Action Plan for the Conservation of the Greater Horseshoe Bat in Europe (Rhinolophus Ferrumequinum)

Book Description

This publication results from a request by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention for action plans to be drawn up for the conservation of two bat species as a contribution to the Euro-Species Programme. (The second action plan concerns the Pond bat (Myotis Dasycneme)). The greater horseshoe bat is widespread in Europe with major declines in its population recorded this century. Both roosts and foraging habitats are threatened. Action has been taken in many of the countries that this bat inhabits and this has at least, stabilised populations. Further conservation plans may vary between the current centres of population and areas of depleted or extinct populations. This action plan gives detailed background to the current knowledge of the status and ecology of the pond bat and how this relates to threats to the species. The plan includes detailed objectives, points for further discussion and possible mechanisms for implementation of the action plan.

Action Plan for the Conservation of the Pond Bat in Europe (myotis Dasycneme)

Book Description

This publication results from a request by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention for action plans to be drawn up for the conservation of two bat species as a contribution to the Euro-Species Programme. (The second action plan concerns the Greater Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus Ferrumquinum)). The pond bat is considered to be one of Europe's rarer and more threatened species. Both roosts and foraging habitats are threatened. The migratory behaviour of the species makes international collaboration an essential element of its conservation management. This action plan gives detailed background to the current knowledge of the status and ecology of the pond bat and how this relates to threats to the species. Country information is included in tables at the end of the text. The plan includes detailed objectives, points for further discussion and possible mechanisms for implementation of the action plan.

Guidelines on the Application of Existing International Instruments in Developing the Pan-European Ecological Network

Book Description

The Pan-European Ecological Network aims to secure the favourable conservation status of the ecosystems, habitats, species and landscapes of importance across Europe. This report reviews the provisions of existing international instruments and proposes priority co-operation action which could support both the development of the network and the implementation of these instruments.

European Bison (Bison Bonasus)

Book Description

The European bison, the largest herbivore in Europe, was once widely distributed throughout western, central and south-eastern Europe. But by the end of the 19th century there were only two populations left in the the wild, this drastic decline caused by competition for food from deer, cattle grazing in forests, wars and heavy poaching. By 1945 there were only 54 animals with proven pedigrees in zoos, descended from 12 ancestor animals (of which a mere two are dominant genetically). Moves to restore the wild population began in the 1920s, and the restitution has successfully maintained the breed's purity. In 2000, there were nearly 2900 bison registered by the European Bison Pedigree Book, existing in 191 enclosed and 31 free-roaming herds. Despite this success, there remain concerns over the loss of genetic variability - the inbreeding affects life span, viability of young animals, and the interval between calving and skeletal growth - and the presence of, and susceptibility to, several diseases, including foot-and-mouth and TB. Management of the habitat and local populations of bison is necessary to maintain the optimum bison habitat. It remains an endangered species, and its full recovery and re-naturalisation in the wild cannot be guaranteed.

Identification des principales zones protégées transfontalières en Europe

Book Description

L'établissement du Réseau écologique paneuropéen représente un des objectifs majeurs de la Stratégie paneuropéenne de la diversité biologique et paysagère. La protection de zones transfrontalières dans le cadre d'un tel réseau écologique composé de groupes de zones protégées pourrait être une étape importante vers la protection du patrimoine naturel en Europe. La coopération transfrontalière offre la possibilité de créer des zones protégées plus vastes et d'harmoniser leur gestion, apportant ainsi une contribution très importante à la préservation de la biodiversité. Le présent rapport traite de la coopération transfrontalière dans les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale, y compris les pays en transition d'Europe orientale, dont la Russie, les pays Baltes, le Bélarus et l'Ukraine.

Studies on Transport and Biological and Landscape Diversity

Book Description

This publication contains five studies on biological and landscape diversity in relation to road, rail and navigable waterway transport development, and on the approaches adopted at national and international level.

The Restoration of Sites and Ecological Corridors in the Framework of Building Up the Pan-European Ecological Network, with Examples of Best Practices from European Countries

Book Description

"The problem of fragmentation and isolation of (semi-) natural habitats throughout Europe is generally recognised. Isolation, together with the shrinkage of the area of optimal habitat, are major threats to biodiversity. They are the triggers for many direct and indirect processes with a negative impact on the viability of natural populations. This study is compiled on the basis of extensive research as well as on the consultation of a large number of specialists in the field of restoration ecology."--Publisher's description

The 33 Threatened Fungi in Europe

Book Description

Although Europe has a high diversity of fungi and many species are threatened, no fungal species are yet included in the appendices of the Bern Convention or the EU Habitats Directive. Conservation action has often neglected fungi due in part to past insufficient knowledge of their ecology, distribution and status. This report, which contains very detailed information on 33 species threatened in Europe, was originally prepared as a list of candidate species for protection at the European level. They certainly deserve the attention of conservation agencies

Protecting Birds from Powerlines

Book Description

Effects of Wind Farms on Birds

Book Description

On title page: Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Habitats (Bern Convention)