Addressing the Nation's Changing Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists

Book Description

As biomedical and behavioral research progresses into new areas, the number of scientists active in various fields rises and falls, and the health needs of the U.S. population evolve, it is important to ensure that the preparation of future investigators reflects these changes. This book addresses these topics by considering questions such as the following: What is the current supply of biomedical and behavioral scientists? How is future demand for scientists likely to be affected by factors such as advances in research, trends in the employment of scientists, future research funding, and changes in health care delivery? What are the best ways to prepare prospective investigators to meet future needs in scientific research? In the course of addressing these questions, this volume examines the number of investigators trained every year, patterns of hiring by universities and industry, and the age of the scientific workforce in different fields, and makes recommendations for the number of scientists that should be trained in the years ahead. This book also considers the diversity of the research workforce and the importance of providing prospective scientists with the skills to successfully collaborate with investigators in related fields, and offers suggestions for how government and universities should structure their research training programs differently in the future.

The Next Generation of Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences Researchers

Book Description

Since the end of the Second World War, the United States has developed the world's preeminent system for biomedical research, one that has given rise to revolutionary medical advances as well as a dynamic and innovative business sector generating high-quality jobs and powering economic output and exports for the U.S. economy. However, there is a growing concern that the biomedical research enterprise is beset by several core challenges that undercut its vitality, promise, and productivity and that could diminish its critical role in the nation's health and innovation in the biomedical industry. Among the most salient of these challenges is the gulf between the burgeoning number of scientists qualified to participate in this system as academic researchers and the elusive opportunities to establish long-term research careers in academia. The patchwork of measures to address the challenges facing young scientists that has emerged over the years has allowed the U.S. biomedical enterprise to continue to make significant scientific and medical advances. These measures, however, have not resolved the structural vulnerabilities in the system, and in some cases come at a great opportunity cost for young scientists. These unresolved issues could diminish the nation's ability to recruit the best minds from all sectors of the U.S. population to careers in biomedical research and raise concerns about a system that may favor increasingly conservative research proposals over high-risk, innovative ideas. The Next Generation of Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences Researchers: Breaking Through evaluates the factors that influence transitions into independent research careers in the biomedical and behavioral sciences and offers recommendations to improve those transitions. These recommendations chart a path to a biomedical research enterprise that is competitive, rigorous, fair, dynamic, and can attract the best minds from across the country.

Addressing the Nation's Changing Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists

Book Description

As biomedical and behavioral research progresses into new areas, the number of scientists active in various fields rises and falls, and the health needs of the U.S. population evolve, it is important to ensure that the preparation of future investigators reflects these changes. This book addresses these topics by considering questions such as the following: What is the current supply of biomedical and behavioral scientists? How is future demand for scientists likely to be affected by factors such as advances in research, trends in the employment of scientists, future research funding, and changes in health care delivery? What are the best ways to prepare prospective investigators to meet future needs in scientific research? In the course of addressing these questions, this volume examines the number of investigators trained every year, patterns of hiring by universities and industry, and the age of the scientific workforce in different fields, and makes recommendations for the number of scientists that should be trained in the years ahead. This book also considers the diversity of the research workforce and the importance of providing prospective scientists with the skills to successfully collaborate with investigators in related fields, and offers suggestions for how government and universities should structure their research training programs differently in the future.

