A Past To Deny (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

Once forgotten. Twice shy. Maggie Wallace had spent the most exciting night of her life with a man who couldn't even remember her name. And now she had to work with him all day and live in the same house as him all night. The nights were the worst... . Did Slane really not remember her?

Edge Of Deception (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

I'm Getting Married! While Tara wished her ex-husband well in his intended marriage, she couldn't deny her attraction to him. There was just no future in it - Sholto had made it clear that he couldn't forgive or forget her, and the edge of deception that colored their past seemed a chasm neither one of them could bridge.

The Other Man (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

Guilty passions When Gwen had been forced to reject the man she loved, she'd thought she'd made the right decision until fate thrust her and Aidan together to rekindle the compelling attraction they had felt in their youth. But twelve years amounted to a lot of living and both had gained a past of their own.

A Husband's Revenge (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

Forgotten husband! After waking up in a hospital bed, Clare couldn't even remember her own name, let alone who she was married to! When Jos introduced himself as her husband, he was a complete stranger to her... . Clare couldn't deny the sparks of sexual attraction between her and Jos, but she sensed a deeper bond between them.

Substitute Engagement (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

She couldn't win - and she couldn't refuse Lucia was furious. She'd been hurt, rejected and now she was being compromised. Rob Ballard's sister had stolen her fiance and Lucia was being asked to protect her feelings!

Slave To Love (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

Sweet Nights, No Promises... After her year-long affair with Solomon Maclaine, it was clear to Roberta that she would never be anything but his mistress. Mac's first marriage had left its scars on him, but he still seemed to give most of his time to his ex-wife and spoiled daughter.

Stranger Passing By (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

An Offer She Couldn't Refuse? When powerful Brent Akerman announced his intention to close down his chain of fashion accessory shops, somebody had to ask him to reconsider. Crystal was elected. Brent was open to suggestions and he didn't pull any punches - he liked Crystal, respected her talents and wanted to hire her for other projects.

More Than A Dream (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

Book Description

Too Much, Too Soon... To the outside world, it looked as though all of Melissa Morland's dreams had come true - she was married to gorgeous Charles Revington, was pregnant with his child and live in a palatial home in France. But Melissa craved the one thing she did not have: her husband's love. Perhaps someday... .

The Sweetest Revenge

Book Description

The moment Nick Armstrong saw Barbie Lamb, he had to have her. She was the sexiest woman he'd ever met! Completely forgotten was the teenage Barbie whose youthful crush he'd rejected years ago.... For Barbie, the sweetest revenge was to make Nick want her—then cut him dead! Only, he didn't seem to remember her, and his desire sparked the realization of how deeply she still wanted him. Their passion was all-consuming—but what would happen when they finally confronted the truth about their past?