African Clusters in India

Book Description

"African Clusters in India examines the discrimination and stereotypes faced by the African migrants in India. It outlines the narratives of the migrants and demonstrates how their 'African identity' gets associated with drugs, prostitution, and cannibalism. The book brings to the fore how the African migrants experience racial profiling based on a conflated African identity, and how this identity gets generalised irrespective of their different nationalities and leads to social exclusion. This monograph argues that the antagonistic urban environment facilitates the formation of a pan-African identity as a response to biases and stereotypes. It also explores the role of language, culture, and politics of representation to show the process of othering and exclusion in India. Drawing on lived experiences of the migrants, the volume engages with the larger discourse of globalization, liberalisation, and migration within the global south. It will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of critical race theory, ethnography, urban sociology, African studies, and South Asian studies"--

African Clusters in India

Book Description

African Clusters in India examines the discrimination and stereotypes faced by African migrants in India. It outlines the narratives of the migrants and demonstrates how their ‘African identity’ gets associated with drugs, prostitution, and cannibalism. The book brings to the fore how African migrants experience racial profiling based on a conflated African identity and how this identity gets generalized irrespective of the different nationalities and leads to social exclusion. This monograph argues that the antagonistic urban environment gives rise to the formation of a pan-African identity as a response to cultural biases and stereotypes. Thus, it explores the role of language, culture, and politics of representation to show the process of ‘othering’ and exclusion in India. Drawing on lived experiences of the migrants, the volume engages with the larger discourse of globalization, liberalization, and migration within the global south. It will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of critical race theory, ethnography, urban sociology, African studies, and South Asian studies.

The African Diaspora in India

Book Description

This book explores the understudied and often overlooked subject of African presence in India. It focuses on the so-called Sidis, Siddis or Habshis who occupy a unique place in Indian history. The Sidis comprise scattered communities of people of African descent who travelled and settled along the western coast of India, mainly in Gujarat, but also in Goa, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Sri Lanka and in Sindh (Pakistan) as a result of the Indian Ocean trade from the thirteenth to nineteenth centuries. The work draws from extant scholarly research and documentary sources to provide a comprehensive study of people of African descent in India and sheds new light on their experiences. By employing an interdisciplinary approach across fields of history, art, anthropology, religion, literature and oral history, it provides an analysis of their negotiations with cultural resistance, survivals and collective memory. The author examines how the Sidi communities strived to construct a distinct identity in a new homeland in a polyglot Indian society, their present status, as well as their future prospects. The book will interest those working in the fields of history, sociology and social anthropology, cultural studies, international relations, and migration and diaspora studies.

Indian Diaspora in Africa

Book Description

Eight percent of global Indian Diaspora is located in Africa. It is spread across all regions of Africa-anglophone, Francophone,Lusophone, Arab Africa and Oceania. People of Indian Origin (PIO) went from different parts of India-Gujarat, Southern India, Bihar, UP and Punjab. They migrated in different capacities-as free passengers, traders, indentured workers, construction workers, professionals and businessmen. But bulk of them were indentured and construction workers who went during colonial period.They palyed an important role and made significant contributions in all walks of life in their new home.They were important consideration during Indian freedom struggle, especially in Indian National Congress. M.K. Gandhi was turned into Mahatma and became apostle of non-violence and peace by his involvement with PIO in South Africa. In post-decolonization phase post-decolonization phase PIOs in Africa had mixed experinece of assimilation and integration. While in Mauritius they remainded all through in power, in countries like Uganda they suffered humiliating expulsion.They still have challenges of integration in most part of Africa. The book is an attempt to capture their history, struggle, contribution, challenges and their place in Indian Diaspora policy.

