A Simulation-Based Comparison Between Parametric and Nonparametric Estimation Methods in PBPK Models

Book Description

We compare parametric and nonparametric estimation methods in the context of PBPK modeling using simulation studies. We implement a Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulation technique in the parametric method, and a functional analytical approach to estimate the probability distribution function directly in the nonparametric method. The simulation results suggest an advantage for the parametric method when the underlying model can capture the true population distribution. On the other hand, our calculations demonstrate some advantages for a nonparametric approach since it is a more cautious (and hence safer) way to assess the distribution when one does not have sufficient knowledge to assume a population distribution form or parametrization. The parametric approach has obvious advantages when one has significant a priori information on the distributions sought, although when used in the nonparametric method, prior information can also significantly facilitate estimation.

Nonparametric Function Estimation, Modeling, and Simulation

Book Description

Topics emphasized include nonparametric density estimation as an exploratory device plus the deeper models to which the exploratory analysis points, multi-dimensional data analysis, and analysis of remote sensing data, cancer progression, chaos theory, epidemiological modeling, and parallel based algorithms. New methods discussed are quick nonparametric density estimation based techniques for resampling and simulation based estimation techniques not requiring closed form solutions.

Inverse Problems, Control and Modeling in the Presence of Uncertainty

Book Description

We report progress on the development of methods in a number of specific areas of application including static, non-cooperative games related to counter- and counter-counter-electromagnetic interrogation of targets, modeling of complex viscoelastic polymeric materials, stochastic and deterministic models for complex networks and development of inverse problem methodologies (generalized sensitivity functions; asymptotic standard errors) for estimation of infinite dimensional functional parameters including probability measures and temporal/spatial dependent functions in complex nonlinear dynamical systems. These efforts are part of our fundamental research in a modeling, estimation and control methodology (theoretical, statistical and computational) for systems in the presence of major model and observation uncertainties.

Mathematical Reviews

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Nonparametric Curve Estimation

Book Description

This book gives a systematic, comprehensive, and unified account of modern nonparametric statistics of density estimation, nonparametric regression, filtering signals, and time series analysis. The companion software package, available over the Internet, brings all of the discussed topics into the realm of interactive research. Virtually every claim and development mentioned in the book is illustrated with graphs which are available for the reader to reproduce and modify, making the material fully transparent and allowing for complete interactivity.

A Note on Nonparametric Estimation With Constructed Variables and Generated Regressors

Book Description

This article gives the asymptotic properties for nonparametric kernel based density and regression estimators when one of the variables, respectively regressors, had to be pre-estimated. Those variables are known as constructed variables or generatedregressors, and their impact on the -nal estimator is well studied in the fully para-metric context. The problem of making inference based on predicted rather than on observed values is quite frequent in econometrics and applied economics. The results are derived in such a way that the pre-estimation steps could be performed by any con-sistent nonparametric or parametric method. The case of parametric estimation with nonparametric predictors is discussed, as well. In most cases it is obvious and mathematically straightforward how to extend the results to semiparametric models or to other nonparametric smoothing methods. We also study the performance of nonparametric estimators with constructed variables by simulations and compare the numerical to our theoretical results.

Non-Parametric Estimation Under Strong Dependence

Book Description

We study non-parametric regression function estimation for models with strong dependence. Compared with short-range dependent models, long-range dependent models often result in slower convergence rates. We propose a simple differencing-sequence based non-parametric estimator that achieves the same convergence rate as if the data were independent. Simulation studies show that the proposed method has good finite sample performance.

Nonparametric Estimation and Specification Testing in Nonstationary Time Series Models

Book Description

In this paper, we consider both estimation and testing problems in a nonlinear time series model with nonstationarity. A nonparametric estimation method is proposed to estimate a sequence of nonparametric “distance functions”. We also propose a test statistic to test whether the regression function is of a known parametric nonlinear form. The power function of the proposed nonparametric test is studied and an asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is shown to depend on the asymptotic behavior of the “distance function” under a sequence of general semiparametric local alternatives. The asymptotic theory developed in this paper differs from existing work on nonparametric estimation and specification testing in the stationary time series case. In order to implement the proposed test in practice, a computer-intensive bootstrap simulation procedure is proposed and asymptotic approximations for both the size and power functions are established. Furthermore, the bandwidth involved in the test statistic is selected by maximizing the power function while the size function is controlled by a significance level. Meanwhile, both simulated and real data examples are provided to illustrate the proposed approach.

Robust Nonparametric and Semiparametric Modeling

Book Description

In this dissertation, several new statistical procedures in nonparametric and semiparametric models are proposed. The concerns of the research are efficiency, robustness and sparsity. In Chapter 3, we propose complete composite quantile regression (CQR) procedures for estimating both the regression function and its derivatives in fully nonparametric regression models by using local smoothing techniques. The CQR estimator was recently proposed by Zou and Yuan (2008) for estimating the regression coefficients in the classical linear regression model. The asymptotic theory of the proposed estimator was established. We show that, compared with the classical local linear least squares estimator, the new method can significantly improve the estimation efficiency of the local linear least squares estimator for commonly used non-normal error distributions, and at the same time, the loss in efficiency is at most 8.01% in the worst case scenario. In Chapter 4, we further consider semiparametric models. The complexity of semiparametric models poses new challenges to parametric inferences and model selection that frequently arise from real applications. We propose new robust inference procedures for the semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear model. We first study a quantile regression estimate for the nonparametric varying-coefficient functions and the parametric regression coefficients. To improve efficiency, we further develop a composite quantile regression procedure for both parametric and nonparametric components. To achieve sparsity, we develop a variable selection procedure for this model to select significant variables. We study the sampling properties of the resulting quantile regression estimate and composite quantile regression estimate. With proper choices of penalty functions and regularization parameters, we show the proposed variable selection procedure possesses the oracle property in the terminology of Fan and Li (2001). In Chapter 5, we propose a novel estimation procedure for varying coefficient models based on local ranks. By allowing the regression coefficients to change with certain covariates, the class of varying coefficient models offers a flexible semiparametric approach to modeling nonlinearity and interactions between covariates. Varying coefficient models are useful nonparametric regression models and have been well studied in the literature. However, the performance of existing procedures can be adversely influenced by outliers. The new procedure provides a highly efficient and robust alternative to the local linear least squares method and can be conveniently implemented using existing R software packages. We study the sample properties of the proposed procedure and establish the asymptotic normality of the resulting estimate. We also derive the asymptotic relative efficiency of the proposed local rank estimate to the local linear estimate for the varying coefficient model. The gain of the local rank regression estimate over the local linear regression estimate can be substantial. We further develop nonparametric inferences for the rank-based method. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to access the finite sample performance of the proposed estimation procedure. The simulation results are promising and consistent with our theoretical findings. All the proposed procedures are supported by intensive finite sample simulation studies and most are illustrated with real data examples.