A Neolithic Cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach

Book Description

The excavation report of a Neolithic cemetery (at site R2) on the east back of the Nile, the most detailed to date. Chapters look at the grave goods, including pottery, lithic tools, stone gems, and animal remains used both for tools and ornaments, and at the human skeletal and dental remains. Bio-archaeology provides evidence for the diet and health of the population, whilst grave goods offer evidence of chronology and social complexity. Tentative conclusions about the relative roles of hunting, herding and agriculture are offered.

A Kerma Ancien Cemetery in the Northern Dongola Reach

Book Description

Presents the final report on the excavations of a Kerma Ancien cemetery discovered by the Sudan Archaeological Research Society during its Northern Dongola Reach Survey (1993-1997). It is one of the very few cemeteries of this date to have been fully excavated and provides interesting data on funerary culture as practised in a rural environment.

Tales of Three Worlds - Archaeology and Beyond: Asia, Italy, Africa

Book Description

This book presents a series of papers in honour of Sandro Salvatori divided into three main sections reflecting his long years of work in Middle Asia, his time in Italy as an officer of the Archaeological Superintendency (Ministry of Cultural Heritage), and finally his studies on the prehistory of north-eastern Africa.

Paleopathology of the Ancient Egyptians

Book Description

This updated and expanded annotated bibliography presents and describes over 1,200 books, dissertations, excavation reports, and articles relevant to the paleopathology of the ancient Egyptians from the fields of Egyptology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and medicine, making it possible for scholars in these different fields to keep current with the latest finds and results. Each source has a short annotation explaining its relevant pathological information, so that scholars can ascertain whether or not any particular source is germane to their own research, and see what is being studied and published by others. In particular, this bibliography will be an immense help to scholars outside the field of Egyptology who want to know about the newest excavations with human remains. It will be indispensable to scholars as well as non-specialists who are intrigued by this area of study, particularly forensic pathologists, medical researchers, historians of medicine, and mummy enthusiasts.

A History of Water: Series III, Volume 3

Book Description

Major changes in policy and management , across the entire agricultural production chain, will be needed to ensure the best use of available water resources in meeting growing demands for food and other agricultural products. This new volume in the successful History of Water Series focuses on the African continent to address this key issue. Humanity has its roots in Africa and many of our food systems developed there. All types of agricultural production are present and the sheer size of the continent offers wide ecological variation from extreme desert to dense rainforest. Drawing together leading international contributors from a wide variety of disciplines Water and Food offers new insights into the evolution of food systems, from early hunter gatherers to the global challenges of the modern world.

Burials, Migration and Identity in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond

Book Description

Places burial traditions at the centre of Saharan migrations and identity debate, with new technical data and methodological analysis.

Handbook of Ancient Nubia

Book Description

Die moderne Geschichte Ägyptens und des Sudan hat mehrfach radikal in die nubische Lebenswelt eingegriffen und tut dies bis auf den heutigen Tag: Nach den großen Staudammbauten des 20. Jahrhunderts sind neue Damm-, Bau- und Schürfprojekte auch im 21. Jahrhundert der Anlass, unter enormem Zeitdruck großflächig nubisches Terrain zu erforschen. Hierdurch bedingt wurde auf allen Gebieten der Kulturgeschichte ein gewaltiger Wissenszuwachs erreicht. Ergänzt wird dies durch Entdeckungen in ägyptischen Fundplätzen, angrenzenden Wüstengebieten und benachbarten Großräumen. Die 42 Beiträge dieses Handbuches zielen auf die diachrone, regionale und großräumliche Perspektive. Beginnend mit den Befunden der Altsteinzeit wird der Weg hin zu dem Nebeneinander pastoraler Gesellschaften und größerer Kulturäume in der Flussaue dargestellt. Über die bronzezeitlichen Kulturen wird der Bogen zu den Königreichen von Napata und Meroe bis hin zu den christlichen Königreichen und der islamischen Frühneuzeit gespannt. Dieser Sammelband beabsichtigt, den interessierten Kulturwissenschaftler auf den jüngsten Stand der Forschung zu bringen und die wechselvolle Geschichte dieses Bindeglieds zwischen dem Mittelmeerraum und Afrika zu vermitteln.

The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia

Book Description

The cultures of Nubia built the earliest cities, states, and empires of inner Africa, but they remain relatively poorly known outside their modern descendants and the community of archaeologists, historians, and art historians researching them. The earliest archaeological work in Nubia was motivated by the region's role as neighbor, trade partner, and enemy of ancient Egypt. Increasingly, however, ancient Nile-based Nubian cultures are recognized in their own right as the earliest complex societies in inner Africa. As agro-pastoral cultures, Nubian settlement, economy, political organization, and religious ideologies were often organized differently from those of the urban, bureaucratic, and predominantly agricultural states of Egypt and the ancient Near East. Nubian societies are thus of great interest in comparative study, and are also recognized for their broader impact on the histories of the eastern Mediterranean and the Near East. The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia brings together chapters by an international group of scholars on a wide variety of topics that relate to the history and archaeology of the region. After important introductory chapters on the history of research in Nubia and on its climate and physical environment, the largest part of the volume focuses on the sequence of cultures that lead almost to the present day. Several cross-cutting themes are woven through these chapters, including essays on desert cultures and on Nubians in Egypt. Eleven final chapters synthesize subjects across all historical phases, including gender and the body, economy and trade, landscape archaeology, iron working, and stone quarrying.

Eastern Sudan in its Setting

Book Description

Ongoing research in Eastern Sudan has provided a preliminary reconstruction of the history of the region from c. 6000 BC to AD 1500. This publication outlines this reconstruction and also considers the more general setting known for the other regions of northeastern Africa