Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 28

Book Description

The ASAP's longstanding advocacy of troubled adolescents gains expression in Volume 28 of Adolescent Psychiatry, which focuses on the juvenile justice system and other dimensions of adolescents and the law. A special section on the forensic and legal aspects of adolescent psychiatry traverses the competence of adolescents to consent to treatment; the "voluntary" hospitalization of adolescents; the utility of residential treatment programs in the management of juvenile delinquency; and Richard Ratner's Schonfeld Lecture, "Juvenile Justice?" The special demands on psychiatric providers are addressed in Richard Rosner's proposal for the legal regulation of the practice of adolescent psychiatry and Alan Tuckman's and Dominic Ferro's consideration of professional liability and malpractice in adolescent psychiatry. The treatment challenges addressed in Part II are complementary to the focus on the legal aspects of clinical work with adolescents. Contributors address the impact of adolescent hostility on the therapeutic process; the evaluation of teenagers who make threats in school settings; the evaluation and treatment of boys who have been sexually abused by clergy; the psychotherapy of learning-disabled adolescents; and the assessment and treatment of juveniles who commit sex crimes. Volume 28 concludes with two chapters that underscore the ASAP's commitment to timely consideration of the relations among culture, development, and psychopathology. Eugenio Rothe offers a comprehensive overview of Hispanic adolescents and their families and then develops practical guidelines on therapeutic approaches to Hispanic adolescents. And Max Sugar, building on previous examinations of the effects of military experience on late-adolescent males, develops a new conceptualization, "warrior identity problem," to explain the postmilitary adjustment problems of certain young male soldiers and the psychopathology observed in some veterans.

Adolescent Psychiatry

Book Description

A special section on adolescent substance abuse highlights Volume 29 of Adolescent Psychiatry. Contributions range from an examination of brain myelination in relation to onset of addictive disorders (Bartzokis) to the screening instruments used to detect substance use disorders (Rosner) to practical aspects of psychiatric assessment and management of substance abusing adolescents (Havivi). Topical studies focus on the changing patterns of use and health risks of the "designer drug" Ecstasy (Grob); the club drugs gamma-hydroxybutyrate and ketamine (Miotto et al.); and adolescent pathological gambling, a behavioral disorder with strikingly addictive features. Taken together, these illuminating essays converge in an appreciation of adolescent substance abuse and addiction in all their biopsychosocial complexity. Elsewhere in Volume 29, contributors review neuroimaging studies in an effort to shed light on adolescent psychiatric disorders (Day et al.); reevaluate the construct of borderline personality disorder as it pertains to adolescence (Becker & Grilo; Paris); and present the encouraging results of a pilot project on the psychodynamic psychotherapy of adolescents with panic disorder (Milrod et al.). A case series on the treatment of hospitalized adolescents who deliberately ingest foreign objects (Petti et al.) and a case study of the cross-cultural issues that arose in the therapy of an Asian American adolescent (Shen et al.) enlarge the clinical and cultural scope of the volume. True to the legacy of previous volumes in the series, Volume 29 of Adolescent Psychiatry brings within its purview all the elements of a multidimensional grasp of adolescent development, psychopathology, and treatment. Neuroscientific findings, empirical clinical studies, case series, and descriptions of clinical approaches all take their place in this illuminating and richly textured collection.

Dulcan's Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Third Edition

Book Description

"Dulcan's Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry provides in-depth, DSM-5-aligned evidence-based clinical guidance in such areas as neurodevelopmental and other psychiatric disorders; psychosocial treatments; pediatric psychopharmacology; and special topics, including cultural considerations, youth suicide, legal and ethical issues, and gender and sexual diversity. This third edition includes expanded information on telehealth, e-mental health, and pediatric consultation-liaison psychiatry"--

Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 23

Book Description

Launched in 1971, Adolescent Psychiatry, in the words of founding coeditors Sherman C. Feinstein, Peter L. Giovacchinni, and Arthur A. Miller, promised "to explore adolescence as a process . . . to enter challenging and exciting areas that may have profound effects on our basic concepts." Further, they promised "a series that will provide a forum for the expression of ideas and problems that plague and excite so many of us working in this enigmatic but fascinating field." For over two decades, Adolescent Psychiatry has fulfilled this promise. The repository of a wealth of original studies by preeminent clinicians, developmental researchers, and social scientists specializing in this stage of life, the series has become an essential resource for all mental health practitioners working with youth. Volume 23 of The Annals begins with the late Richard Marohn's reexamination of Peter Blos's concept of "prolonged adolescence," followed by contributions on the developmental roots of adolescent disturbances, the role of family interactions in adolescent depression, the establishment of a therapeutic alliance with adolescents, and the treatment of narcissistically disordered adolescents. The assessment and treatment of adolescent substance abuse and of psychosomatic and depressive symptoms in adolescence receive timely consideration. In a concluding section on "School-Based and Preventive Programs," contributors address a range of important issues, from adolescent sex and AIDS, to the provision of mental health services in public and private schools, to the need for school-based suicide postvention programs. In summary, volume 23 shows adolescent psychiatry to be as vital as ever, building on the clinical wisdom of the past while responding to the urgent challenges of the day.

Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 27

Book Description

Volume 27 of Adolescent Psychiatry focuses on trauma and violence among adolescents, and attends especially to the psychological, biological, and social impact of trauma on its victims, especially the young. Schonfeld Award papers offer a historical perspective on adolescent violence in America, and examine terrorism by looking at the appeal of ideologies that espouse violent revolution to young people. Christopher Thomas and his colleagues, drawing on their groundbreaking work on youth violence in Galveston, Texas, add a study that links gang members with serious violent crime. A series of papers by the Committee on Adolescence of GAP deals not only with the nature, scope, and impact of trauma, but also with its implications for mental health training and public policy, helpfully supplemented by studies that consider the neurobiological effects of trauma and the cultural and gender-based dimensions of trauma. The clinical yield of these new perspectives is addressed in chapters on interventions with traumatized adolescents and on the special vulnerability of late adolescents to combat-related PTSD. Clinical contributions of related interest show how effective interventions can reduce the use of seclusion and restraint with state hospital adolescent populations; and provide an up-to-date understanding of the recognition of, and differentiation between, early-onset schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. James Gilfoil discusses the importance of families' attitudes toward psychotherapy in the outcome of clinical work with adolescents. Saul Levine dissects the various self-deceptions and myths among mental health professionals and policymakers that have militated against appropriate therapeutic care for adolescents. And Volume 27 concludes with an ASAP Position Paper that provides further discussion of the role of societal attitudes about youth in both the perpetuation of violence and the lack of appropriate interventions.

Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 24

Book Description

Launched in 1971, Adolescent Psychiatry promised "to explore adolescence as a process . . . to enter challenging and exciting areas that may have profound effects on our basic concepts." Further, they promised "a series that will provide a forum for the expression of ideas and problems that plague and excite so many of us working in this enigmatic but fascinating field." The repository of a wealth of original studies by preeminent clinicians, developmental researchers, and social scientists specializing in this stage of life, the series has become an essential resource for all mental health practitioners working with youth. Volume 24 of The Annals surveys four broad areas of adolescent psychiatry that speak to the challenges and opportunities now before the field. Part I offers three important reassessments of adolescent development; they focus, respectively, on separation-individuation theory, the interpersonal matrix of adolescence, and the psychology of belonging. Part II explores the future of child and adolescent psychiatry in the context of school-based mental health services. Several assessments of ongoing school-based mental health clinics provide the context for reflection on the future of school-based delivery systems. Part III examines forensic issues in adolescent psychiatry and includes an overview of forensic psychiatry for adolescent psychiatrists, an update on juvenile justice, and a review of the issue of competence in adolescents. Finally, Part IV offers a series of current perspectives on psychopharmacology in relation to adolescence. Contributors review the current status of pharmacological treatment of different adolescent populations, including adolescents with behavior disorders, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, and psychosis. The volume concludes with a timely examination of the role of psychiatric consultation on an adolescent medical service.

Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 26

Book Description

Volume 26 of The Annals begins with essays that address the challenge of maintaining human connections in a biological century; Philip Katz focuses on the human encounter between therapist and patient whereas Vivian Rakoff emphasizes the continuing identity of the healer throughout history. Papers on adolescent development, which challenge readers to look beyond preconceived ideas, include Robert Galatzer-Levy's examination of adolescence as a social construction expressed in contradictory cultural narratives and Jack Drescher's exploration of the developmental narratives of gay men in order to illuminate the seeming invisibility of gay adolescents. A section dedicated to "Trauma, Violence, and Suicide" explores interventions with special groups of high-risk adolescents, including violent offendors, suicide attempters, and adolescent refugees. A special section on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorders includes a debate on whether or not conduct disorder is actually a valid diagnosis. The final section of Volume 26 addresses social issues of continuing relevance to adolescent psychiatry: the juvenile death penalty and gays in the military. Reprinted here are the ASAP's position statements on these two issues along with its amici curiae brief in support of the petitioner in the landmark Supreme Court case of Thompson v. Oklahoma. Volume 26 of The Annals tracks the continuing evolution of adolescent psychiatry as it strives to keep pace with therapeutic and social responsibilities which, in the 21st century, have become increasingly intertwined. We have here a typically thoughtful compendium that, in drawing attention to the pressing issues before those who work with adolescents, highlights bith the field's achievements to date and the work that lies before it.

Adolescent Psychiatry

Book Description

Psychiatric disorders in adolescents are an important social problem which is relevant to almost all healthcare professionals. According to the results of The National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A), the lifetime prevalence of anxiety, behavior, mood, and substance use disorders among adolescents was 31.9%, 19.1%, 14.3%, and 11.4%, respectively. Approximately 40% of participants in this survey with one class of disorder also met criteria for another class of lifetime disorder. Comorbidity is increasingly recognized as a key feature of mental disorders among adolescents. Female adolescents are more likely than males to have mood and anxiety disorders, but less likely to have behavioral and substance use disorders. Regretfully, medical professionals are not sufficiently trained about adolescent psychiatric disorders. For example, primary care providers correctly identify less than a fourth of youth with a depressive or anxiety disorder. Also, many clinicians underestimate the importance of the problem of adolescent psychiatric illnesses and suicidal behavior. Lack of skilled medical providers impedes the delivery of needed services to adolescents with mental health issues. This coupled with a lag in the ability of primary health care services to incorporate psychiatric interventions, and a failure of public health initiatives to pay attention to adolescent mental health problems has led to continuing gaps in care over decades despite the public pronouncements of needs. In this book you will find relevant information for health professionals, since we believe that the mental health of adolescents is essential for sustaining healthy and productive societies.

Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 22

Book Description

Launched in 1971, Adolescent Psychiatry, in the words of founding coeditors Sherman C. Feinstein, Peter L. Giovacchinni, and Arthur A. Miller, promised "to explore adolescence as a process . . . to enter challenging and exciting areas that may have profound effects on our basic concepts." Further, they promised "a series that will provide a forum for the expression of ideas and problems that plague and excite so many of us working in this enigmatic but fascinating field." For over two decades, Adolescent Psychiatry has fulfilled this promise. The repository of a wealth of original studies by preeminent clinicians, developmental researchers, and social scientists specializing in this stage of life, the series has become an essential resource for all mental health practitioners working with youth. With volume 22, the editorship of Adolescent Psychiatry passes to Aaron E. Esman, a distinguished clinician and educator whose wide-ranging sensibilities gain expression in a collection rich in clinical, developmental, and scholarly insight. Encompassing developmental topics (adolescent daydreams) timely clinical issues (eating disorders, impulse control disorders, narcissistic and antisocial pathology), historical commentaries (Shakespeare's adolescents, Nietzsche's romantic construction of adolescence, Freud's Dora as an adolescent), and a special section on "ambient genocide and adolescence," volume 22 ably meets the needs of professional and scholarly readers interested in this vitally important stage of life.