A Strategic Framework for U. S. Public Diplomacy to the Middle East

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This thesis seeks to construct a new strategic framework for future U.S. public diplomacy to the Middle East. It origins began with considering the question "what has gone wrong with America's current public diplomacy to the Middle East?", which then generated four guiding questions: first, "what ought to be the role of public diplomacy in relation to policymaking"; second, "what goals are appropriate for sound public diplomacy strategy"; third, "should overall public diplomacy focus on short-term or long-term interests"; and fourth, "what are goal-appropriate methods for future public diplomacy implementation?" Through rigorous comparisons and criticism of the current literature in the field, evaluation of relevant polling and historical data, and an examination of several case studies, the author is confident he has sufficiently answered those guiding questions. A new public diplomacy that complements and advocates policy, that focuses on long-term goals, and that applies incremental and subtle methods composes a new strategic framework to better benefit U.S. national interests.

Engaging the Muslim World

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Public diplomacy supports the interests of the United States by advancing American goals outside the traditional arena of government-to-government relations. Since 9/11, with the rise of al Qaeda and other violent organizations that virulently oppose the United States, public diplomacy in Muslim-majority countries has become an instrument to blunt or isolate popular support for these organizations. Efforts in this direction complement traditional public diplomacy that explains American policies and society to foreign publics. This report identifies six areas of primary concern. The first is a larger strategic issue; the other five are directed at the on-the-ground implementation of public diplomacy: (1) Define the goals; (2)Listen; (3) Measure success; (4) Reach the target audience; (5) Exchange people and ideas; (6) Get outside the bubble. There is no one path to success. Public diplomacy must be consistent, multifaceted, and localized to advance American goals in Muslim-majority countries. This report sketches a way forward to accomplish these goals.

Battles to Bridges

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This book tackles the pressing need to expand the vision of strategic US public diplomacy. It explores the interplay of power politics, culture, identity, and communication and explains how the underlying communication and political dynamics have redefined what 'strategic communication' means in today's international arena.

Changing Minds, Winning Peace

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A reprint of the historic report of the Advisory Group on Public Diplomacy for the Arab and Muslim World, this document was submitted to the US Congress in 2003 as a first step toward reforming America's dilapidated strategic communication infrastructure. The bipartisan Advisory Group, chaired by Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian, made a series of recommendations in this report that helped re-shape US public diplomacy.

Public Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia

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The Battle of Ideas in the War on Terror

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Robert Satloff takes aim at the conventional wisdom concerning the post-9/11 " battle of ideas" and offers a bold, hopeful, and unapologetic vision for U.S. public diplomacy in the Middle East.

Reimagining U.S. Strategy in the Middle East

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"U.S. policy toward the Middle East has relied heavily on military instruments of power and has focused on regional threats--particularly the Iranian threat--with the goal of keeping partners on "our side." These long-standing policies have largely fallen short of meeting core U.S. interests and adapting to new regional realities and strategic imperatives. RAND researchers offer an alternative framework, suggesting that the U.S. strategic priority must center on reducing regional conflict and the drivers of conflict. This revised strategic approach puts a greater focus on addressing conflict and socioeconomic challenges that are creating unsustainable pressures on the region's states and immense suffering among its people. Researchers analyze how the tools of U.S. policy--political, security, economic, diplomatic, and informational instruments--would need to adjust to more effectively address such challenges in ways that are mindful of limited resources at home. Researchers also examine how the United States deals with both partners and adversaries in and outside the region and consider how to better leverage policies to the benefit of U.S. interests and the region. The researchers recommend specific actions organized into the following three pillars: (1) shifting resources from the current heavy reliance on military tools to a more balanced approach that prioritizes economic investments, governance, diplomacy, and programs focused on people; (2) favoring a long-term time horizon to reduce regional conflict and support growth and development, even at the cost of short-term risks; and (3) working multilaterally with global and regional partners to address key challenges." -- from the publisher.

Public Diplomacy in the Middle East

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Restoring the Balance

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The next U.S. president will need to pursue a new strategic framework for advancing American interests in the Middle East. The mounting challenges include sectarian conflict in Iraq, Iran's pursuit of nuclear capabilities, failing Palestinian and Lebanese governments, a dormant peace process, and the ongoing war against terror. Compounding these challenges is a growing hostility toward U.S. involvement in the Middle East. The old policy paradigms, whether President George W. Bush's model of regime change and democratization or President Bill Clinton's model of peacemaking and containment, will no longer suit the likely circumstances confronting the next administration in the Middle East. In R estoring the Balance, experts from the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution and from the Council on Foreign Relations propose a new, nonpartisan strategy drawing on the lessons of past failures to address both the short-term and long-term challenges to U.S. interests. Following an overview chapter by Richard N. Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Martin Indyk, director of the Saban Center, individual chapters address the Arab-Israeli conflict, counterterrorism, Iran, Iraq, political and economic development, and nuclear proliferation. Specific policy recommendations stem from in-depth research and extensive dialogue with individuals in government, media, academia, and the private sector throughout the region. The experts include Stephen Biddle, Isobel Coleman, Steven A. Cook, Steven Simon, and Ray Takeyh from the Council on Foreign Relations and Daniel L. Byman, Suzanne Maloney, Kenneth M. Pollack, Bruce Riedel, ShibleyTelhami, and Tamara Cofman Wittes from Brookings' Saban Center.

Public Diplomacy and the Middle East

Book Description

"This volume examines the implications of the re-ordering of Middle East policy since 11 September for relationships with the Arab and Islamic world. How do the dynamics underlying headline figures on hostility to the West in the Arab world affect the shape of communications strategy? What are proper and realistic goals for public diplomacy? How can Western involvement in the region avoid accusations of 'imperialism' and escape from the insidious logic of clashing civilisations? What should be the agenda for long-term co-operation and relationship-building between the West and the Middle East? The report lays out a strategy for the UK government on a key issue in international affairs."--Back cover.