Advancing the Characterization of Neuronal Cyto-Architecture by X-ray Phase-Contrast Tomography

Book Description

To bring physiology and pathology of the human brain into better micro-anatomical and histological context, studies with different methodologies are required. Established techniques such as electron microscopy or histology show limitations in view of invasiveness, labor-intense and artifact-prone sample preparation, as well as an adequate ratio between resolution and volume throughput. For this reason, X-ray phase-contrast tomography (PC-CT) has been proposed as a three-dimensional non-destructive imaging technique, which requires less effort in sample preparation and can assess larger volumes. Furthermore, it offers quantitative electron density based contrast even for unstained tissue. Up to now, however, PC-CT studies fell short in number of samples, so that structural alterations caused by neurodegenerative diseases cannot be distinguished from physiological inter-subject variations. In this thesis, the scalability of PC-CT with respect to the required number of samples and resolution-to-volume-throughput is demonstrated, and the methodology is advanced with respect to data acquisition, processing and segmentation. In addition to the human cerebellum, cortex and hippocampus are studied. Concerning quantification and analysis of PC-CT data, this work introduces optimal transport analysis to obtain quantitative metrics of the cyto-architecture and to identify changes due to neurodegenerative diseases. For the case of Alzheimer’s disease, this workflow reveals a yet undescribed compactification of granular cells in the human hippocampus. This thesis also provides optimized configurations to study neural tissues with laboratory instrumentation, and – finally – provides new correlative imaging approaches, in particular with scanning electron microscopy.

Advancing the Characterization of Neuronal Cyto-architecture by X-ray Phase-contrast Tomography

Book Description

To bring physiology and pathology of the human brain into better micro-anatomical and histological context, studies with different methodologies are required. Established techniques such as electron microscopy or histology show limitations in view of invasiveness, labor-intense and artifact-prone sample preparation, as well as an adequate ratio between resolution and volume throughput. For this reason, X-ray phase-contrast tomography (PC-CT) has been proposed as a three-dimensional non-destructive imaging technique, which requires less effort in sample preparation and can assess larger volumes. Furthermore, it offers quantitative electron density based contrast even for unstained tissue. Up to now, however, PC-CT studies fell short in number of samples, so that structural alterations caused by neurodegenerative diseases cannot be distinguished from physiological inter-subject variations. In this thesis, the scalability of PC-CT with respect to the required number of samples and resolution-to-volume-throughput is demonstrated, and the methodology is advanced with respect to data acquisition, processing and segmentation. In addition to the human cerebellum, cortex and hippocampus are studied. Concerning quantification and analysis of PC-CT data, this work introduces optimal transport analysis to obtain quantitative metrics of the cyto-architecture and to identify changes due to neurodegenerative diseases. For the case of Alzheimer's disease, this workflow reveals a yet undescribed compactification of granular cells in the human hippocampus. This thesis also provides optimized configurations to study neural tissues with laboratory instrumentation, and - finally - provides new correlative imaging approaches, in particular with scanning electron microscopy.

3d virtual histology of neuronal tissue by propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast tomography

Book Description

Deciphering the three-dimensional (3d) cytoarchitecture of neuronal tissue is an important step towards understanding the connection between tissue function and structure and determining relevant changes in neurodegenerative diseases. The gold standard in pathology is histology, in which the tissue is examined under a light microscope after serial sectioning and subsequent staining. It is an invasive and labor-intensive technique which is prone to artifacts due to the slicing procedure. While it provides excellent results on the 2d slices, the 3d anatomy can only be determined after aligning the individual sections, leading to a non-isotropic resolution within the tissue. X-ray computed tomography (CT) offers a promising alternative due to its potential resolution and large penetration depth which allows for non-invasive imaging of the sample's 3d density distribution. In classical CT, contrast formation is based on absorption of the x-rays as they pass through the sample. However, weakly absorbing samples like soft tissue from the central nervous system give nearly no contrast. By exploiting the much stronger phase shifts for contrast formation, which the sample induces in a (partially) coherent wavefront, it can be substantially increased. During free-space propagation behind the sample, these phase shifts are converted to a measurable intensity image by interference of the disturbed wave fronts. In this thesis, 3d virtual histology is performed by means of propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast tomography on tissue from the central nervous system of humans and mice. A combination of synchrotron-based and laboratory setups is used to visualize the 3d density distribution on varying lengths scales from the whole organ down to single cells. By comparing and optimizing different preparation techniques and phase-retrieval approaches, even sub-cellular resolution can be reached in mm-sized tissue blocks. The development of an automatic cell segmentation workflow provides access to the 3d cellular distribution within the tissue, enabling the quantification of the cellular arrangement and allowing for extensive statistical analysis based on several thousands to millions of cells. This paves the way for biomedical studies aimed at changes in cellular distribution, e.g., in the course of neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease or ischemic stroke.

