A Combined Spectral and Energy Morphology Analysis of Gamma Ray Source HAWC J2031+415 in the Cygnus Constellation

Book Description

Abstract : HAWC J2031+415 is a probable pulsar wind nebula (PWN) located in the Cygnus Cocoon region near a complex OB star cluster. First observed by the High-Energy-Gamma-Ray Astronomy (HEGRA) observatory in the TeV energy regime, the source had no apparent counterpart in lower energy ranges. Previous work using 1343 days of data from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-Ray Observatory has determined that three sources are present in the Region of Interest (ROI): HAWC J2031+415, HAWC J2030+409 (also known as the Cocoon), and 3HWC J2020+403 (associated with the Gamma Cygni supernova remnant) \cite{Ian_01, Binita_01}. In this work, I use the newest data set containing 2000 days of data from HAWC to analyze the region. I apply a systematic source searching method to determine the number of sources, their locations, and spectra. Three estimators are used to determine the spectral energy distribution for HAWC J2031+415 and the best fit is found to be a power law with an exponential cut-off. I then isolate HAWC J2031+415 and perform an energy-dependent morphology study of the source. No measurable energy dependence of the morphology was found. Additional data will allow for more detailed studies of the region.


Book Description

Abstract : The Cygnus Cocoon is an extended source of high-energy gamma-ray emission in the Cygnus region. The gamma-ray emission has been attributed to a volume 50pc in diameter of freshly-accelerated particles near the Supernova Remnant ɣ Cygni which is located 1.4kpc from the solar system [Ackermann et al., 2011], [Tibaldo et al., 2013]. Since its discovery in 2011, Fermi LAT has improved their event reconstruction to allow analysis at higher energies, and recorded six additional years of data. An analysis was performed on the entire dataset to reproduce the previous results, then expand on them with higher energies and larger time spans of data. No evidence of temporal variability was found for the Cocoon. It was found that for the energy range of 1-870 GeV a logparabola spectrum is preferred over a powerlaw spectrum. Analysis is then done comparing the Cocoon spectrum measured using LAT data with a HAWC source [Hona et al., 2017] that is thought to be the Cocoon. It was found that the LAT powerlaw spectrum connects with the HAWC spectrum at 1 TeV, while the LAT powerlaw spectrum is an order of magnitude lower then the HAWC source. This means that for the combined analysis the powerlaw spectrum is prefered over the logparabola, if the HAWC source is the Cocoon.

Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in the Cygnus OB2 Stellar Association

Book Description

Abstract : The Cygnus region of our Galaxy consists of an active star forming region and a wealth of various astrophysical sources such as pulsar wind nebulae (PWN), supernova remnants (SNRs), and massive star clusters. Massive stellar clusters and associations have been postulated as possible sources of cosmic rays (CRs) in our Galaxy. One example of a gamma-ray source associated with a stellar association lies in the Cygnus region known as the "Cygnus Cocoon". It is an extended region of gamma-ray emission in the Cygnus X region and attributed to a possible superbubble with freshly accelerated CRs which are hypothesized to produce gamma rays via interaction with the ambient gas nuclei. The emission region is an environment of lower particle density and is surrounded by ionization fronts like a carved-out cavity or a cocoon. CRs in the Cocoon could have originated in the OB2 association and been accelerated at the interaction sites of stellar winds of massive type O stars. So far, there is no clear association at TeV energies. In the study presented in this thesis, I used data collected by the HAWC Observatory over 1038 days to disentangle the TeV gamma-ray emission from 2HWC J2031+415, a source which was previously reported in the 2nd HAWC catalog and is collocated with the Cygnus Cocoon, into two components: a pulsar wind nebula and the Cygnus superbubble. The contribution from the Cygnus superbubble is detected at a significance level of ~ 12 sigma with maximum photon energies above 100 TeV, the highest measured yet. Based on the spectrum and morphology of gamma-rays across six decades of energy, and the non-detection of radio and X-ray photons from this region, the gamma-rays are plausibly of a hadronic origin. There is a spectral softening above 1 TeV, which can be explained by two hadronic scenarios. Either there is a leakage of CRs from the superbubble resulting in a spectral break from GeV to TeV or the spectral softening is due to cut-off energy, an upper limit to the particle acceleration by the stellar winds.

