Accident Analysis for the NIST Research Reactor Before and After Fuel Conversion

Book Description

Postulated accidents have been analyzed for the 20 MW D2O-moderated research reactor (NBSR) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The analysis has been carried out for the present core, which contains high enriched uranium (HEU) fuel and for a proposed equilibrium core with low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. The analyses employ state-of-the-art calculational methods. Three-dimensional Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations were performed with the MCNPX code to determine homogenized fuel compositions in the lower and upper halves of each fuel element and to determine the resulting neutronic properties of the core. The accident analysis employed a model of the primary loop with the RELAP5 code. The model includes the primary pumps, shutdown pumps outlet valves, heat exchanger, fuel elements, and flow channels for both the six inner and twenty-four outer fuel elements. Evaluations were performed for the following accidents: (1) control rod withdrawal startup accident, (2) maximum reactivity insertion accident, (3) loss-of-flow accident resulting from loss of electrical power with an assumption of failure of shutdown cooling pumps, (4) loss-of-flow accident resulting from a primary pump seizure, and (5) loss-of-flow accident resulting from inadvertent throttling of a flow control valve. In addition, natural circulation cooling at low power operation was analyzed. The analysis shows that the conversion will not lead to significant changes in the safety analysis and the calculated minimum critical heat flux ratio and maximum clad temperature assure that there is adequate margin to fuel failure.

Analysis of LOCA Scenarios in the NIST Research Reactor Before and After Fuel Conversion

Book Description

An analysis has been done of hypothetical loss-of-coolant-accidents (LOCAs) in the research reactor (NBSR) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The purpose of the analysis is to determine if the peak clad temperature remains below the Safety Limit, which is the blister temperature for the fuel. The configuration of the NBSR considered in the analysis is that projected for the future when changes will be made so that shutdown pumps do not operate when a LOCA signal is detected. The analysis was done for the present core with high-enriched uranium (HEU) fuel and with the proposed low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel that would be used when the NBSR is converted from one to the other. The analysis consists of two parts. The first examines how the water would drain from the primary system following a break and the possibility for the loss of coolant from within the fuel element flow channels. This work is performed using the TRACE system thermal-hydraulic code. The second looks at the fuel clad temperature as a function of time given that the water may have drained from many of the flow channels and the water in the vessel is in a quasi-equilibrium state. The temperature behavior is investigated using the three-dimensional heat conduction code HEATING7.3. The results in all scenarios considered for both HEU and LEU fuel show that the peak clad temperature remains below the blister temperature.

RELAP5 Application to Accident Analysis of the NIST Research Reactor

Book Description

Detailed safety analyses have been performed for the 20 MW D2O moderated research reactor (NBSR) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The time-dependent analysis of the primary system is determined with a RELAP5 transient analysis model that includes the reactor vessel, the pump, heat exchanger, fuel element geometry, and flow channels for both the six inner and twenty-four outer fuel elements. A post-processing of the simulation results has been conducted to evaluate minimum critical heat flux ratio (CHFR) using the Sudo-Kaminaga correlation. Evaluations are performed for the following accidents: (1) the control rod withdrawal startup accident and (2) the maximum reactivity insertion accident. In both cases the RELAP5 results indicate that there is adequate margin to CHF and no damage to the fuel will occur because of sufficient coolant flow through the fuel channels and the negative scram reactivity insertion.

Handbook on Thermal Hydraulics in Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors

Book Description

Handbook on Thermal Hydraulics of Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors, Volume 1, Foundations and Principles includes all new chapters which delve deeper into the topic, adding context and practical examples to help readers apply learnings to their own setting. Topics covered include experimental thermal-hydraulics and instrumentation, numerics, scaling and containment in thermal-hydraulics, as well as a title dedicated to good practices in verification and validation. This book will be a valuable reference for graduate and undergraduate students of nuclear or thermal engineering, as well as researchers in nuclear thermal-hydraulics and reactor technology, engineers working in simulation and modeling of nuclear reactors, and more. In addition, nuclear operators, code developers and safety engineers will also benefit from the practical guidance provided. Presents a comprehensive analysis on the connection between nuclear power and thermal hydraulics Includes end-of-chapter questions, quizzes and exercises to confirm understanding and provides solutions in an appendix Covers applicable nuclear reactor safety considerations and design technology throughout

Maximum Hypothetical Accident Analysis for HEU to LEU Fuel Conversion at the University of Missouri Research Reactor

Book Description

As a part of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) and the Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) programs, the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) intends to convert from highly-enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. As a part of the conversion, the maximum hypothetical accident (MHA) analysis had to be done to determine dose consequences for both radiation workers and members of the public. For the dose to the radiation workers inside the containment building, the committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE) was 0.889 mrem and the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) was 1403 mrem using the 10 CFR 20 default derived air concentration (DAC) and 403 mrem using the pre-2007 version of 10 CFR 835 DACs. For the dose to a person outside the exclusionary boundary area (EBA) of MURR, the CEDE was 0 mrem and the TEDE was 8.58 mrem using the 10 CFR 20 default DAC and 2.45 mrem using the pre-2007 version of 10 CFR 835 DACs. These doses to both the radiation workers and the general public are lower than the 10 CFR 20 guidance for dose consequences.

Accident Analyses for Conversion of the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) from Highly-Enriched to Low-Enriched Uranium

Book Description

This report contains the results of reactor accident analyses for the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR). The calculations were performed as part of the conversion from the use of highly-enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to the use of low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. The analyses were performed by staff members in the Research and Test Reactor Department at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the MURR Facility. MURR LEU conversion is part of an overall effort to develop and qualify high-density fuel within the U.S. High Performance Research Reactor Conversion (USHPRR) program conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration's Office of Material Management and Minimization (M3).

Design-basis Accident Analysis Methods For Light-water Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

This book captures the principles of safety evaluation as practiced in the regulated light-water reactor nuclear industry, as established and stabilized over the last 30 years. It is expected to serve both the current industry and those planning for the future. The work's coverage of the subject matter is the broadest to date, including not only the common topics of modeling and simulation, but also methods supporting the basis for the underlying assumptions, the extension to radiological safety, what to expect in a licensing review, historical perspectives and the implication for new designs.This text is an essential resource for practitioners and students, on the current best-practices in nuclear power plant safety and their basis. Contributors of this work are subject matter experts in their specialties, much of which was nurtured and inspired by Prof. Larry Hochreiter, a prominent nuclear safety pioneer.Related Link(s)

Reducing the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium in Civilian Research Reactors

Book Description

The continued presence of highly enriched uranium (HEU) in civilian installations such as research reactors poses a threat to national and international security. Minimization, and ultimately elimination, of HEU in civilian research reactors worldwide has been a goal of U.S. policy and programs since 1978. Today, 74 civilian research reactors around the world, including 8 in the United States, use or are planning to use HEU fuel. Since the last National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report on this topic in 2009, 28 reactors have been either shut down or converted from HEU to low enriched uranium fuel. Despite this progress, the large number of remaining HEU-fueled reactors demonstrates that an HEU minimization program continues to be needed on a worldwide scale. Reducing the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium in Civilian Research Reactors assesses the status of and progress toward eliminating the worldwide use of HEU fuel in civilian research and test reactors.