3d Virtual Histology of Neuronal Tissue by Propagation-based X-ray Phase-contrast Tomography

Book Description

Deciphering the three-dimensional (3d) cytoarchitecture of neuronal tissue is an important step towards understanding the connection between tissue function and structure and determining relevant changes in neurodegenerative diseases. The gold standard in pathology is histology, in which the tissue is examined under a light microscope after serial sectioning and subsequent staining. It is an invasive and labor-intensive technique which is prone to artifacts due to the slicing procedure. While it provides excellent results on the 2d slices, the 3d anatomy can only be determined after alignin...

Medical Imaging Systems

Book Description

This open access book gives a complete and comprehensive introduction to the fields of medical imaging systems, as designed for a broad range of applications. The authors of the book first explain the foundations of system theory and image processing, before highlighting several modalities in a dedicated chapter. The initial focus is on modalities that are closely related to traditional camera systems such as endoscopy and microscopy. This is followed by more complex image formation processes: magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray projection imaging, computed tomography, X-ray phase-contrast imaging, nuclear imaging, ultrasound, and optical coherence tomography.

Mammography and Beyond

Book Description

X-ray mammography screening is the current mainstay for early breast cancer detection. It has been proven to detect breast cancer at an earlier stage and to reduce the number of women dying from the disease. However, it has a number of limitations. These current limitations in early breast cancer detection technology are driving a surge of new technological developments, from modifications of x-ray mammography such as computer programs that can indicate suspicious areas, to newer methods of detection such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or biochemical tests on breast fluids. To explore the merits and drawbacks of these new breast cancer detection techniques, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences convened a committee of experts. During its year of operation, the committee examined the peer-reviewed literature, consulted with other experts in the field, and held two public workshops. In addition to identifying promising new technologies for early detection, the committee explored potential barriers that might prevent the development of new detection methods and their common usage. Such barriers could include lack of funding from agencies that support research and lack of investment in the commercial sector; complicated, inconsistent, or unpredictable federal regulations; inadequate insurance reimbursement; and limited access to or unacceptability of breast cancer detection technology for women and their doctors. Based on the findings of their study, the committee prepared a report entitled Mammography and Beyond: Developing Technology for Early Detection of Breast Cancer, which was published in the spring of 2001. This is a non-technical summary of that report.

Detection Systems in Lung Cancer and Imaging

Book Description

This book focuses on major trends and challenges in the detection of lung cancer, presenting work aimed at identifying new techniques and their use in biomedical analysis. This volume covers recent advancements in lung cancer and imaging detection and classification, examining the main applications of computer aided diagnosis relating to lung cancer: lung nodule segmentation, lung nodule classification, and Big Data in lung cancer.

Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience

Book Description

Modern neuroscience research is inherently multidisciplinary, with a wide variety of cutting edge new techniques to explore multiple levels of investigation. This Third Edition of Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience provides a comprehensive overview of classical and cutting edge methods including their utility, limitations, and how data are presented in the literature. This book can be used as an introduction to neuroscience techniques for anyone new to the field or as a reference for any neuroscientist while reading papers or attending talks. Nearly 200 updated full-color illustrations to clearly convey the theory and practice of neuroscience methods Expands on techniques from previous editions and covers many new techniques including in vivo calcium imaging, fiber photometry, RNA-Seq, brain spheroids, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, and more Clear, straightforward explanations of each technique for anyone new to the field A broad scope of methods, from noninvasive brain imaging in human subjects, to electrophysiology in animal models, to recombinant DNA technology in test tubes, to transfection of neurons in cell culture Detailed recommendations on where to find protocols and other resources for specific techniques "Walk-through" boxes that guide readers through experiments step-by-step