Employee Share Ownership and Profit-sharing in the European Union

Book Description

"Participation by employees in the financial results of their companies has grown in importance across the European Union since the 1990s. This report investigates the scope and characteristics of employee share ownership and profit-sharing schemes in 14 EU Member States. It follows on from the joint publication, by the European Commission and the Foundation, of a comparative overview of the nature and extent of financialparticipation in the EU. Based on survey data from the Cranfield School of Management, it examines the structural, HR management and participation features of business organisations having one or both types of scheme."--Publisher.

The Oxford Handbook of Participation in Organizations

Book Description

Employee participation encompasses the range of mechanisms used to involve the workforce in decisions at all levels of the organization - whether direct or indirect - conducted with employees or through their representatives. In its various guises, the topic of employee participation has been a recurring theme in industrial relations and human resource management. One of the problems in trying to develop any analysis of participation is that there is potentially limited overlap between these different disciplinary traditions, and scholars from diverse traditions may know relatively little of the research that has been done elsewhere. Accordingly in this book, a number of the more significant disciplinary areas are analysed in greater depth in order to ensure that readers gain a better appreciation of what participation means from these quite different contextual perspectives. Not only is there a range of different traditions contributing to the research and literature on the subject, there is also an extremely diverse sets of practices that congregate under the banner of participation. The handbook discusses various arguments and schools of thought about employee participation, analyzes the range of forms that participation can take in practice, and examines the way in which it meets objectives that are set for it, either by employers, trade unions, individual workers, or, indeed, the state. In doing so, the Handbook brings together leading scholars from around the world who present and discuss fundamental theories and approaches to participation in organization as well as their connection to broader political forces. These selections address the changing contexts of employee participation, different cultural/ institutional models, old/'new' economy models, shifting social and political patterns, and the correspondence between industrial and political democracy and participation.

Employee Financial Participation in European Companies

Book Description

There is discrepancy of the diffusion of Financial Participation schemes in EU member and candidate countries. The incidence of FP is conditional on country specific characteristics, firm specific characteristics and/or trade unions attitude. A supportive government and legal framework and a friendly trade union attitude may lead to increasing level of FP incidence. Companies that use other HRM measures (e.g. training) as well as large companies may be more prone to using FP schemes. Looking at the benefits and drawbacks of the variety of qualitative datasets which contain information on FP, we choose the EWCS dataset for our analyzes because of the high response rates, the high geographic coverage of EU member and candidate countries, the large number of observations, and because the respondents of the questionnaire are employees not the management. Our econometric results suggest that FP schemes used in the EU are discriminatory rather than providing equal opportunity for all employees - discriminatory with respect to gender and selective with respect to employee category, education level, size and sector of activity of the company.

Shaping Pay in Europe

Book Description

«Shaping Pay in Europe: A Stakeholder Approach» focuses on pay systems applied in the European Union. Giving due attention to the institutional setting of the European pay systems, the book discusses how European companies may approach pay as an integral part of their operational and strategic framework. Pay is an important topic for several stakeholders on the labour market. The book discusses the perspectives of various stakeholders - employees, employers, trade unions, and employer associations - on the issue of pay. Secondary analysis of earlier statistical studies and new empirical material on European pay systems is also presented in the book. The book also aims at contributing to a better understanding of pay systems. If one wants to understand the various pay systems of a company, which pay elements and pay characteristics should one focus on? Which are the essential pay characteristics shaping an individual's pay and how could these characteristics be studied or audited? The book provides answers to both questions by presenting a practical, yet sophisticated model of essential pay characteristics.

Employee Voice and Participation

Book Description

Employee participation and voice (EPV) concern power and influence. Traditionally, EPV has encompassed worker attempts to wrest control from employers through radical societal transformation or to share control through collective regulation by trade unions. This book offers a controversial alternative arguing that, in recent years, participation has shifted direction. In Employee Voice and Participation, the author contends that participation has moved away from employee attempts to secure autonomy and influence over organisational affairs, to one in which management ideas and initiatives have taken centre stage. This shift has been bolstered in the UK and USA by economic policies that treat regulation as an obstacle to competitive performance. Through an examination of the development of ideas and practice surrounding employee voice and participation, this volume tracks the story from the earliest attempts at securing worker control, through to the rise of trade unions, and today’s managerial efforts to contain union influence. It also explores the negative consequences of these changes and, though the outlook is pessimistic, considers possible approaches to address the growing power imbalance between employers and workers. Employee Voice and Participation will be an excellent supplementary text for advanced students of employment relations and Human Resource Management (HRM). It will also be a valuable read for researchers, policy makers, trade unions and HRM professionals.

European Labour Law and Social Policy Cases and Materials Volume 1 Social Dialogue Industrial Relations and Labour Law

Book Description

This is the most comprehensive collection of primary source materials in the labour law and social policy of the European Community ever brought together. With documents and decisions reflecting the state of play at 1st June 2002, it includes: key legislative instruments in EC labour law and social policy; significant associated policy documents produced by the Commission; and important relevant decisions of the European Court of Justice. Since the first edition of this work in 1999, the pace of social policy change and innovation at the level of the European Community has increased dramatically. Indeed, developments during the past three years are little short of remarkable, with particularly important advances in relation to the promotion of information, consultation and participation for workers, along with growing concern for several much broader social policy issues. Recognition of the changes in emphasis and scale for European social policy, and the presence of substantially more material to be included, have caused this edition of the work to be divided into two volumes. Volume I covers social dialogue, industrial relations and labour law, while Volume II is concerned with a wide range of material touching "dignity at work" in the European Community. The arrangement of the material in two self-contained volumes also reflects a division of convenience. Thus, those whose main focus is upon the "labour law" aspects of European social policy may choose to utilise primarily the material contained in the first volume, while those who wish to concentrate more particularly upon fundamental social rights, equal opportunities, anti-discrimination, and dignity at work might wish to take advantage of the framework presented in the second volume. Advocates, judges, policy-makers, scholars and students will all appreciate this essential sourcebook in EC labour law and social policy.

Financial Participation of Employees in the EU-27

Book Description

This book aims to systematically assess laws and practices, close gaps that currently prevent a full profiling of financial participation, provide a description of individual countries against the background of comparable scores for the EU 27 and to promote a common platform for financial participation within the European Union.