Orientação Sexual na Esola

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Inteligência Espiritual

Book Description

Inteligência espiritual é um assunto muito discutido atualmente por psicólogos e outros estudiosos da mente humana. Estudos científicos estão confirmando as palavras de Agostinho de que fomos feitos para Deus e inquieto estará nosso coração até repousar em Deus. Além de bio-psico-social, o ser humano também possui a dimensão espiritual, que é a mais elevada, pois se relaciona com o transcendente. E, ao conectar-se com Deus, ele volta à sua verdadeira origem. um ser criado à imagem divina, com vida plena.

Current Catalog

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First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

O tempero do tempo

Book Description

Este volume se originou a partir das ações do projeto de pesquisa nos Estudos Descritivos da Tradução, homologado pela UTFPR, campus de Pato Branco, sob nossa coordenação. O objetivo maior do projeto foi viabilizar a tradução de textos literários brasileiros para a língua inglesa, por meio da atuação de tradutores em formação e da supervisão de docentes do departamento e curso de Letras, licenciatura Português-Inglês. Entre 2018-2019 estabelecemos crucial parceria com a Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, EDUEL, por intermédio da direção do Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos Migliozzi Ferreira de Mello, a qual nos possibilitou contato com publicações de relevância e sua consequente tradução realizada pelos participantes do nosso projeto. A parceria vigente nos prenuncia a produção de muitos frutos literários e tradutórios. Assim, após cuidadosa revisão das traduções, discussão e reflexão dos participantes, concretiza-se este livro de poesia bilíngue do nosso brilhante e carismático escritor londrinense, Domingos Pellegrini. Laureado com o Prêmio Jabuti, em 1977, pelo romance O homem Vermelho e, novamente, em 2001, pelo livro O caso da chácara chão, Domingos foi ainda agraciado com outras quatro edições do prêmio. A divulgação da obra poética de nosso escritor de renome nacional e internacional nos enche de orgulho e satisfação e, dessa forma, oferecemos este livro em edição bilíngue, cuja leitura certamente encantará a todos.

LGBTQs, Media and Culture in Europe

Book Description

Media matter, particularly to social minorities like lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. Rather than one homogenised idea of the ‘global gay’, what we find today is a range of historically and culturally specific expressions of gender and sexuality, which are reflected and explored across an ever increasing range of media outlets. This collection zooms in on a number of facets of this kaleidoscope, each chapter discussing the intersection of a particular European context and a particular medium with its affordances and limitations. While traditional mass media form the starting point of this book, the primary focus is on digital media such as blogs, social media and online dating sites. All contributions are based on recent, original empirical research, using a plethora of qualitative methods to offer a holistic view on the ways media matter to particular LGBTQ individuals and communities. Together the chapters cover the diversity of European countries and regions, of LGBTQ communities, and of the contemporary media ecology. Resisting the urge to extrapolate, they argue for specificity, contextualisation and a provincialized understanding of the connections between media, culture, gender and sexuality.

International Handbook of Love

Book Description

This handbook includes state-of-the-art research on love in classical, modern and postmodern perspectives. It expands on previous literature and explores topics around love from new cultural, intercultural and transcultural approaches and across disciplines. It provides insights into various love concepts, like romantic love, agape, and eros in their cultural embeddedness, and their changes and developments in specific cultural contexts. It also includes discussions on postmodern aspects with regard to love and love relationships, such as digitalisation, globalisation and the fourth industrial revolution. The handbook covers a vast range of topics in relation to love: aging, health, special needs, sexual preferences, spiritual practice, subcultures, family and other relationships, and so on. The chapters look at love not only in terms of the universal concept and in private, intimate relationships, but apply a broad concept of love which can also, for example, be referred to in postmodern workplaces. This volume is of interest to a wide readership, including researchers, practitioners and students of the social sciences, humanities and behavioural sciences. In the 1970s through the 90s, I was told that globalization was homogenizing cultures into a worldwide monoculture. This volume, as risky and profound as the many adventures of love across our multiplying cultures are, proves otherwise. The authors’ revolutionary and courageous work will challenge our sensibilities and expand the boundaries of what we understand what love is. But that’s what love does: It communicates what is; offers what can be; and pleads for what must be. I know you’ll enjoy this wonderful book as much as I do! Jeffrey Ady, Associate Professor (retired), Public Administration Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Founding Fellow, International Academy for Intercultural Research The International Handbook of Love is far more than a traditional compendium. It is a breath-taking attempt to synthesize our anthropological and sociological knowledge on love. It illuminates topics as diverse as Chinese love, one-night stands, teen romance or love of leaders and many more. This is a definitive reference in the field of love studies. Eva Illouz, author of The End of Love: A sociology of Negative relationships. Oxford University Press. “This is not a volume to be read in a single sitting (though I almost did, due to a protracted hospital stay), nor is it romantic or inspirational reading (though, in some cases, I had hoped for more narrative examples and case studies. Rather it is a highly diverse scholarly effort, a massive resource collection of research papers on love in a variety of contexts, personal and professional settings, and cultures. The work is well referenced providing a large number of resources for deeper exploration. .... We owe our thanks to the authors and editors of this “handbook” for work well done, though that word in the title should not lead readers to suspect that, enlightening as it is, this book is a vade mecum or practical tour guide that provides ready solutions to the vicissitudes and challenges of our love lives!” Reviewed by Dr. George F. Simons on amazon.com ******* Please see Claude-Hélène Mayer’s interview related to the handbook in LeanHealth Talks published by Bernadette Bruckner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVNXA9sWuWo ******* Please see Claude-Hélène Mayer’s interview related to the handbook published In Iran News Daily: https://newspaper.irandaily.ir/?nid=6941&pid=6&type=0