A Cultural Theology of Salvation

Book Description

There aren't many serious works of systematic theology which engage with Breaking Bad, The Big Bang Theory, Crazy Heart, theories of capital and positive psychology, as well as the Isenheim Altarpiece and Handel's Messiah. This lively, contemporary study of salvation does precisely that. Christian doctrine cannot simply repeat what has gone before, even as it recognises the value and richness of the traditions Christianity carries with it. Clive Marsh acknowledges this in exploring how doctrine interweaves with life experience and cultural consumption. A Cultural Theology of Salvation considers how salvation is to be understood and articulated now, when the theme of 'redemption' appears outside of Christianity in the arts and popular culture. Marsh also assesses whether contemporary interest in 'happiness' has anything to do with salvation. The first part of the book sets the enquiry in the context of how theology operates as a discipline, and the cultural climate in which theology has to be done. The second part offers a number of case-studies (in art, music, TV, film, positive psychology, and economic life) exploring how the concerns of a doctrine of salvation are addressed directly and indirectly in Western culture. The third part distils the results of the case-studies in formulating a contemporary exposition of salvation, and concludes by showing what this means in practice.

Christology in Cultural Perspective

Book Description

Christology defines the very heart of the Christian faith. Traditionally the study of the person and work of Christ has been understood largely as an exercise in biblical exegesis or historical and doctrinal analysis. Rarely, if ever, has Christology focused on the changing cultural paradigms that have deeply influenced the development of human knowledge and self understanding. This unique volume by Colin Greene reverses that trend and, in line with developments in modern cultural theory, explores the interlaces between successive cultural contexts and the story of Jesus to which the Scriptures bear witness. Starting with an examination of the three main Christological trajectories that have dominated the history of Christology--cosmological Christology, political Christology, and anthropological Christology--Greene proceeds to concentrate on the subtle and complex linkages between Christology and the sociopolitical paradigms that have bolstered the epistemological assumptions of modernity. Greene's wide-ranging study closes with a creative exploration into how Christology might once again provide us with a Christ-centered vision of reality.

Salvation in African Christianity

Book Description

“What must I do to be saved?” That question, raised in the book of Acts by the Philippian jailer, is a question for the ages. Yet what, even, does it mean to be saved? Is salvation for this life or the next? Is it purely spiritual or does it have physical and material implications? Can salvation be lost? Do we determine who will be saved or does God? What role does Christ play in salvation? Such are the seemingly unending questions soteriology strives to answer. In this eighth volume from the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology, African theologians articulate their understanding of salvation – and its widespread implications for life and practice – in conversation with Scripture and the rich diversity of an African cultural context. Salvation is examined from historical, philosophical, and theological lenses, and scholars address topics as wide-ranging as conversion, ethnicity, fertility, poverty, prosperity, the Trinity, exclusivism, African Pentecostalism, rural community, eschatology, wholeness, and atonement. It is a powerful exploration of the holistic nature of salvation as articulated in Scripture and understood by the African church.

So Great a Salvation

Book Description

Though the global center of Christianity has been shifting south and east for decades, very few biblical and theological resources have dealt with the seismic changes afoot. The Majority World Theology series seeks to remedy that lack by gathering well-regarded Christian thinkers from around the world to discuss the significance of Christian teaching in their respective contexts. This textbook series introduces students and scholars to these enlightening developments from the Majority World. In So Great a Salvation nine scholars from the global church reflect deeply on soteriology in the Majority World. For many Christians outside Europe and North America, the doctrine of salvation is not a mere theological construct but, rather, a matter of life and death. Taking African, Asian, Latin American, and First Nations cultural contexts into account, this book allows readers to see God's creative deliverance in a fresh light. CONTRIBUTORS: Milton Acosta (Colombian) Ray Aldred (Cree) Sung Wook Chung (Korean American) Rosinah Mmannana Gabaitse (Botswanan) Elaine W. F. Goh (Malaysian Chinese) Emily J. Choge Kerama (Kenyan) Jules A. Mart nez-Olivieri (Puerto Rican) Daniel J. Treier (American) K. K. Yeo (Chinese American)

