Theological Education in Contemporary Africa

Book Description

Part One addresses 'Theological Foundations.' The five essays in this section deal with the Bible, Theology and Ecumenism. The subjects of theological methods, contextual hermeneutics, and appropriate curriculum are given special attention. Of course even foundational issues cannot be discussed in a vacuum and so each of the essays addresses these foundational subjects in the light of African realities. Part Two deals with 'Contemporary Issues.' It is particularly in this section that the traditional themes in African theology have been somewhat displaced by concerns which are today very pressing indeed. Three essays are devoted to the question of HIV/AIDS. This disease, which has devastated the African continent, demands a theological and practical response from those who claim to follow Jesus Christ. If the churches do not respond to this crisis with energy and determination we should not be surprised if the next generation wonders whether the Gospel has the power which we claim that it has. Two essays address the question of Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations in Africa. The resurgence of Islam in the world today is a concern of many. For those who believe in Jesus, this is a challenge which demands much wisdom and love. How should we respond to our Muslim neighbours? What are appropriate and thoughtful ways to share the love of Christ? Two further essays appear under the title of 'The Marginalized.' This could, of course, be a much large section. Those who suffer from AIDS could be included in this number, and one might have expected to see at least one essay on the place of women. In this volume, however, the 'disabled' and youth are highlighted. Both groups are clearly in need of the attention of the churches, and both groups are clearly misunderstood and neglected. The final section of Part Two contains essays, which focus attention on 'Theological Paedagogy.' All of the other contributions to this volume make suggestions and arguments about curriculum, resources, and issues of concern for theological educators. The causal aim of this book is that these essays may help us to reflect in an intentional way on the implications of contemporary realities for the future of theological education.

A critical engagement with theological education in Africa

Book Description

The higher education landscape has arguably become one of the most arduous to traverse. More so in the African context, where a host of variables continiously challenge educators to reflect critically on their philosophies and practices as they engage an ever-changing audience. In this book, a critical engagement with theological education in Africa is offered. As the book originates from South Africa, it is presented as a South African perspective, although contributors are situated accross the African continent and abroad. The common denominator is that all contributers are, in some way or another, invested in theological education in Africa. The main contribution of this collaborative work is to be sought in the insights it offers on four main areas of theological education: A historical and current orientation on theological edcuation in Africa, some paradigm shifts in theological education in Africa, ministerial formation needs versus theological education challenges, and a critical reflection on elective models and methods. The book presents the original and innovative research of scholars for fellow scholars involved in theological higher education as it is grounded in the respective fields of interest of each contributor. It contributes to a better understanding of the complex African theological higher education landscape that is also mindful of post-COVID-19 realities. Methodologically the work draws on a combination of methods, including literature studies, empirical work, and in some cases sectional offerings from doctoral studies, as indicated in the various chapters.

African Contextual Realities

Book Description

Everyone who has “eyes to see” acknowledges the growing importance of the African church to the future of global Christianity. But what does it mean for the church to take root in Africa? How should the message of the gospel and the practice of Christianity be contextualized for Africa? African Contextual Realities addresses many of the questions surrounding contextualization from a practical point of view and is the fruit of the 6th Annual Conference of the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology held in Nairobi in 2016. The book explores such questions as: • In what ways should the mission of God be universally recognizable in every cultural context? • In our efforts to contextualize, how do we avoid compromising the very gospel we are to proclaim? • How can the African church wean itself away from dependency on the Western church? • How does Christianity speak into some of the cultural and social issues arising out of contemporary African settings – issues like widow cleansing, Christian-Muslim relations, and peace-building? All those who are interested to learn more about the contextualization of African Christianity will find this volume to be an important resource.

