
Book Description

AutoconstrucciÃ[3]n accompanies Cruzvillegas' exhibition at CCA Glasgow, the result of a six month joint residency at CCA and Cove Park by the Mexican artist. In the exhibition, the artist charts the evolution of his family's house and finds, in its making, the roots of his current sculptural practice. Cruzvillegas was brought up in an area of Mexico City called Ajusco. Driven by necessity the community was built through collaboration which bred a system of social and political solidarity. It was a culture of hybridity and the model of construction became intertwined with the model for living. For Abraham Cruzvillegas that context provided a metaphor for the self-conscious process of creating an identity and methodology for the construction of his artistic practice. In AutoconstrucciÃ[3]n he draws together a diverse series of elements including an exhibition, a series of musical performances, a ride across a city and a book, and through all of this work, it is the concept of sharing that is a key element, framed by a makeshift DIY aesthetic. English and Spanish text.

Abraham Cruzvillegas

Book Description

Für sein Notizbuch hat der mexikanische Künstler Abraham Cruzvillegas Auszüge und Aufzeichnungen aus seinem persönlichen Skizzenbuch sowie assoziative Fotografien gesammelt. Verstand, Sinnlichkeit, Vernunft, Fantasie – die vier Grundbegriffe des » menschlichen Geistes- und Seelenlebens «, die Johann Wolfgang von Goethe im Jahre 1809 in seinem Farbkreis verewigte, werden von Cruzvillegas spielerisch aufgegriffen und mit handschriftlichen Gedanken über die strukturelle und die schöpferische Seite der Kunstproduktion kombiniert. Dieses Notizbuch ist eine bunte Collage von Ideen gegen die kapitalistische Vereinnahmung der Kunst, auf die Cruzvillegas mit kollektiven, lebendigen und definitiv unvollendeten sozialen Plastiken mit Menschen, Tieren und Dingen, die auf der Straße entstehen, reagiert. Abraham Cruzvillegas (*1968)ist ein Mitglied der International Taoist Tai Chi Society; er lebt und arbeitet in Mexico-Stadt. Sprache: Deutsch/Englisch

The Logic of Disorder

Book Description

The Logic of Disorder presents for the first time to the English-speaking world the writings of seminal Mexican contemporary visual artist Abraham Cruzvillegas. Each of the texts included in this volume is fully annotated and is accompanied by a number of critical studies by leading curators and scholars.


Book Description

Unmonumental: The Object in the 21st Century is a groundbreaking thematic survey of sculptural work by thirty of today's leading artists.


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Abraham Cruzvillegas

Book Description

Abraham Cruzvillegas

Book Description

Since Tate Modern opened, the Turbine Hall has hosted some of the most memorable and acclaimed site-specific art installations of the twenty-first century, reaching an audience of millions. This book is published to accompany the inaugaral Hyundai Commission, the first in a new series of annual exhibitions that will give renowned international contemporary artists an opportunity to create new work for one of the world's most iconic museum spaces. Abraham Cruzvillegas (b.1968), one of the key figures to have emerged in Mexico among a new wave of conceptual artists, is best known for his sculptural works made from local found objects and materials. He has titled this body of work autoconstruccion or 'self-construction'.

Abraham Cruzvillegas

Book Description

Organization of matter through sympathy / Clara Kim -- Plates: early work -- Interview with Abraham Cruzvillegas / Jimmie Durham -- Plates: recent work -- Instability and fragmentation/Improvisation and Autoconstrucción: Abraham Cruzvillegas's sculpture / Mark Godfrey -- Plates: Autoconstrucción: the film -- A certain explicitness / Ryan Inouye -- Biography & bibliography

Abraham Cruzvillegas

Book Description