Adventist Pioneer Places

Book Description

Visit the historical sites where it all began: the pioneers' homes and churches, the sites of births and deaths, the special places where visions descended and revival arose. For each landmark Adventist Pioneer Places includes maps, GPS coordinates, and captivating stories that will sweep you back in time.

Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers

Book Description

Perhaps you've heard the stories of the Adventist pioneers. However these are the stories that are not often told. The stories that bring out the human nature of each one. Heartwarming stories will give you a different perspective. You'll get to know the pioneers. None of them were perfect--but all of them did their best, by God's grace, to spread the message of Jesus' soon return and the good news of the seventh-day Sabbath. You'll laugh, cry, and celebrate the God who uses imperfect people to do His work. - A Word to the Reader; CHAPTER; 1 William Miller: "Today, Today, and Today, Till He Comes"; 2 Hiram Edson: Bible Student, Preacher, Healer; 3 Joseph Bates: Herald of the Saggath; 4 James White: "You Will See Your Lord A-Coming"; 5 Ellen Gould Harmon: Messenger of the Lord; 6 William Foy and Hazen Foss: One Who Willingly Obeyed, and One Who Refused to Obey; 7 Heman S. Gurney: The Singing Blacksmith; 8 James and Ellen White: They Worked Together; 9 Uriah Smith: "Yours in the Blessed Hope"; 10 John Nevins Andrews: "The Ablest Man in Our Ranks"; 11 Annie Smith: Poet, Artist, Editor; Bibliography

The Great Second Advent Movement

Book Description

There are already many useful books in the hands of the people, and my apology for adding another to the list, is that in these pages I state many things concerning Adventist, and especially Seventh-day Adventist, which have not heretofore been brought in this form before the people. Besides this, many who espoused the cause in later years, and who have not witnessed the things mentioned, have earnestly requested a narration of these facts and experiences from those earlier in the work. Having been familiar with the advent movement in 1843 and 1844, and having, since Jane. 2, 1849 proclaimed the doctrine, first as an Adventist, I esteem it a pleasure to "speak the things i have seen and heard."--Chapter I-- Introductory. Chapter II-- The Plan of Salvation Unfolded. Chapter III-- The Coming of the Promised Seed. Chapter IV-- The Time of the End. Chapter V-- The Second Advent Message. Chapter VI-- The Message and the Messangers. Chapter VII-- The Rapid Advancement of the Message. Chapter VIII- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Chapter IX-- The Tarrying Time. Chapter X-- The Midnight Cry. Chapter XI --The Second Angel's Message. Chapter XII--The Disappointment--The Bitter Book. Chapter XIII--Tokens of Divine Guidance. Chapter XIV--The Shut Door. Chapter XV-- Increasing Light and Greater Wonders. Chapter XVI--The Third Angel's Message. ChapterXVII--Truth Advanced Under Difficulties. Chapter XVIII--Providence of God in the Publishing Work. Chapter XIX-- "By Their Fruits Ve Shall Know Them". Chapter XX-- Sacrifices in the Early Work. Chapter XXI--The Guiding Hand in the Work. Chapter XXII-Organization. Chapter XXIII--Health Institutions. Chapter XXIV--Other Prediction Fulfilled. Chapter XXV--Educational Institutions. Chapter XXVI--Our Foreign Missions. Chapter XXVII--Other Testimonies Confirmed. Chapter XXVIII--A Door That No Man Can Shut

A Brief History of Seventh-Day Adventists

Book Description

This book is a story of how Adventists came to view themselves as a prophetic people, of their growing awareness of a resposibility to take their unique message to all the world, and of their organizational and institutional development as they sought to fulfill their prophetic mission. By the end of this volume, you as a reader and I as a author will find ourselves in the flow of Adventist history. - Millerite Roots. Era of Doctrinal Development. Era of Organizational Development. Era of Institutional and Lifestyle Development. Era of Revival, Reform, and Expansion. Era of Reorganization and Crisis. Era of Worldwide Growth. The Challenges and Possibilities of Maturity.

Daniel and the Revelation

Book Description

A. T. Jones

Book Description

Embroiled in controversy nearly his entire ministry, Jones was one of the most fascinating personalities ever to grace a Seventh-day Adventist pulpit. This brilliantly researched biography reveals a man so powerful and charismatic that his fall seems incomprehensible yet somehow inevitable. Discover the contributions Jones made to Adventism¿and what led him eventually to fight the faith he spent so much of his life building up.

Letters to the Churches

Book Description

A series of letters objecting to statements in the book "Questions on Doctrine." The author was a conference president, a president of Union College, and secretary at the General Conference.

The Unknown Prophet

Book Description

More than 25 years ago society was introduced to William Ellis Foy. Foy was an African-American minister of the nineteenth century whom historical records had generally overlooked. The popular book The Unknown Prophet demonstrated that Foy received powerful revelations from God about coming tribulation, judgment, and heaven awaiting those who were faithful to God. Foy’s message was straightforward—be faithful, because Jesus is coming again! The groundbreaking research in The Unknown Prophet did much to clear up misconceptions and set the record straight about William Foy. It told the largely unknown story of this sensitive young man of color. Furthermore, he faced incredible trials and struggles yet faithfully fulfilled his time-specific prophetic commission during the height of the Millerite movement and went on to maintain a quiet and productive ministry until his death in the late 1800s. William Foy’s story, his ministry and message, still speaks today. This second edition is the response to a desire for an updated version, providing hope and encouragement for the twenty-first-century reader. It contains new and valuable documents and images, including the only known photo of William Foy’s son. Your faith will be enriched as you read these pages.

Historical Dictionary of the Seventh-Day Adventists

Book Description

Seventh-day Adventism was born as a radical millenarian sect in nineteenth-century America. It has since spread across the world, achieving far more success in Latin America, Africa, and Asia than in its native land. In what seems a paradox, Adventist expectation of Christ’s imminent return has led the denomination to develop extensive educational, publishing, and health systems. Increasingly established within a variety of societies, Adventism over time has modified its views on many issues and accommodated itself to the “delay” of the Second Advent. In the process, it has become a multicultural religion that nonetheless reflects the dominant influence of its American origins. This second edition of Historical Dictionary of the Seventh-Day Adventists covers its history through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 600 cross-referenced entries on key people, cinema, politics and government, sports, and critics of Ellen White. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about Seventh-day Adventism.

Counsels to Writers and Editors

Book Description

Seventh-day Adventist editors from all parts of the world met in Washington, D.C., in August, 1939, to participate in a general editorial council, the first to be held. As a source of inspiration and guidance to this group, the leaders of the denomination arranged to have placed in their hands the E.G. White instruction which had been directed to our writers and editors through the years, drawn from both published sources and manuscripts, in the form of a little paper-bound work entitled Counsels to Editors. Five hundred copies of this little work were printed, and the stock was soon exhausted. It seems appropriate to make this volume of counsels generally available through a new edition, which is now issued as a permanent publication. - The Object of Our Publications. The Character of Periodical Articles. The Foundations, Pillars, and Landmarks. Attitude to New Light. Investigation of New Light. Integrity of the Message. How to Meet Opposition. Words of CautionAttitude to Civil Authorities. On Publishing Conflicting Views. Counsels to Writers. Counsels to Editors. Our Church Paper. The Missionary Periodicals. The Educational Journal. Our Health Journals. Periodical Circulation. Newspaper Publicity. Kind of Books Needed. Duplicating Books, and New Editions. Independent Publishing. The Book Committee. The Author's Stewardship. Illustrating Our Literature. Literature in the Closing Work