Aboriginal Peoples and Electoral Reform in Canada

Book Description

This volume features differing views of past, present, and possible future roles for Aboriginal people in the Canadian political and electoral system.

Aboriginal Peoples and Electoral Reform in Canada

Book Description

This volume features differing views of past, present, and possible future roles for Aboriginal people in the Canadian political and electoral system. The studies address the issues facing Aboriginal people and the efforts to increase their involvement in the federal electoral system. Robert Milen examines the development of Aboriginal political consciousness since the 1970s, with attention to recent constitutional and electoral initiatives and aspirations. Augie Fleras' study considers the New Zealand system of guaranteed representation for the Maori and suggests how Canada might follow this example. Valerie Alia studies how the media deal with Aboriginal issues, basing her recommendations on interviews with Aboriginal people who offered her their views. Roger Gibbins critiques the idea of guaranteed Aboriginal representation in the House of Commons.

A Very Hostile System in Which to Live: Aboriginal Electoral Participation in Winnipeg s Inner City

Book Description

Finally, the results of our interviews lead The observation that voting is correlated us to think that the voting practices of with age and level of formal education- Aboriginal people in Winnipeg could soon the third of the four broad explanatory change. [...] There- not equivalent to the ratio of potential fore, it is not possible to predict accurately Aboriginal voters to total voters in a rid- the percentage of Aboriginal people in any ing, because a much higher proportion of one electoral district in the future. [...] Second, this kind of representation leaders in advancing arguments about the is important in ensuring that issues of necessity and the merits of recognizing particular importance to the disadvan- difference, and designing political sys- taged group can be effectively raised in tems in such a way as to affirm both dif- the legislature, because ". representatives ferences and a shared identity (see, [...] Kymlicka members of a disadvantaged group in a (1995, p.32) argues that ". there is increas- legislative body ". confirms that members ing concern that the political process is of this group are capable of that function 'unrepresentative' in the sense that it fails and expected to fill it", which then ". in- to reflect the diversity of the population. [...] The imposition of the band feel a strong sense of social exclusion- council governments met the opposition that they are not a part of the dominant of many communities" (Monture-Angus, culture and institutions of Canadian soci- 1995, p. 182.

Aboriginal Peoples and Electoral Reform in Canada

Book Description

This collection of papers on elections, electoral law and electoral reform as they affect aboriginal peoples (Indian, Inuit, Metis) includes a comparison with New Zealand and the Maori situation, campaign coverage, considerations of 'nordicity' and native press and communications.

Reforming Electoral Democracy

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Drawing the Map

Book Description

At the heart of the Canadian system of representative government are question of redistribution and boundary adjustment. Together, they determine the basis on which citizens elect those who govern. This document presents information on Canadian Constitutional standards for electoral distribution and districting; apportionment, districting, and representation in the United States; community of interest in redistricting; the role of electors in boundary adjustment in enhancing relative vote equality in Canada; ecological communities and constituency districting; representation in modern Canada; and enhancing aboriginal representation within the existing system of redistricting.

Reforming Parliamentary Democracy

Book Description

Parliamentary government's continuity is rooted in enduring principles such as citizen representation and accountability to the legislature. But parliamentary systems have evolved in response to changes in the societies they govern and in citizens' views about democratic practices. In this title, the authors demonstrate how, in their respective countries, parliamentary governments have combined stability with the capacity to adapt to such changes. They provide analyses of reforms to parliamentary institutions and governance in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. The authors address issues of representation - the move to a proportional electoral system in New Zealand, the unsuccessful attempt to establish a domestic head of state in Australia, and the reform of the British House of Lords - and demonstrate that citizens increasingly want legislative institutions to more closely reflect the societies they serve. To discuss responsiveness, the governance of indigenous communities and their place within the broader society in Canada and New Zealand are examined.

The Path to Electoral Equality, 1991

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