A Festive Alleluia

Book Description

Captivating syncopations, mixed meters, and rhythmic vitality spark this refreshing work that incorporated both Latin and English lyrics. This joyous minor-mode piece is effective for concert and festival use and is also a fantastic choice for an opening number.

7 Festive Trumpet Solos

Book Description

Seven Festive Trumpet Solos is a collection of powerful and sparkling settings for trumpet and organ. Several of the compositions are original. Others are new arrangements on well-loved sacred hymns. This text is the first in a two book series. the follow up is called Trumpet Praise! All selections in this book and in the companion book, Trumpet Praise! may be heard in the companion free audio download. Seven Festive Trumpet Solos contains the organ and trumpet parts. A free download of the trumpet solo parts is also available. the solos in both this book and in Trumpet Praise! are ideal for church worship celebrations, concerts, festivals and recitals.

Hallelujah, Amen (from Judas Maccabeus)

Book Description

This glorious oratorio by Handel transcribes very well for double brass quintet. Brilliant fanfare figures in the trumpets and the powerful choral parts given to the horns and trombones make this piece a newly discovered brass master work. The range and technical demands are reasonable for all players.

In Tune with the World

Book Description

"Pieper exposes the pseudo-festivals, in their harmless and their sinister forms; traditional feasts contaminated by commercialism; artificial holidays created in the interest of merchandisers; holidays by coercion, decreed by dictators the world over; festivals as military demonstrations; holidays empty of significance. And lastly we are given the apocalyptic vision of a nihilistic world which would seek its release not in festivities but in destruction."--BOOK JACKET.

Bonse ABA

Book Description

Sizzling with celebratory rhythmic energy, this African folk song loosely translates: "Those that sing have the right to be called the children of God." The only accompanying instruments are hand drum (treble drum), djembe (bass drum), and shaker, which add authentic flavor and opportunities for improvisation. The vocal parts are easily learned due to their repetition and call-and-response style.

Christ's Object Lessons—Illustrated

Book Description

Heritage Edition—Over 100 illustrations of a century ago. Unabridged, original text consisting of inspiring and profound lessons from the stories and parables which Jesus told. Christ the Great Teacher gave much of His instruction as He walked with His disciples through the hills and valleys of Palestine or rested by the lake or river. In His parable teaching He linked divine truth with common things and incidents, as may be found in the experiences of the shepherd, the builder, the tiller of the soil, the traveler, and the homemaker. Familiar objects were associated with thoughts true and beautiful—thoughts of God’s loving interest in us, of the grateful homage that is His due, and of the care we should have one for another. Thus lessons of divine wisdom and practical truth were made forcible and impressive. The Scripture says, “All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; . . . that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matt. 13:34, 35. Natural things were the medium for the spiritual; the things of nature and the life-experience of His hearers were connected with the truths of the written word. Leading thus from the natural to the spiritual kingdom, Christ’s parables are links in the chain of truth that unites man with God, and earth with heaven. In this volume the parables are grouped according to their subjects, and their lessons are developed and illustrated. The book is full of gems of truth, and to many readers it will give a richer meaning to the common surroundings of everyday life.

And This Shall Be for Music

Book Description

Mary Lynn delivers Stevenson's emotional message through the marriage of her memorable music to his artful text. Extremely expressive and complemented by luscious harmonies and a rich accompaniment, this absolutely lovely work will showcase a broad spectrum of choirs and age groups.

Catholic Hymnal

Book Description

Catholic Book of Worship III.

Book Description

How to Beat the Cost of Implementing CBW IIIHow your parish can get CBW III without straining its budget: 1) Two-year interest-free financing option allows you to pay in instalments-No payment for 90 days! Order 50 copies or more of CBW III (any combination of Choir and Pew editions). Upon receipt of the invoice, you have three months to pay only one third (1/3) of the amount billed. Pay the second third on the anniversary date of your invoice (a year later), and the last third the following year. No interest will be charged during this period. (Please note that our offer for a two-year interest-free payment plan does not apply to discounted orders.) or...2) Place your order through your diocese and save up to 20%. When placing bulk orders for their parishes, dioceses get a discount. In the case of CBW III, the discount is 20%. We normally bill and ship the order to the diocese, which is then responsible for redistribution. However, for CBW III we have agreed to bill the diocese and ship to individual parishes, when requested.