Twenty-Three Great Objectives of Building the House of Allah

Book Description

This is an English version of an Urdu treatise - Twenty-Three Great Objectives of Building the House of Allah - a series of Friday Sermons delivered by the third successor of the Promised Messiah in 1967. The sermons are one of the finest and sublimest commentaries on the verses related to the Ka’bah, the House of Allah, and expound how magnificently the twenty-three objectives related in the verses have been fulfilled by the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. As the Ka’bah was the centre for all mankind at the outset, this House of Allah, again, was meant to become a centre for the unification of mankind in the latter and consummate time, so as both the Prophet and Qibla of human unification may be joined to belong to one place. Allah wants the Jama’at Ahmadiyya to realize the Divine wisdom behind the foundation of the Ka’bah so that they are considered the people of understanding in the sight of Allah and join the group of those purified ones who are showered upon the grace of Allah all the time.

Murder in the Name of Allah

Book Description

Murder in the Name of Allah is the first translation into English of Mazhab Ke Nam Per Khoon, a re-affirmation of the basic tenets of Islam. Hardly a day passes on which an Islamic event does not make headlines. The president of a Muslim country is assassinated by the supporters of Muslim brotherhood; a European journalist is taken hostage by Islamic Jihad; a Pan-American aircraft is hijacked by another Muslim group; American university professors are taken into custody by Hezbullah; Two passenger carrying airplanes were slammed in to world trade center. The glare of 'Islamic' revolution in Iran is reflected through the flares of every gulf oil refinery. This book is a reminder that the purpose of any religion is the spread of peace, tolerance and understanding. It argues that the meaning of Islam—submission to the will of God—has been steadily corrupted by minority elements in the community. Instead of spreading peace, the religion has been abused by fanatics and made an excuse for violence and the spread of terror, both inside and outside the faith. In confirming the true spirit of Islam, it makes the point to followers of all religions that the future of mankind depends on the intrinsic values of love, tolerance, and freedom of conscience and of belief.

Relationship between Religion and Politics in Islam

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In today’s world, Shariah law frequently takes the forefront of international headlines as a symbol of Islamic oppression and terrorism. The sensitivities surrounding this issue have divided populations with a polarizing effect. Some Western nations and states have even gone to the extent of passing legislation against Shariah law. In his speech addressing IRIS (Inter-Religious Council in Suriname) entitled Shariah Relationship between Religion & Politics in Islam, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(rh) analyzes the complexities of implementing Shariah law from various angles.

Islam's Response to Contemporary Issues

Book Description

Presents the teachings of Islam regarding peace in the world today.

Religion and Finance

Book Description

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all impose obligations and constraints upon the rightful use of wealth and earthly resources. All three of these religions have well-researched views on the acceptability of practices such as usury but the principles and practices of other, non-interest, financial instruments are less well known. This book examines each of these three major world faiths, considering their teachings, social precepts and economic frameworks, which are set out as a guide for the financial dealings and economic behaviour of their adherents.


Book Description

The doctrine of Christianity has acquired its present shape through a process of change that is spread nearly over it's entire history. Rather than venture into the endless debate on the course of this evolutionary process, the author has chosen to examine the current Christian beliefs primarily on the basis of logic and reason. Among others, the subject of 'Sonship' of Jesus Christ, Atonement, Trinity and the second coming of the Messiah have been discussed at length in this book.

An Elementary Study of Islam

Book Description

"This book is a brief introduction to the five fundamental articles of the Islamic faith."--P. [4] of cover.

Some Distinctive Features of Islam

Book Description

Some distinctive features of islam was a lecture delivered by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh) at the University of Canberra, Australia. The speaker builds up his lecture on the thesis that the most distinctive feature of Islam is twofold. First, it is the only religion which claims to be, and is, the final, the universal and eternal religion for all times and for all peoples. Second, it is the only religion which acknowledges, and bears witness to, the veracity of every other religions and claims that the truth is not the monopoly of Islam aloneówhereas every other religion claims that it alone contains the Divine truth. Then Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh) answers at some length the question that if all religions are from God then why is there any difference in religions. Moreover he argues three main points: that Islamic teachings are not only universal and eternal but are also complete, comprehensive and perfect; that the Holy Quran is the final and immutable word of God free from all human interpolation; and that the Prophet of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) is the Seal of the Prophetsóthe best of themóand the perfect model of excellence for mankind. In the middle part of lecture he discuses seventeen features of Islam which distinguish it from other religion and ideologies including the Islamic concept of justice and Islamic teachings regarding the form and function of government. At the end the speaker introduces the Founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the Community itself to his audience concluding his lecture with an excerpt from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as).