Adaptation of Eastern White Pine Provenances to Planting Sites

Book Description

Eastern white pine provenances from the extreme limits of its natural range are changing from above- and below-average stability to average stability for height growth with increasing age. The regression method is useful for evaluating the stability of provenance to planting sites. The same general conclusions are reached for the performance of provenances at different planting sites from the regression method as from the relative difference method.

Research Paper NE

Book Description

Planting Site, Shade, & Local Seed Source

Book Description

S2The purpose of our study was to examine some of the factors that influence seedling emergence and seedling survival of direct-seeded white pine (Pinus strobus L.). Our major concern was the response of white pine to a particular set of growing conditions on the seedling emergence pattern, on seedling survival, and on the causes of seedling mortality. S3.

Converting Hardwoods on Poor Sites to White Pine by Planting and Direct Seeding

Book Description

Until recently, conversion of hardwood stands on poor sites to white pine (Pinus strobus L.) was limited mostly to natural white pine reproduction released from a hardwood overstory, either by killing the hardwoods or by removing them through a timber sale. However, in our effort to increase the returns from poor sites in West Virginia (oak site index 45 to 60) we have been introducing white pine where advanced natural white pine is scarce or absent. The results of several conversion studies completed during the past 6 years and the results of pertinent research conducted elsewhere are summarized and reported here.

Pines of Silvicultural Importance

Book Description

Pines are the most economically important group of trees in the world, covering large parts of the Northern Hemisphere and also being of silvicultural significance in many countries in the Southern Hemisphere. This book is compiled from 65 datasheets on pine from the Forestry Compendium Global Module (published by CABI on CD-ROM). For each species, there is information on common names, taxonomy, botanical features, natural distribution, latitude range, climate, soil properties, silvicultural characteristics, pests, wood and non-wood products.