ABC's of Round Dancing

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ABC's of Round Dancing

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The round dance book

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Century of waltzing, with over a hundred old-time American round dances and circle mixers.

The Round Dance Book

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Century of waltzing, with over a hundred old-time American round dances and circle mixers.

The Round Dance Book

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ABCs of Contra Dancing

Book Description

A lovingly illustrated rhyming couplet look at the alphabet and contra dancing in board book format. Written by Luke Donforth and illustrated by Sarah Hirsch. Launched with the support of the contra dance community via Kickstarter in 2020. A is for Allemande, going 'round by the hand.B is for Balance, a hello that is grand.C is for Contra, a style all can do.D is for Dancing; won't you join too?E is for Even, with partners all pair.F for Four Folks in a small square.G is for Hubert, by which we mean Gene.H is for History, to know where we've been.I for Improper, a formation to start.J for the Joy we share from our heart.K for Kinetic, see how we move.L is for Legs that step to the groove.M is for Music, live from the stage.N is for Neighbor, no matter the age. O is for Organisers' gift to us all.P is for Partners, some short and some tall.Q is for Quiet, before the band plays.R is for Reels that stay with you for days.S is for swing, a spiraling rose.T for together, how a community grows.U: Understand the caller's short prompts.V is for Vigorous hollers and stomps.W is for Wavy lines post allemande rotation.X is for Cross trail in dance card notation.Y for the Youth, this tradition we pass.Z is for Zesty, while dancing with class.

ABC's of Dance Terminology

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The ABC's of Ballroom Dance

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The Complete Book of Square Dancing (and Round Dancing)

Book Description

"Square dancing is friendship set to music," says author Betty Casey. Just take four couples, old or young, put 'em on a good floor, turn on the music, and you're all set. Whether you've done it before or you're just starting out, this book tells you everything you need to know--85 basic movements used all over the world, the spirited calls unique to square dancing, the costumes and equipment that are best, and music (from "Red River Valley" to "Mack the Knife") that will set your feet in motion. Down-to-earth details and anecdotes give a taste of the good times in store for you. Find out how native folk dances grew out of European quadrilles, jigs, and fandangos. Open this book and get ready to: "wipe off your tie, pull down your vest, and dance with the one you love best." This book includes: 50 basic movements, 35 advanced movements, variations, dances that are a part of the American heritage, Contra and Round Dances, polkas and reels, and calls, past and present.

American Square Dance

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