A Stranger and You Welcomed Me

Book Description

This collection of the Pope's writings and talks on the plight of migrants and refugees shows his deep knowledge and concern. It points out how followers of Christ are obliged to understand the root causes of mass movement of peoples and to act in light of their suffering.

A Stranger and You Welcomed Me

Book Description

After its first, successful and award winning book series of homilies and reflections for the three liturgical cycles, Clear Faith Publishing is thrilled to launch its new series! So, once again, some of the finest homilists have come together to build a new compilation of homilies and reflections beginning with Cycle B of the Liturgical Year. A Stranger and You Welcomed Me breaks open the Sunday and Feast Days readings in order to provide insight, warmth, humor and spiritual food for the reader. Under the moniker 'Homilists for the Homeless, ' the gift of these preachers makes it possible for proceeds from the sale of every book to go toward charities that welcome the stranger in our lives.

You Welcomed Me

Book Description

"Are we for them or against them?" In this wise, practical book on the refugee and immigrant crises around the world, Kent Annan explores how fear and misunderstanding can motivate our responses to people in need. Instead, he invites us into stories of welcome, laying out simple practices for a way forward across social and cultural divides.

And You Welcomed Me

Book Description

This volume provides an anthology of about 40 primary source documents that describe the work of religious communities that took care of pilgrims and the sick in the late antique and early medieval world. The project identifies letters, diary accounts, instructions, sermons, travelogues, and community records and rules that give us a window into a world of early communities that saw it as their duty and their privilege to care for the sick, to safeguard the pilgrim, and to host the stranger. Each document is placed in historical, geographical, and social context as it contributes to an emerging picture of these communities. The volume addresses the motivations and practices of communities that risked extending hospitality. Why did these communities take great risks for the socially vulnerable? What stake did they have in pilgrims and the sick? What communal experiences supported and sustained both the communities and their audiences? How was hospitality cultivated?

And You Welcomed Me

Book Description

Human beings leave their homelands for many reasons and they are called by many names: illegal aliens, strangers, asylum-seekers, displaced persons, economic migrants, lawful permanent residents, refugees, temporary workers, and victims of trafficking. Some are forced to flee because of violence, persecution, natural disaster, or intense economic privation. Most migrate in search of a better life, many as part of a family survival strategy. The movement of people from one place to another has remained a constant feature of human history. In an era characterized by the fast and cheaper movement of goods and services around the globe, migrants are the face of globalization. The world's two hundred million migrants often find themselves at the center of economic, social, and political debates. This book describes the distinctive way in which Catholic social teaching looks at migrants. It analyzes migration from the legal, social science, and cultural perspectives, and gives special consideration to the lived experience of immigrants themselves and their host communities. The book identifies gaps and opportunities to improve government and non-governmental responses to migration on a local, national, and international level. And You Welcomed Me aims to reframe perspectives on migration by focusing on the human beings at the heart of this phenomenon. It analyzes trade, immigration, labor, national security, and integration policies in light of the core Catholic commitment to the common good, human dignity, authentic development, and solidarity.

The Gospel of Matthew

Book Description

Introduction. The authorship of the Gospel ; The Gospel's sources ; How the author handled his sources ; From eyewitnesses to Matthew's sources ; The date of the Gospel of Matthew ; The provenance of the Gospel of Matthew ; What kind of document did Matthew think he was writing? ; The state of the Gospel text ; Elements of Matthew's narrative technique ; Matthew's use of the OT ; Matthew's use of other Jewish tradition -- Commentary. The stock from which Jesus comes, and its history (1:1-17) ; Infancy (1:18-2:23) ; John proclaiming in the wilderness (3:1-12) ; Preparation (3:13-4:12) ; Establishing his ministry (4:13-25) ; Sermon on the Mount (5:1-8:1) ; Jesus on the move in ministry (8:[1]2-9:34) ; Workers for the harvest (9:35-11:1) ; Seeing clearly and relating rightly to God's present agenda (11:2-30) ; Conflict with the Pharisees (12:1-50) ; Parables of the kingdom (13:1-53) ; Jesus interpreted, but also rejected (13:53[54]-16:20) ; Anticipating a future through suffering and beyond (16:1-17:20) ; Status and behaviour in the 'royal family' (17:22-18:35) -- Family and possessions in view of the kingdom (19:1-20:16) ; Redefining greatness, Jesus goes to Jerusalem to die : Jericho, Bethphage, entry into Jerusalem (20:17-21:11) ; Provocative ministry in Jerusalem (21:12-46) ; Jesus silences the leaders who are his opponents (22:1-46) ; Jesus criticises the scribes and Pharisees (23:1-39) ; The shape of the future (24:1-25:46) ; The Passion account (26:1-27:66) ; Resurrection and commissioning (28:1-20).


