Abusos sexuales y traumas en la infancia

Book Description

El abuso sexual de los niños es uno de los traumas más complejos y sintomáticos de nuestra sociedad. Durante mucho tiempo fue ocultado, tanto en el campo de lo íntimo y familiar como en el de las instituciones educacionales. Según Silvina Cohen Imach, durante los últimos treinta años se ha producido una visibilización y una puesta en palabras de esta problemática que requiere de una interrogación profunda acerca de lo que el abuso, la sexualidad y el trauma le exigen a la clínica. En palabras de la autora, "en estas líneas analizo uno de los síntomas sociales más acuciantes de nuestra época desde la mirada clínica del psicoanálisis de niños y adolescentes. Partir de la clínica con niños para interrogar los síntomas actuales nos sitúa en un escenario que articula y entreteje los decires desde la práctica y la teoría. Interrogarnos por los abusos en la infancia nos lleva sin dudas a interrogar mitos y constelaciones familiares que sostienen en silencio los abusos cometidos hacia los más pequeños. Es por ello que en este libro se trata de devolverle al niño su palabra, tal como la escuchamos a diario en los consultorios para construir a partir de su decir nuevos saberes específicos en relación con esta problemática". Abusos sexuales y traumas en la infancia propone una serie de cuestiones que van desde la historización de los conceptos de infancia y maltrato, hasta los instrumentos de evaluación e intervención necesarios para los casos de abuso. Completa el panorama del libro un corolario de casos clínicos en los que se analizan y se visualizan las complejidades y las consecuencias de esta temática. Una vasta experiencia en el área hace de este nuevo libro de Silvina Cohen Imach una herramienta imprescindible para pensar una práctica y una teoría que se correspondan con la realidad social que estas cuestiones implican.

Hacer teologia y etica teologica frente a la crisis de los abusos

Book Description

Este volumen titulado "Hacer teología frente al abuso sexual" surge como resultado de un "laboratorio teológico" promovido por el Centro para la Protección Infantil y la Ética Teológica Católica en la Iglesia Mundial (CTEWC). Los participantes, a causa de la pandemia del COVID-19, durante dos años tuvieron que reunirse de manera remota en "mesas virtuales". Tras estos encuentros, veintiséis académicos compartieron sus reflexiones acerca de dicha problemática y sus posibles abordajes. La publicación de esta obra supone cierta urgencia, una urgencia que a menudo no se encuentra en otro tipo de trabajos teológicos o ética teológica. La extensión del daño a la dignidad humana causado por el abuso sexual dentro de la Iglesia plantea profundos dilemas, tanto para las disciplinas como para aquellos que las practican: ¿En qué medida hemos pasado por alto estos problemas? ¿Por qué nuestros esfuerzos en teología y ética teológica han tardado tanto en abordar estos temas? ¿De qué manera están implicadas la teología y la ética teológica en esta crisis? ¿Qué contribuciones específicas podrían ofrecer estas disciplinas para abordar constructivamente este desafío? Este volumen reúne el trabajo de diversos académicos de distintas partes del mundo, todos ellos abocados al análisis y la reflexión sobre estos y otros interrogantes.

Supranational Horrors

Book Description

Supranational Horrors: Italian and Spanish Horror Cinema since 1968 moves beyond national cinema discourse in considering the horror production of two Southern European countries, Italy and Spain. Rui M. Trindade Oliveira examines cultural elements that films from these nations share, arguing that a fuller understanding of European horror is possible when we acknowledge the output of Italy and Spain as being interconnected, as possessing a supranational, common identity: “Italian-Spanishness.”

Childhood Sexual Abuse

Book Description

Childhood Sexual Abuse critically reviews research into and provides a concise and clear guide to our current knowledge on the topic. The issues covered include: the prevalence of child sexual abuse; who molests children; the effects of such abuse, both immediate and long-term; the risk factors for abuse; and the influences and interventions that may amplify or ameliorate the impact of child sexual abuse on the victim. Areas of debate, such as the false memory syndrome, are approached in terms of the research data relevant to their resolution. This volume sets out to inform rather than advocate, discusses the methodologies of research as well as their results, highlights the limitations and the extent of current information, and points out how we can learn more about child sexual abuse.

Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Book Description

Sexual Dysfunction in Women is a concise yet detailed clinical guide to the treatment of sexual difficulties in women. Written with the general psychologist and therapist in mind and being published with a companion volume on Sexual Dysfunction in Men, it takes the novel position that most clinicians interested and willing to help female clients with sexual concerns can do so effectively, even if they do not primarily consider themselves as sex therapists. Many women will experience difficulties with desire, arousal, orgasm, or pain with intercourse at some point in the course of their lives, yet most clinicians feel less equipped to treat sexual dysfunction than far less prevalent disorders. This book empowers general psychologists, therapists, and other practitioners to actively engage in the multidisciplinary treatment of sexual disorders and broaden their knowledge base about sexuality, an important component of most clients' quality of life. It is both a go-to resource for professional clinicians in their daily work and an ideal resource for students and practice-oriented continuing education.

Betrayal Trauma

Book Description

This book lays bare the logic of forgotten abuse. Psychologist Jennifer Freyd's breakthrough theory explaining this phenomenon shows how psychogenic amnesia not only happens but, if the abuse occurred at the hands of a parent or caregiver, is often necessary for survival. Freyd's book will give embattled professionals, beleaguered abuse survivors, and the confused public a new, clear understanding of the lifelong effects and treatment of child abuse.

Psychopathology in Women

Book Description

Gender has a fundamental influence on the human brain, not only by virtue of biological and hormonal differences between the sexes but also because of the impact of gender-specific cultural, social, anthropological and environmental factors. Nevertheless, the relation of gender and psychopathology remains a largely neglected field. Gender perspective has been treated as a paradigm in this book on psychopathology because it determines the way in which a psychiatric symptom is defined, perceived and understood. This conception of gender as being of key importance in the definition of psychiatric symptomatology is exceptional in the literature. The book opens by examining historical and cultural aspects of mental health in women worldwide and the relation of sex, brain and gender, with coverage of both neurobiological and psychosocial aspects. The significance of gender with regard to specific aspects of psychopathology is then addressed in detail. A wide range of psychological disorders are considered, as well as hormonal influences and issues concerning body image, self identity, sexuality and life instinct. It is hoped that this book will make a significant contribution in ensuring that gender perspective receives due attention within descriptive psychopathology.

Amoris Laetitia

Book Description

“All of us are called to keep striving towards something greater than ourselves and our families, and every family must feel this constant impulse. Let us make this journey as families, let us keep walking together.” Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia In his groundbreaking work on modern family life, Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family, Pope Francis continues to guide and lead the Church, calling us to be a sign of mercy and encouragement for families of all shapes and sizes. The Our Sunday Visitor edition includes exclusive reflection and discussion questions, to help Catholics grow in our understanding of this call, and act upon it. In Amoris Laetitia: On Love in the Family the Holy Father expands on the topics and considerations of the two Synods on the family, and adds his own considerations to help us provide pastoral guidance to support and strengthen today’s families. On Love in the Family guides us through: Scripture – what we can learn from Biblical families and relationships with God and each other Reality – the experiences and challenges we face in today’s world Tradition – essential aspects of Church teaching on marriage and families Love – what it means for all our relationships Ministry – Pope Francis offers pastoral perspectives for helping build strong families Spirituality – the expression of the Gospel message in our relationships

Secret Trauma

Book Description

Presents the results of a study on sexually abused girls based on in-depth interviews with 930 women from a variety of backgrounds.