Absolute Relativity

Book Description

In Absolute Relativity author Robert Tretola ventures into a new world in which we control everything that exists. The ideas in this essay are drawn from the works of George Green and his books, including Becoming, The New Paradigm, and Enhancing the Rainbow, and from Tretola's own education and extensive practical experience. He encourages us to learn the truth about ourselves and the universe in which we live a truth that has been kept from humanity for thousands, if not millions, of years. He explains that the true nature of humanity is that we are divine beings, but that we have been controlled and manipulated into believing our own inferiority in order to serve the elites who control the wealth and destiny of mankind. Absolute Relativity offers a metaphysical, scientific explanation of how we can challenge ourselves to help humanity by creating a new world and becoming new, more attuned human beings. In this way, we can create and live in a world where love and compassion supersedes all else and where humans have the power of creativity to manifest this newfound sentiment. In Absolute Relativity, Tretola challenges us to overcome our fears and to become the divine entities that we have been for all eternity but have forgotten from generations of physical and spiritual suppression.

Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity

Book Description

Presenting a collection of original essays from a team of international philosophers and physicists, this volume reassesses the contemporary paradigm of the relativistic concept of time. There is no other book like this currently available.


Book Description

This pilot study (same as "Weltwesen") followed the method of Euclid's "Elements", using 36 Definitions, one single Axiom, 3 Postulates, and their substantiation with analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and some representative literature from philosophy, logic, mathematics, physics, biology, and psychology in order to discuss the nature, structure, function, and human as well as nonhuman relevance of the Absolute beyond the 'limits' of the Universe. This interdisciplinary approach resulted in the conclusion that Ultimate Reality is the Absolute, which is the 'source and sink' of all Apparent or Virtual Reality. Having met the required criteria, this tentative theory may be called: "Absolute Relativity and the Relativity of the Absolute".

Absolute Relativity

Book Description

In Absolute Relativity author Robert Tretola ventures into a new world in which we control everything that exists. The ideas in this essay are drawn from the works of George Green and his books, including Becoming, The New Paradigm, and Enhancing the Rainbow, and from Tretolas own education and extensive practical experience. He encourages us to learn the truth about ourselves and the universe in which we livea truth that has been kept from humanity for thousands, if not millions, of years. He explains that the true nature of humanity is that we are divine beings, but that we have been controlled and manipulated into believing our own inferiority in order to serve the elites who control the wealth and destiny of mankind. Absolute Relativity offers a metaphysical, scientific explanation of how we can challenge ourselves to help humanity by creating a new world and becoming new, more attuned human beings. In this way, we can create and live in a world where love and compassion supersedes all else and where humans have the power of creativity to manifest this newfound sentiment. In Absolute Relativity, Tretola challenges us to overcome our fears and to become the divine entities that we have been for all eternity but have forgotten from generations of physical and spiritual suppression.


Book Description

This is the companion volume to "Absolute Relativity and the Relativity of the Absolute". The human relevance of the Absolute is Ethics, which is manifest by cosmic morality via cosmodynamics, the modus operandi of the Absolute. Human morality ought to mirror cosmic morality, for optimal alignment with the Absolute, for which a new set of guidelines, the Thirty Commandments were introduced together with the basic propositions of a new ideology, called Mirism (from the Russian "Mir", meaning both "world" and "peace"). It was suggested that the solution to the external problems of Mankind is progressive colonization of outer space (with the strict proviso of not exporting our Evil and contaminating the Cosmos thereby), while the internal solution is moral maturation. Once maturation will have reached the level of integrity, then Mankind will have earned evolution into the next phase, the Cosmic Era.

Absolute Relativity

Book Description

Only a circle can circle and a circle can only circle. Thus, the absolute is relative.

Special Relativity

Book Description

First completely geometric approach to relativity theory; based on space-time geometries of Loedel and Brehme. Simplest approach to difficult concepts. Problems. Bibliography.


Book Description

Weltwesen (German, lit. "world-essence") is a pilot study that followed the method of Euclid's "Elements", using 36 Definitions, a single Axiom, 3 Postulates and their substantiation with analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, and some representative literature from philosophy, logic, mathematics, physics, biology, and psychology in order to examine the nature, structure, function, and relevance of the Absolute beyond the 'limits' of the Universe. This interdisciplinary approach resulted in the conclusion that Ultimate Reality is the Absolute, which is the 'source and sink' of all Apparent or Virtual Reality. Having met the required criteria, this tentative theory may be called: "Absolute Relativity and the Relativity of the Absolute".