Book Description

Toward Peace proposes that truth is essential in all matters of social intercourse for humanity to progress on any meaningful path toward peace. The manuscript progresses from the notion that there is objective truth to the notion that the enactment of truth in human activity is essential for the establishment of peace, but it admits that human beings tend to wander between knowledge and ignorance and between a beneficent will and a concupiscent will. The manuscript explores, among other matters, the contemporary subjects of fundamentalism and laissez-faireism, individualism and collectivism, economics, evolution, abortion, education, and government from philosophical, scientific, religious, and artistic points of view. This is accomplished by interweaving philosophical ideas expressed by Plato and Aristotle with parables and aphorisms expressed by ancient Indian and Chinese wise men, with Judaic and Christian scripture, and with contemporary economic data and in vogue political notions. The book is organized into three distinct parts. Part I, "Truth," articles 1 through 5, establishes the notion that there is objective truth, that humanity can, at least, partially know these truths, and that a foundation of truth is essential for the establishment of any meaningful path toward peace. It develops the notion that just as the laws of physics must correctly reflect the physical parameters that an object presents, so too civil laws must correctly reflect the human parameters that a human being presents. In other words, law must reflect that truth which a being presents of itself, itself. The finality of this part suggests that truthful enactments by humanity are acts of love that pave the way toward peace. Article 1 is a short dissertation on human discord. It denotes that since the age of reason, there has been an emerging notion that majority rule democracy coupled with humanity's technical prowess would lead toward peace, but which history has shown not to be the case. Article 2 establishes the accepted idea that there is a reality--there is real being--but also that human beings are limited in their ability to acquire complete knowledge of such reality. Article 3 establishes the idea that there is truth in every being, in every object: there is objective truth. The article presents the notion that objective truth presents itself as the nature of a thing in complete correspondence with its substance; objective truth is the nature of a thing--its act--in agreement with its substance--that which it is. It also presents the notion that human beings come to know an object by that nature which the object presents of itself; subjective truth devolves from objective truth. Article 4 advances the idea that laws are humanly contrived statements derived from the intrinsic truths in the beings to which they refer or relate; true laws may not violate the intrinsic truths in the beings to which they refer or relate. Article 5 proposes the idea that a love of truth and its compliment, the enactment and application of true laws, are precursors to the path leading toward peace. Part II, "Contentions," articles 6 through 11, offers commentaries on some of the more contentious matters that cause social conflict in the contemporary world. The specific topics were chosen to show that truth is often marginalized or mutilated and even ignored or rejected during the course of humanity's search for answers in matters of social concern. Article 6 is a dissertation on fundamentalism and laissez-faireism and shows how each leads toward social discord. Fundamentalism rejects those truths that fall outside its pre-ordained dictum while laissez-faireism simply rejects truths not of its choice. Article 7 is a study of the human social composition, including a logical diagram, which analyses human fortune, intellect, free will, and physical condition. It develops the notion that because of human frailty and finitude, majority opinion and majority-rule a


Book Description

Does God exist? Is there a purpose to my life? Is goodness a divine reality or simply a relative value that each culture defines for itself? Is there life beyond this earthly existence? Are Homo sapiens more than quarks and atoms; more than material properties? Is love a reality or a feeling? Offerings is a collection of brief but thought-provoking writings that vindicate religious faith. It will be an especially helpful resource for: Small group discussions and leaders of worship Adults not satisfied with trite devotional guides, but willing to wrestle with a faith that is rational and accepting of scientific discoveries The growing number of nones in the United States and Europe, who, while not believers, are open to be challenged by the possibility that there really is a God Offerings affirms a God whose glory is revealed in creation, whose mighty acts are made known in sacred scripture, and who demands justice, love, and faithfulness in human life. If someone asks, Would you like corn flakes or raisin bran? you can reasonably answer, I dont care. It doesnt matter. Either one is fine with me. But with the ultimate issues of life, you cannot sit on the fence. You cannot pretend that a decision is not required. You must make a decision. What are you waiting for?

Behind the Robe

Book Description

When blood is not red enough, it is not good enough. A robe of many colors separated them, and that same woven fabric of who they were held them together. Joseph and his brothers had bad blood between them, not realizing that a bloody robe was the thing that separated them and the substance that held them together. Years of rivalry, jealousy, and insecurities separated them; but a mature heart of forgiveness restored them. Linzeter Gaddy unveils the beauty of a covering behind the robe through the eyes of a risen Savior.