Drug Dependence and Alcoholism

Book Description

Determination and treatment of the unique needs of each addicted individual is a prerequisite to rehabilitation. General descriptions of large subgroups of the addicted population may only serve to iden tify issues pertinent to treatment and global treatment needs. How ever, specification of services needed is a first step in incorpora ting these in treatment. Clearly, women in treatment need many ser vices which, currently, are not typically available and may be criti cal for successful treatment of many of these women. REFERENCES Anderson, M. 1977. Medical needs of addicted women and men and the implications for treatment: focus on women. WDR report #4. Nat. Inst. Drug Abuse. Special Treatment Projects Section, Services Research Branch, Div. Resource Development. Blinick, G. 1971. Fertility of narcotics addicts and effects of ad diction on the offspring. Soc. BioI. l8(Supplement): 34. Blumer, H. et al. 1967. The World of Youthful Drug Use. Berkeley, California: Univ. of Calif. Doyle, K. and Levy, S. 1975. The female client: How treated in drug abuse programs. Paper presented at Annual Meeting, Am. Psychol. Assoc., Chicago, Illinois. Edwards, H., Johnston, M., and Simon, W. 1976. The incidence and prevalence of drug use among adults in Illinois. Report: Insti tute for Juvenile Research, Dept. Mental Health, Chicago, Ill. Eldred, C. and Washington, M. 1976. Interpersonal relationships in heroin use by men and women and their role in treatment outcome. Int. J. Add. 11: 117.