Automotive Air Pollution

Book Description

Automotive air pollution will intensify with increasing urbanization and the rapid pace of motorization in developing countries. Without effective measures to curb air pollution, some 300-400 million city dwellers in developing countries will become exposed to unhealthy and dangerous levels of air pollution by the end of the century. Administratively simple policies that encourage clean fuels and better traffic management are the most promising approach to controlling vehicle pollutant emissions in developing countries.

The Ongoing Challenge of Managing Carbon Monoxide Pollution in Fairbanks, Alaska

Book Description

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic air pollutant produced largely from vehicle emissions. Breathing CO at high concentrations leads to reduced oxygen transport by hemoglobin, which has health effects that include impaired reaction timing, headaches, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, weakness, clouding of consciousness, coma, and, at high enough concentrations and long enough exposure, death. In recognition of those health effects, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as directed by the Clean Air Act, established the health-based National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for CO in 1971. Most areas that were previously designated as "nonattainment" areas have come into compliance with the NAAQS for CO, but some locations still have difficulty in attaining the CO standards. Those locations tend to have topographical or meteorological characteristics that exacerbate pollution. In view of the challenges posed for some areas to attain compliance with the NAAQS for CO, congress asked the National Research Council to investigate the problem of CO in areas with meteorological and topographical problems. This interim report deals specifically with Fairbanks, Alaska. Fairbanks was chosen as a case study because its meteorological and topographical characteristics make it susceptible to severe winter inversions that trap CO and other pollutants at ground level.

Deep Learning and Its Applications for Vehicle Networks

Book Description

Deep Learning (DL) is an effective approach for AI-based vehicular networks and can deliver a powerful set of tools for such vehicular network dynamics. In various domains of vehicular networks, DL can be used for learning-based channel estimation, traffic flow prediction, vehicle trajectory prediction, location-prediction-based scheduling and routing, intelligent network congestion control mechanism, smart load balancing and vertical handoff control, intelligent network security strategies, virtual smart and efficient resource allocation and intelligent distributed resource allocation methods. This book is based on the work from world-famous experts on the application of DL for vehicle networks. It consists of the following five parts: (I) DL for vehicle safety and security: This part covers the use of DL algorithms for vehicle safety or security. (II) DL for effective vehicle communications: Vehicle networks consist of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside communications. This part covers how Intelligent vehicle networks require a flexible selection of the best path across all vehicles, adaptive sending rate control based on bandwidth availability and timely data downloads from a roadside base-station. (III) DL for vehicle control: The myriad operations that require intelligent control for each individual vehicle are discussed in this part. This also includes emission control, which is based on the road traffic situation, the charging pile load is predicted through DL andvehicle speed adjustments based on the camera-captured image analysis. (IV) DL for information management: This part covers some intelligent information collection and understanding. We can use DL for energy-saving vehicle trajectory control based on the road traffic situation and given destination information; we can also natural language processing based on DL algorithm for automatic internet of things (IoT) search during driving. (V) Other applications. This part introduces the use of DL models for other vehicle controls. Autonomous vehicles are becoming more and more popular in society. The DL and its variants will play greater roles in cognitive vehicle communications and control. Other machine learning models such as deep reinforcement learning will also facilitate intelligent vehicle behavior understanding and adjustment. This book will become a valuable reference to your understanding of this critical field.