A Comparative Analysis of IPO Proceeds Under Alternative Regulatory Environments

Book Description

Benveniste and Wilhelm (1990) address the problem of an Initial Public Offer where the issuer uses the bookbuilding method to elicit information from potentially informed regular investors. Bamp;W contend that regulatory constraints on the ability of underwriters to price discriminate between these investors can reduce the proceeds available to the issuer. This Comment corrects errors in the derivation of the model and clarifies their central results accordingly. Only under the assumption that regular institutional investors are, on average, less well informed than ordinary retail investors may the uniform pricing constraint bind. Otherwise, a uniform pricing restriction does not reduce IPO proceeds. When regular institutional investors are, on average, at least as well informed as ordinary retail investors we can now rule out the need for price discrimination.

A Comparative Analysis of Real and Accrual Earnings Management Around Initial Public Offerings Under Different Regulatory Environments

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While earnings management around IPOs has been researched in a number of settings, there has been a relative absence of work that analyses the impact of the regulatory environment on such activities. We find that the regulatory environment does impact the real and accrual earnings management activities of IPO firms. Our results show that IPO firms listing on the lightly regulated UK Alternative Investment Market (AIM) have higher (lower) levels of accrual based and sales based (discretionary expenses based) earnings management around the IPO than firms listing on the more heavily regulated Main market in the UK.

The Oxford Handbook of IPOs

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This book provides a comprehensive analysis of IPOs. The chapters cover the latest information on a range of fundamental questions, including: How are IPOs regulated? How are IPOs valued? How well does an IPO perform in the short and long run, and what are the drivers of performance?

The IPO Decision

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Annotation Initial public offerings (IPOs) garnered unprecedented positive attention in the 1990s for their spectacular returns and central role in entrepreneurial activity. Subsequent revelations of unscrupulous IPO allocation and promotion practices cast a less fa.

Research Handbook on Securities Regulation in the United States

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This fascinating Handbook provides a clear explanation of the securities market regulation regime in the United States. A diverse set of contributors offer a comprehensive overview of the regulatory process, Dodd-Frank, the principal securities statute

IPOs and SEOs in the US Real Estate Industry

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Philip Radner analyzes equity financing phenomena and researches IPO underpricing and SEO announcement effects using data sets for US REITs. Moreover, he discusses underpricing theories and their applicability in the REIT context and gives a theoretical background on IPOs and on underpricing in particular. With this background at hand, the results out of this dissertation imply to focus on the wording in IPO documents as it can help to maximize IPO proceeds. In addition, he analyzes how to better time and announce subsequent equity financing events. It is expected that significantly underpriced issues attract more investors and that subsequent SEOs are then easier to conduct and typically raise more capital.

New Research in Corporate Finance and Banking

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This text is a reflection of research carried out by European scholars into financial economics. Topics discussed include asset pricing in the context of perfect markets, take-over bids, and the interplay between banks and financial markets.

Essays in Financial Economics

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This dissertation consists of three essays that examine various problems in financial economics. Chapter 1 fills in a gap in the IPO literature by documenting a close connection between IPO underpricing and the long-term underperformance of IPOs. Firms going public in periods of low underpricing do not underperform in the long run, while firms going public in high underpricing periods do. Furthermore, IPOs in later stages of high underpricing periods underperform even relative to their offer prices, which suggests that many of the most "underpriced" IPOs are in fact priced above fundamental value. This result is unlikely to be explained by differences in risk, or to be driven by a peso problem. I also find that firms going public in later stages of high underpricing periods display worse operating performance and profitability, lower asset growth, lower investment rates and higher cash holdings. Finally, I provide evidence that investor sentiment is stronger in high-underpricing periods. These results are consistent with a setting in which low quality firms, in periods in which the average underpricing in the market is high, try to exploit investors' sentiment by going public. Chapter 2 looks at the return predictability information in Single Country Closed-End Fund (SCCEF) discounts. It is long argued that discounts in closed-end funds are caused by differences in sentiment between investors that trade the fund and investors that trade the underlying assets. SCCEFs provide an interesting setting given the clear market segmentation. American SCCEFs are priced by American investors, while underlying assets are mainly traded by investors in the respective country. I argue that if cross-sectional and time-series variation in SCCEFs are linked to differences in sentiment, then the SCCEF discount can be used to predict future performance of SCCEFs, international stock markets, or both. The evidence on international stock markets' return predictability using SCCEF discounts is mixed. A trading strategy designed to exploit potential differences in sentiment by buying and selling international stock indices delivers alphas of around 90bps per month in an International CAPM. Adding three extra factors: value, size and momentum in U.S. equity does not change the result. However, once we control for international value and momentum in stock markets, we no longer observe positive alphas for short-horizon investments. The evidence on SCCEF return predictability from SCCEF discounts is very strong. For all three asset pricing models considered, a strategy that exploits differences in sentiment yields positive alphas, with magnitudes ranging from 2% to 4% per month. In Chapter 3, I investigate how the stock market reacts to earnings surprises announced during major sport events in the U.S. In a rational and frictionless market, investors should not react differently to announcements released during sport events. However, major sport events combine two known psychological biases. First, sports can be distracting, impairing investors' judgment. Second, sports can change people's mood. Hence, through these biases, market prices could be affected. Considering the Super Bowl, World Series of Baseball and NBA finals I find that investors, immediately after sport events, underreact to positive surprises, and overreact to negative surprises in earnings. After this initial reaction, I find that, investors undo their 'mistakes' in the following weeks to the announcement. However, for the most negative and positive surprises, they over-compensate. In this study, I show that non relevant financial events have an impact on market prices. Moreover, I show that the observed impact cannot be explained only by limited attention, as investor mood seems to be crucial to explain investors' reactions.

Going Public

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Going Public investigates why companies routinely underprice themselves as they try to list themselves on the stock exchange. They subsequently underperform over the long-term and, in Going Public, the authors explore these 2 phenomena in plain English.

Handbook of Empirical Corporate Finance SET

Book Description

This two-volume set summarizes recent research on corporate decision-making. The first volume covers measurement and theoretical subjects as well as sources of capital, including banks, public offerings, and private investors. In the second volume, contributors focus on the ways corporations are structured and the practices through which they can be bought and sold. Thus, its major subjects include dividends, capital structure, financial distress, takeovers, restructurings, and managerial incentives. Takes stock of the main empirical findings to date across an unprecedented spectrum of corporate finance issues Discusses everything from econometric methodology, to raising capital and capital structure choice, and to managerial incentives and corporate investment behavior Contributors are leading empirical researchers that remain active in their respective areas of expertise Writing style makes the chapters accessible to industry practitioners