National Education Goals

Book Description

With the advent of the National Education Goals formulated by President Bush and the nation's governors, there is a new, nationwide environment for America's schools. Goals and objectives set at this new level imply a desire for involvement in national monitoring of local efforts to assess student, school, and district performance. Concerned about school board response to the National Education Goals, the National School Boards Association and the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement jointly sponsored a study group to examine why National Education Goals are being promulgated now, why they are important for local school boards, and what school boards can do to support the goals. The study group developed several general principles to apply to each goal. Essentially, the study group urges school boards to: (1) consider the National Education Goals a framework for discussing local educational improvement efforts; (2) recognize that the goals redefine board responsibilities to include advocacy for children and learning; (3) demonstrate the school board's leadership in deciding which community group has primary responsibility for achieving each goal; and (4) prepare to cooperate with community members to change the framework for strategic thinking about education. The study group also offers a framework for considering each goal at the local level and outlines ideal board responses to each of 21 objectives established for the goals. (MLH)

Achieving the National Education Goals

Book Description

Designed to inform people involved in education reform of the myriad of programs and resources available from the federal government to support each of the National Education Goals. The effectiveness of local efforts can be strengthened if reformers are informed of the funding and technical resources that are available. Includes programs of U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; Defense; Air Force; Education; Health and Human Services; Housing and Urban Development; Justice; National Endowment for the Arts; National Endowment for the Humanities; National Science Foundation; Institute of Museum Services; and the Smithsonian.

The National Education Goals Report

Book Description

This document, one of four volumes comprising the 1995 Goals Report, is the fifth in a series of annual reports. This core report for 1995 focuses on approximately two dozen indicators that show the progress made by the United States toward the National Education Goals. National performance has improved in five areas, gotten worse in seven, and, in eight areas, no significant changes in national performance have occurred. Progress has occurred in the areas of student readiness and mathematics achievement; participation in Advanced Placement examinations such as English, mathematics, science, and history; and early prenatal care. However, there has been some decline in the area of providing safe environments conducive to learning. The report focuses on the essential role that families play in helping to achieve the National Education Goals and suggests ways in which schools can involve them in partnerships. State and national progress on the core indicators is presented in detail. Twenty-five figures and eight tables as well as the 1995 National Education Goals Report Questionnaire are included. Appendices contain technical notes and a list of the National Education Goals panel staff. (LMI)

Achieving the Goals

Book Description

Goal 4 of the National Education Goals envisions that teachers will have access to programs for the continued improvement of their professional skills. This book examines what federal agencies are doing to enhance teacher preparation, presents information on career-long development, and offers program descriptions and contact names. The first section of the book introduces the subjects of professional development and federal assistance and describes formula and discretionary grant programs. The second section, which comprises most of the book, provides information on programs administered by the U.S. Departments of Education, Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, the Interior, Justice, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs, and by independent agencies (Environmental Protection Agency, NASA, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Science Foundation, and the Smithsonian Institution). Nine appendices list additional sources of assistance; Appendix 10 provides a report of the Goal 4 Resource Group. (SM)

Meeting the National Education Goals

Book Description