A Cosmological Reformulation of Anselm’s Proof That God Exists

Book Description

In this book, Richard Campbell reformulates Anselm’s proof to show that factual evidence confirmed by modern cosmology validly implies that God exists. Anselm’s proof, which was never the “ontological argument” attributed to him, emerges as engaging with current philosophical issues concerning existence and scientific explanation.

Evidence for the Existence of God

Book Description

Ever wondered if there is any evidence for the existence of God? Ever wondered where to start looking? Taking a helicopter ride through the disciplines of Science, Philosophy and History, Evidence for the Existence of God introduces some of the key evidence each subject gives in answer to the ancient question ""Is there a God?"" Medical Student and President of Christians in Science London, Benjamin Chang, introduces the evidence that brought him from atheism to Christianity.

The Many-Faced Argument

Book Description

The Many-Faced Argument presents a compilation of essays on the ontogical argument for the existence of God, covering responses to Anselm's position in the first half, and, in the second half, covering developments of the argument in the context of modern philosophy. Along with contibutions by editors Hick and McGill, other writers include Karl Barth, Andre Hayden, Anselm Stolz, Bertrand Russell, Jerome Shaffer, Gilbert Ryle, Aime Forest, Norman Malcolm, and Charles Hartshorne. While interest in the the ontological argument has arisen from various disciplines -- historical, theological and philosophical -- the purpose of this book is to bring these varied writings together so that scholars and students within each discipline may have contributions from other fields readily available.

What Scientific Evidence Proves God Created & Designed the Universe?

Book Description

The Big Bang was the most intelligently controlled and exquisitely designed phenomena science has ever discovered. The latest scientific discoveries can shed light on some theological questions: How can God hear an answer the prayers of billions of people all at the same time? Why we cannot understand the Trinity. How can Jesus pay for everybody's sin in just a few hours while on the cross?

Scientific Proof that God Exists

Book Description

This book is an attempt at a radically different approach to the subject of its title - summarising the subject of Scientific Proof that God Exists from an unusual viewpoint with plenty of very surprising material. It has been largely superseded by my complete rewrite 'Now is the Dawning of the Time of the End'

Proving God Exists

Book Description

God is real. The evidence is solid and extensive. It’s not based on blind faith or wishful thinking, but on hard science. The starting point is to strip away layers of mysticism and superstition surrounding the question of a Supreme Being; then, to ask: what do we really mean by “God”? How can we describe Him? What evidence do we have such a Being exists? In addressing these questions, the book relies on physics and cosmology; on Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, Black Hole Theory, Thermodynamics, Loop Quantum Gravity, and others. Ultimately, the scientific evidence leads to a provocative conclusion: the ubiquity of a Universal Mind.

Infinity and the Proofs for the Existence of God

Book Description

This book is more than just a set of logical proofs. It shows us who and what God is, and explains how our universe exploded into existence in the Big Bang, some 13.799 billion years ago, in such a way that all other Being in the universe derives its existence and nature — and its capacities for growth, power, moral character, change, and novelty — from God as the Ground of Being. This is a book for people who are interested in philosophy. It begins with a discussion of some of the fallacies into which the concept of infinity has led careless thinkers over the centuries. In particular, Chesnut demonstrates how often the modern defenses of atheism have been based on what are no more than pseudo-infinite regresses. This includes in particular self-delusive attempts to get rid of God by constructing what would be no more than imaginary universe-sized perpetual motion machines. The last half of the book then has as its central focus the set of Five Proofs for the Existence of God formulated by the great medieval thinker St. Thomas Aquinas, where Chesnut begins by showing how each of the proofs was interpreted in the middle ages. But the development of modern science requires that the Five Proofs be reworked for today, so he shows, for example, how the Proof from Motion can be reworded as an Argument from Energy, subject to the laws of thermodynamics, and how the Proof from Gradations in Truth and Value forces us to decide whether we will accept that at least some moral values are real, or instead will become what modern psychologists call psychopaths. This present book, combined with the work Chesnut authored nine years ago — God and Spirituality: Philosophical Essays — sets out an architectonic philosophical system for the twenty-first century, grounded on one side in the classics of the ancient Greco-Roman world and the medieval period, but on the other hand taking seriously the revolutionary changes in western thought produced by the development of twentieth-century science, including relativity, quantum theory, the uncertainty principle, and Gödel’s proof.