The Mormon Culture of Salvation

Book Description

The Mormon Culture of Salvation presents a comprehensive study of Mormon cultural and religious life, offering important new theories of Mormonism - one of the fastest growing movements and thought by many to be the next world religion. Bringing social, scientific and theological perspectives to bear on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Douglas Davies draws from theology, history of religions, anthropology, sociology and psychology to present a unique example of a truly interdisciplinary analysis in religious studies. Examining the many aspects of Mormon belief, ritual, family life and history, this book presents a new interpretation of the origin of Mormonism, arguing that Mormonism is rooted in the bereavement experience of Joseph Smith, which influenced the development of temple ritual for the dead and the genealogical work of many Mormon families. Davies shows how the Mormon commitment to work for salvation relates to current Mormon belief in conversion, and to traditional Christian ideas of grace. The Mormon Culture of Salvation is an important work for Mormons and non-Mormons alike, offering fresh insights into how Mormons see the world and work for their future glory in heavenly realms. Written by a non-Mormon with over 30 years' research experience into Mormonism, this book is essential reading for those seeking insights into new interdisciplinary forms of analysis in religion, as well as all those studying or interested in Mormonism and world religions. Douglas J. Davies is Professor in the Study of Religion in the Department of Theology, Durham University, UK. He is the author of many books including Death, Ritual and Belief (Cassell, 1997), Mormon Identities in Transition (Cassell, 1994), Mormon Spirituality (1987), and Meaning and Salvation in Religious Studies (Brill, 1984).

Christianity and Culture

Book Description

J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) was Professor of New Testament at Princeton Seminary, before leaving in 1929 to establish Westminster Theology Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Machen was one of the last intellectual defenders of orthodox Christianity in the seemingly triumph of liberalism in the early 20th century. Originally published in The Princeton Theology Review in 1913, Machen’s essay on Christianity and Culture continues to be relevant today. Writes Machen, “The Church is puzzled by the world’s indifference. She is trying to overcome it by adapting her message to the fashions of the day. But if, instead, before the conflict, she would descend into the secret place of meditation, if by the clear light of the gospel she would seek an answer not merely to the questions of the hour but, first of all, to the eternal problems of the spiritual world, then perhaps, by God’s grace, through His good Spirit, in His good time, she might issue forth once more with power, and an age of doubt might be followed by the dawn of an era of faith.”

Salvation and Modernity

Book Description

"Salvation and Modernity presents an interpretation of the phenomenon of intellectual Christians in contemporary Chinese society, with special focus paid to Liu Xiaofeng, by exploring the main issues of faith, salvation, and the quest for a modern China. Author Fredrik Fallman investigates similar developments in earlier centuries by linking past and present forms of cultural Christian phenomenon and the beliefs and ideas of Liu Xiaofeng and other scholars. Their focus on Christianity implies a criticism of traditional Chinese value systems, in particular Confucianism and Daoism. The introduction of Christian theology and values into Chinese academia is a way of creating greater understanding for Western culture. Many cultural Christians argue that this advanced understanding is a prerequisite for establishing a modern China. Issues of personal faith and identity are also central in respect to modernity as well as to individual and national salvation." "Post-Mao China is seeking a new foundation for values, and cultural Christians have a definite role to play. Since the choice of Christianity is an expression of individuality, freedom, and criticism of political structures, cultural Christians will ultimately help in laying foundations for a theology in Chinese relations between the intellectuals and the Church. The impact and importance of cultural Christians is becoming more visible now than ever before."--BOOK JACKET.

Creation and Salvation

Book Description

Christians trying to "save the planet" have to relate "creation" with "salvation." This volume explores the ways in which this task is approached by a wide range of recent theological movements.


Book Description

How can a Christian brought up in the metropolis of Sao Paulo speak the gospel clearly to a Buddhist raised in the mountains of Tibet? Every missionary confronts the difficulty of cross-cultural communication. But missionaries from the Third World, Bruce Nicholls says, must understand four cultures--"the Bible's, the Western missionaries' who first brought the gospel, their own, and the people's to whom they take the gospel." Recognizing this, Nicholls proposes that the gospel be contextualized, that is, presented in forms which are characteristic of the culture to which the gospel is taken. The problem is to find the right cultural forms and thus keep the gospel message both clear and biblical. Nicholls deals with tough social, theological and hermeneutical questions and proposes a direction for missions in the future. Bruce J. Nicholls, formerly executive secretary of the World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Commission, was a career missionary in India working in theological education and in pastoral ministry with the Church of North India. He was also Editor of the Evangelical Review of Theology for 18 years and is now Editor of the Asia Bible Commentary series.