Testing Times: Globalisation and Investing Theology in East Africa

Book Description

The main topic of this book is the tendency among young people in East Africa to turn from the traditional Church towards new charismatic movements such as the Balokole, which emphasise material over spiritual wealth. The book will examine the reasons for this and its possible effects; it will consider the implications for the Church and possible action to take. The book is divided into 9 chapters. Chapter 1 gives an overview of the history of the Christian Church, especially in the context of its commitment or otherwise to fighting poverty, and other problems which have contributed to the rise of the Balokole. Ideas on unity, catholicity and holiness are discussed in relation to the Church’s duties, especially the Apostolic tradition of carrying on Christ’s mission. Chapter 2 turns to young people’s views of the Church and its role. It argues that love, the basis of the Christian message, must imply a practical duty of care; and considers whether the Church’s failure to offer real help is connected with young people’s growing preference for non-traditional religion. It also looks at other problems such as family breakdown and unemployment, which are facing young people. Chapter 3 explores the Balokole movement and its links (or, mainly, absence of links) to established Churches. Its similarity to American movements such as Word of Faith is considered, and its message of ‘prosperity teaching’ is examined. As well as criticising Balokole distortion of Biblical messages about wealth and other matters, the chapter praises the way it incorporates traditional African elements, such as dance and music, into its worship. Should the traditional Church consider doing the same? In Chapter 4, contextual theology is discussed, particularly liberation theology. This Latin American development is considered in the context of contemporary African problems including recent ethnic conflict, widespread corruption and injustice. It is argued that liberation theology – a practical commitment to fighting poverty and injustice – is both a Christian duty and the best way to prevent the further spread of movements like the Bakolole. Chapter 5 returns to the American origins of the Bakolole movement, and gives an overview of various scholars who have attacked the ‘Word of Faith’ movement. It uses this criticism of the often corrupt, exploitative leaders of such movements as an opportunity to urge all leaders – including Church leaders – to reflect on and improve their own practice. Chapter 6 looks at the plight of young people in East Africa. It acknowledges the fact that the Bakolole have often given these people hope and a voice where all other institutions have failed them. As neither their families nor their governments are able to help, it is argued that the Church must fulfil its mission to serve as both family and community network, even if this means abandoning its long-standing habit of not getting involved in politics. Chapter 7 identifies the root cause of many of the problems discussed in the previous chapter: corruption. It explores the way bribery; nepotism and tribalism have poisoned East African political life, undermined the rule of law and led to grave injustices such as the treatment of the Buganda people. If this culture is to end, the Church must take the lead, and also root out corruption in its own ranks. In Chapter 8, practical ways of applying liberation theology are discussed. The chapter mentions worldwide organisations committed to fighting poverty, with which the Church could work, and looks at examples from recent history such as the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa. It considers the various criticisms of liberation theology which have been made by conservative elements, and refutes these, looking at the Christian and Biblical roots of modern anti-poverty movements. The Church’s role as the conscience of society is emphasised. Chapter 9 considers what the Church will need to do in order to eradicate poverty and create a more just society. It argues for careful selection of leaders in both religious and political organisations; and for regular scrutiny of their actions. It reiterates the author’s belief in the Church as the centre of the community, with a responsibility in all areas of social and economic as well as spiritual life. The book ends with a plea for the Church to take action to improve the lives of its members and prevent them from being exploited by unscrupulous forces.

Making Connections

Book Description

Because of the disconnect within the curriculum and the lack of contextual relevance, African theological education is still searching for appropriate approaches to ministerial training. Integrative theological education refers to systematic attempts to connect major learning experiences appropriate to the education and formation of ministers. It is seen as a solution to connect and transform ministry training. The main premise of this book is that the key to enhancing theological education is the intentional integration of knowing with being and doing, of theory with practice, and of theology with life and ministry. In this way, all aspects of student learning are brought together holistically, highlighting an educational strategy that is concerned with connections in human experience, thereby supporting student learning. Making Connections offers the opportunity to consider integration as an appropriate pedagogical approach, to create the correct balance in making education more meaningful and fulfilling for the African, revealing humanising education grounded in African philosophy and worldview.

Governance and Christian Higher Education in the African Context

Book Description

Integrity, pastoral care and authority lie at the heart of Christian leadership and indeed, following Jesus in any capacity, and they are also critical in state governance and Christian higher education. The articles in this book, the product of the 2017 conference of the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology, address these themes and other topics relating to the spheres of government and education in Africa to enhance our understanding of the challenges faced in African contexts. A wide range of Christian scholar-leaders provide a way forward for other church and institutional leaders who are seeking to faithfully fulfill their responsibilities of stewardship and instruction. Corruption, civil disobedience, good governance and formation of Christian leaders are matters that are becoming increasingly relevant not only in many African countries but across the world, and this book is a valuable resource for thoughtful reflection and guidance on these important subjects.