignore God's perfect plan, be disobedient and go your own way. A Call to Obedience leads you to face these crucial crossroads and asks you to examine your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and your obedience to God's Word. As you read this book, you will be prompted to answer questions that will reveal your obedience to God. Do you have a relationship with Jesus or do you have religion? Do you love God enough to obey Him without reservation? Are you obeying God in your marriage? What career choice is best for you? What is your role in church? What is your ministry? Are you a good steward? Are you honoring your parents? Are you walking obediently in the Holy Spirit? Are you raising your children with God's Word as your manual? When you get a call to obedience what are you going to do with it? Are you going to reject the leading of the Holy Spirit or are you going to yield and obey? Obedience is an expression of absolute love for God. If you desire to love God with all your heart, mind and soul, you need to commit to be obedient to God's Word. If you want to know what the Word of God says about obedience in the crucial areas of life, this book is for you.

The Insanity of Obedience

Book Description

Wise Sheep Among the Wolves All Christian disciples have one thing in common: as they carry the gospel across the ocean and across the street, persecution will become the norm for those who choose to follow Jesus. How believers respond in the face of persecution reveals everything about their level of faith and obedience. The Insanity of Obedience is a bold challenge to global discipleship. Nik Ripken exposes the danger of safe Christianity and calls readers to something greater. The Insanity of Obedience challenges Christians in the same, provocative way that Jesus did. This book dares you—and prepares you—to cross the street and the oceans with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Some of Jesus’ instructions sound uncomfortable and are potentially dangerous. We may be initially encouraged by His declaration, “I am sending you out.” But how are we to respond when He then tells us that He is sending us out “like sheep among wolves"? In light of the words of Jesus, how can modern day believers rest comfortably in the status quo? How can we embrace casual faith in light of the radical commands of Jesus which are anything but casual? Ripken brings decades of ministry experience in some of the most persecuted areas of the world to bear on our understanding of faith in Jesus. The Insanity of Obedience is a call to roll up your sleeves . . . and to follow and partner with Jesus in the toughest places on this planet. "We have the high privilege of answering Jesus’ call to go," Ripken says. "But let us be clear about this: we go on His terms, not ours. If we go at all, we go as sheep among wolves." Jesus gives us Himself. And He gives us the tools necessary for those who dare to journey with Him.

Be Obedient to God’S Calling

Book Description

Be Obedient to Gods calling; when He calls you, will you Answer? The whole purpose of this book is to encourage the believers in Jesus Christ to reach out and do that which the Lord has commissioned or is commissioning them to do; for the Kingdom of God. Heed (pay attention to) instruction and be wise, and do not ignore or neglect it. Proverbs 8:33 (AMP). And [His gifts to the church were varied and] He Himself appointed some as apostles [special messengers, representatives], some as prophets [who speak a new message from God to the people], some as evangelists [who spread the good news of salvation], and some as pastors and teachers [to shepherd and guide and instruct]. 12 [and He did this] to fully equip and perfect the saints (Gods people) for works of service, to build up the body of Christ [the church]. Ephesians 4:11-12 (AMP) Foreword: .this is one of the most interesting and absorbing books I have read in a very long time. I know that when you read this small but comprehensive book, by the end of it, you will be encouraged and challenged; your life will never be the same again!

The Obedience Call

Book Description

This book is the fulfillment of a dream I had back in the year 2009. I had a very vivid dream that I would one day write a book entitled: The Obedience Call. In these end days God is calling Christians all around the world to train themselves into obedience, because obedience is not just important, it is absolutely necessary. Christians must complete the state of their sanctification in order to be ready for the Rapture. This book is a collection of five sermons on obedience. In the first four chapters you will learn about how to be a solider for Christ, the importance of walking in humility, meekness and patience, how to position yourself for God’s favor, and how you can become a vessel of prudence for God to dwell in. In the final chapter you will learn about how it is necessary for you to fulfill your destiny, how we must live worthily by walking in obedience, how we must fight the good fight of faith, the true meaning of God’s grace, an explanation of Philippians 1:6, and how we must sow in the Spirit to reap eternal life.

A Call to Obedience

Book Description

The Call

Book Description

Connecting my Life with God’s Call It is 30–33 A.D., Jesus is calling your name ... Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. What would it be like to sit at the feet of Jesus: listening, watching and learning more about His life, relationships, ministry and kingdom? What will happen if we follow Him wherever He leads and commissions us to go? In The Call we take a closer look at what it means to be with Jesus, and follow Him, as we explore topics such as: To Be with Him before we work for Him To Hear Him Speak To Understand His Intentions To Receive His Enabling and Empowerment To Respond with Trust and Obedience To Accomplish His Purposes To Rest and be Refreshed It’s time to Connect with God’s Call and Cause In every age and in every country, God raises up those with a keen spiritual sensitivity to His activity. I have sensed that Francois is one of God’s watchmen for our day. Henry Blackaby

A Call to Obedience

Book Description