Behavioral Science in the Global Arena

Book Description

Behavioral scientists are increasingly involved in international work through cross cultural research, conference presentations, and faculty exchanges. Psychology and social work NGOs work at the United Nations, both on providing professional consultation on timely issues, as well as advocating to promote human rights and sustainable development. Although this work at the United Nations is an important arena for behavioral scientists, this has been barely covered in the academic literature. "What are growing roles of psychology and the behavioral sciences at the United Nations today?" This first-ever volume brings together over 20 authors--both key experts and student interns--to answer this question. As the United Nations pursues its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the year 2030, behavioral scientists now occupy increasingly diverse roles to pursue evidence-based answers for these 17 timely SDGs. This panoramic yet concise 230-page volume is designed for students and professionals in the behavioral sciences, psychology and social work to provide state-of-the-art information on how behavioral scientists are addressing diverse global issues today. Each chapter offers a concise overview of a topic, including a glossary of current concepts, and citations to current research. ENDORSEMENTS "I am delighted to recommend this volume, which uncovers two important truths to the success of the UN. 1. The critical role of civil society that makes the UN more humane. 2. The important role of behavioral sciences in shaping UN policies to produce successful outcomes. Because of the UN, we've not had a third world war, yet. Human Rights have expanded beyond belief of anyone who founded the UN 75 years ago." - Bruce Knotts, U.S. diplomat, author, and Chair of the U.N. DPI NGO Executive Committee "As this new volume describes, the world is a better place because of the United Nations - where most of the world comes together with diverse and lofty goals such as protecting the environment, promoting health, supporting equality, and maintaining peace. All of these major goals require interventions that sometimes maintain and sometimes change human behavior. National and international policies need to be informed by the best available research in the behavioral sciences. Our future depends on it." - Diane F. Halpern, PhD., Former President, American Psychological Association "Attaining the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 is a formidable challenge that can be furthered by a foundation of solid evidence. This book provides a base of relevant psychological knowledge that can inform policy and interventions in the achievement of those goals." - Judith A. Gibbons, PhD, Past-President, Interamerican Society of Psychology "The authors make a convincing case for the relevance of behavioral sciences to the work of the United Nations. Progress on women's rights, preparing for and recovering from natural disasters, adapting to climate change, improving child well-being and more all have behavioral dimensions. These must be addressed for the UN to make progress on its goals. By chronicling the involvements of psychology and social work in the United Nations, this volume will inspire students and practitioners to engage further in global work and advocacy." - Lynne Healy, PhD, International Association of Schools of Social Work "Behavioral Science in the Global Arena - a timely and significant volume about the role of psychologists at the UN addressing our contemporary social problems - i.e. human rights, social justice, climate and environmental change. As Congress, Takooshian, and Asper demonstrate, it is time for psychologists to move from their individual focus toward social change at a macro, diverse and global focus following the UN's 17 sustainable development goals for 2030. We need to acknowledge changing population demographics, growing mobility and aging in our population, and recognize the continued gender inequities and disparities among migrants salient today. No longer can we simply consider psychology's role in the aftermath of disaster, but to be proactive and on the forefront about counterterrorism, climate change, etc. to promote global action so that we think and act together toward shared social change." - Jean Lau Chin, EdD, ABPP, Past-President, International Division, American Psychological Association "As the UN celebrates its diamond anniversary, it is fitting that thinkers in psychology provide critical insights into psychology's engagement with the UN SDG Agenda. The authors have carefully considered the UN from many vantage points, especially behavioural. This important volume posits fresh ideas for psychology's role and future impact in the only global body that brings all governments together to tackle the social, economic, political and security factors that are essential for peace and collective human development in our fragile world." - Saths Cooper, PhD, Past-President, International Union of Psychological Scientists (IUPsyS) "I am very excited to see the publication of a much-needed book on the contribution of the behavioral sciences at the UN which highlights the role of social work. The editors have successfully illuminated how social workers have been increasingly involved in addressing international issues. Speaking as the current president of NASW, member of the International Federation of Social Workers Executive and as a social work educator, I am especially appreciative of the content on the long-term involvement that social workers have had in the work of the UN. This book is a gift to students who are increasingly seeking to become involved in international social work. I am especially impressed by the editors' commitment to promoting the professional development of students by having them co-author the chapters in the book with both academics and UN leaders. Well done!" - Kathryn Conley Wehrmann, PhD, LCSW, President, National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

Proposed Revisions to the Common Rule

Book Description

On July 26, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued an advance notice of proposed rule-making (ANPRM) with the purpose of soliciting comments on how current regulations for protecting research participants could be modernized and revised ... on how to better protect human subjects who are involved in research, while facilitating valuable research and reducing burden, delay, and ambiguity for investigators. The current regulations governing human subjects research were developed years ago when research was predominantly conducted at universities, colleges, and medical institutions, and each study generally took place at only a single site. Although the regulations have been amended over the years, they have not kept pace with the evolving human research enterprise, the proliferation of multi-site clinical trials and observational studies, the expansion of health services research, research in the social and behavioral sciences, and research involving databases, the Internet, and biological specimen repositories, and the use of advanced technologies, such as genomics ... [The summary] focuses on six broad topic areas: 1. Evidence on the functioning of the Common Rule and of institutional review boards (IRBs), to provide context for the proposed revisions. 2. The types and levels of risks and harms encountered in social and behavioral sciences, and issues related to the severity and probability of harm, because the ANPRM asks for input on calibration of levels of review to levels of risk. 3. The consent process and special populations, because new rules have been proposed to improve informed consent (e.g., standard consent form, consent for future uses of biospecimens, and re-consenting for further use of existing research data). 4. Issues related to the protection of research participants in studies that involve use of existing data and data sharing, because the ANPRM proposed applying standards for protecting the privacy of healthcare data to research data. 5. Multidisciplinary and multisite studies, because the ANPRM proposed a revision to the regulations that would allow multisite studies to be covered by a single IRB. 6. The purview and roles of IRBs, because the ANPRM included possible revisions to categories of research that could entail changes in IRB oversight.

Behavioral Science in the Global Arena

Book Description

Behavioral scientists are increasingly involved in international work through cross cultural research, conference presentations, and faculty exchanges. Psychology and social work NGOs work at the United Nations, both on providing professional consultation on timely issues, as well as advocating to promote human rights and sustainable development. Although this work at the United Nations is an important arena for behavioral scientists, this has been barely covered in the academic literature. "What are growing roles of psychology and the behavioral sciences at the United Nations today?" This first-ever volume brings together over 20 authors--both key experts and student interns--to answer this question. As the United Nations pursues its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the year 2030, behavioral scientists now occupy increasingly diverse roles to pursue evidence-based answers for these 17 timely SDGs. This panoramic yet concise 230-page volume is designed for students and professionals in the behavioral sciences, psychology and social work to provide state-of-the-art information on how behavioral scientists are addressing diverse global issues today. Each chapter offers a concise overview of a topic, including a glossary of current concepts, and citations to current research.

Meeting the Nation's Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists

Book Description

This book assesses the nation's future needs for biomedical and behavioral scientists and the role the National Research Service Awards (NRSA) program can play in meeting those needs. The year 1994 marks the twentieth anniversary of the National Research Act of 1974 (PL 93-348), which established the NRSA program. In its twenty years of operation, the NRSA program has made it possible for many thousands of talented individuals in the basic biomedical, behavioral, and clinical sciences to sharpen their research skills and to apply those skills to topics of special concern to the nation, such as aging, hypertension, the genetic basis of disease, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), cancer, environmental toxicology, nutrition and health, and substance abuse.