Energetic Gamma Ray Emission from the General Direction of the Cygnus Constellation

Book Description

A combination nuclear emulsion and spark chamber gamma ray telescope has been flown on a high altitude balloon to study a region in the constellation Cygnus for evidence of possible point source or line source emission of E> 100 MeV gamma rays. The region surveyed in this observation covers approximately 280 degrees to 315 degrees R.A. and 25 degrees N to 45 degrees N declination. In this region lie two potential point sources, Cyg A and Cyg XR-1, together with a section of the galactic plane covering galactic longitudes of 60 to 90 degrees. The response of the detector has been calculated using a Monte-Carlo simulation. This enables us to derive an energy spectrum and flux value for the general background of gamma rays, which are presumably atmospheric in origin. (Author).

Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy

Book Description

High energy gamma-ray photons are the prime probes of the relativistic or high-energy universe, populated by black holes, neutron stars, supernovae, quasars, and matter-antimatter annihilations. Through studying the gamma-ray sky, astrophysicists are able to better understand the formation and behavior of these exotic and energetic bodies. V

Cosmic Ray Diffusion in the Galaxy and Diffuse Gamma Emission

Book Description

The original work presented in this thesis constitutes an important contribution to modern Cosmic Ray (CR) physics, and comes during one of the most exciting periods of this field. The first part introduces a new numerical code (DRAGON) to model the CR propagation in our Galaxy. The code is then used to perform a combined analysis of CR data, making it possible to determine their propagation properties with unprecedented accuracy. The second part is dedicated to a theoretical interpretation of the recent crucial experimental results on cosmic electron and positron spectra (PAMELA, Fermi-LAT experiments). Using the tools developed in the first part of the thesis, the author convincingly argues for the existence of a new spectral component, which could arise either from local astrophysical sources, such as pulsars, or from Dark Matter annihilation or decay. This thesis is a highly advanced work; the methods, analysis and results are clearly and carefully presented. This work is set to become an important reference document for any future work in this area.

X- and Gamma-Ray Astronomy

Book Description

The IAU Symposium No. 55 on 'X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Astronomy' has occurred, not entirely by coincidence, at an important moment in the development of these new branches of observational astronomy. In X-ray astronomy the data from the first X-ray observatory UHURU have contributed to a new view of the X-ray sky and a new conception of the nature and properties of galactic and extragalactic X-ray sources. In gamma-ray astronomy the exciting and often controversial nature of the results underlines the importance of the forthcoming launch of SAS-B, the first orbiting y-ray observatory. As Bruno Rossi reminds us (p. I), the Symposium occurred almost exactly ten years after the first detection of the X-ray star Sco X-I. During this time we have moved from the detection of a handful of the nearest and brightest sources to the detailed study of the nature of stellar sources in the farthest reaches of our own galaxy and in external galaxies of the local group. The detection of pulsating X-ray sources in bi nary systems permits the measurement of pulsation periods, and orbital parameters with precisions comparable to any yet achieved with traditional observational techniques. The strong indications that most X-ray sources are extremely compact objects give us confidence that X-ray astronomy will playa significant and possibly decisive role in the study of stars near the end point of stellar evolution.

Extreme Particle Acceleration in Microquasar Jets and Pulsar Wind Nebulae with the MAGIC Telescopes

Book Description

This exhaustive work sheds new light on unsolved questions in gamma-ray astrophysics. It presents not only a complete introduction to the non-thermal Universe, but also a description of the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov technique and the MAGIC telescopes. The Fermi-LAT satellite and the HAWC Observatory are also described, as results from both are included. The physics section of the book is divided into microquasars and pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe), and includes extended overviews of both. In turn, the book discusses constraints on particle acceleration and gamma-ray production in microquasar jets, based on the analyses of MAGIC data on Cygnus X-1, Cygnus X-3 and V404 Cygni. Moreover, it presents the discovery of high-energy gamma-ray emissions from Cygnus X-1, using Fermi-LAT data. The book includes the first joint work between MAGIC, Fermi-LAT and HAWC, and discusses the hypothetical PWN nature of the targets in depth. It reports on a PWN population study that discusses, for the first time, the importance of the surrounding medium for gamma-ray production, and in closing presents technical work on the first Large-Size-Telescope (LST; CTA Collaboration), along with a complete description of the camera.

High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy

Book Description

Gamma-ray, cosmic ray and high-energy physicists, research libraries and universities, research laboratories and government agencies.