Industrial Clusters and Micro and Small Enterprises in Africa

Book Description

The World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Research Institute, and the Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID), in collaboration with researchers affiliated with the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), recently conducted a study on Africa s domestic enterprises to improve the understanding of the constraints micro and small enterprises in Africa face in improving productivity and expanding their markets. In Africa, there are stark performance gaps between domestically owned enterprises and foreign-owned enterprises in terms of sales performance, productivity, and ability to reach distant markets. Among others, size appears to be a dominant factor in explaining the gap. Against this background, the study analyzes how naturally formed industrial clusters concentrations of enterprises engaged in same or closely related industrial activities in specific locations could potentially mitigate constraints Africa s micro and small enterprises face and enhance their business performance. The study is one of the first comprehensive quantitative inquiries on industrial clusters in Africa. The analysis specifically focuses on the role of spontaneously grown clusters of light manufacturing industries based on a set of original case studies of industrial clusters conducted for this research project. One of the key findings from the case studies was that cluster-based micro and small enterprises are performing better than similar micro and small enterprises outside of the clusters in terms of sales performance and ability to reach distant markets. Market access is a leading reason for cluster-based enterprises to choose their current locations. However, cluster-based enterprises face another set of unique growth constraints. By the very nature of spontaneous agglomera tion, new enterprises continue to flow to the clusters seeking the profit opportunities and better access to markets at such locations. The result can be intense competition in addition to increased congestion. Space constraints often impede growth within clusters. The lack of alternative locations available for industrial activities in the same cities, generic infrastructure bottlenecks, and unclear zoning policies and their unpredictable changes limit firms location choices and constrain their mobility. While competition should improve efficiency, lack of capacity among those competing cluster-based enterprises to invest and innovate does not generate growth out of the competition. The vast majority of naturally formed clusters of light manufacturing industries in Africa are still at a survival level, where agglomeration externalities are only limited to expand quantity but not quality as we observe in more advanced innovation-oriented clusters in elsewhere in the world. Existing studies on such natural industrial clusters in Africa have found that the lack of managerial skills among entrepreneurs running micro and small enterprises is a major constraint for innovation and growth in the clusters. As a part of this study, pilot managerial skills training programs were conducted in two industrial clusters on an experimental basis, where a group of randomly selected entrepreneurs within the clusters were given three-week long crush course of based management such as bookkeeping, marketing, business planning, and production management. The impact evaluation of the experiments showed significant positive impacts of the training programs on value added and gross profits of enterprises. Raising the current survival-type industrial clusters, which have been formed as a coping mechanism to weak investment climate, into more dynamic innovating clusters will be an important avenue for fostering growth of micro and small enterprises in Africa. While national efforts to improve investment climate and investments in human capital are undoubtedly important, there could be more targeted policies to be formulated, in complementing general policies, to support growth of micro and small domestic enterprises using existing industrial clusters as a natural springboard for their growth. In that context, the study discusses the merit of cluster-based managerial human capital development to build steps toward more innovation-oriented clusters, the importance of sound spatial planning policy, particularly at the local level in the context of urban planning, the need to expand market access and economic linkages for industrial clusters including regional integration and linkages with large enterprises.

African Diaspora in India

Book Description

The African Diaspora in the Indian Ocean

Book Description

Although much has been written about the African Diaspora in the Atlantic Ocean, the Diaspora in the Indian Ocean is virtually unrecognised. Concerned with Africans who lived south of the Sahara and were dispersed by free will or forcefully to the non-African lands in the Indian Ocean region, this book deals with a topic that has been overlooked for too long. Eight scholars researching in distinct geographical areas and with interdisciplinary expertise offer a comprehensive and informative account of the Diaspora in the Indian Ocean.

An Uneasy Embrace

Book Description

The entwined histories of Blacks and Indians defy easy explanation. From Ghanaian protests over Gandhi statues to American Vice President Kamala Harris's story, this relationship--notwithstanding moments of common struggle--seethes with conflicts that reveal how race reverberates throughout the modern world. Shobana Shankar's groundbreaking intellectual history tackles the controversial question of how Africans and Indians make and unmake their differences. Drawing on archival and oral sources from seven countries, she traces how economic tensions surrounding the Indian diaspora in East and Southern Africa collided with widening Indian networks in West Africa and the Black Atlantic, forcing a racial reckoning over the course of the twentieth century. While decolonization brought Africans and Indians together to challenge Euro-American white supremacy, discord over caste, religion, sex and skin color simmered beneath the rhetoric of Afro-Asian solidarity. This book examines the cultural movements, including Pan-Africanism and popular devotionalism, through which Africans and Indians made race consciousness, alongside economic cooperation, a moral priority. Yet rising wealth and nationalist amnesia now threaten this postcolonial ethos. Calls to dismantle statues, from Dakar to Delhi, are not mere symbolism. They express new solidarities which seek to salvage dissenting histories and to preserve the possibility of alternative futures

Africans and Indians: The Gulf Between

Book Description

Relations between Africans and Indians in India and in Africa is the subject of this book by Willie Molesi who is also the author of ”Relations Between Africans and Arabs: Harsh Realities,” and “Black Africa versus Arab North Africa: The Great Divide.” It includes documented cases of attacks on Africans in India and other incidents to help explain the complex nature of relations between Africans and Indians: How Africans and Indians interact with each other, why there are tensions and even outright hostility between them best demonstrated by attacks on African students and other Africans in India through the years, why this brutal treatment of Africans has not stopped, and why black people seem to be the primary target of this kind of hostility by Indians. The work is complemented by the author's perspective on this highly volatile subject to provide more insights into the matter derived from his firsthand knowledge of relations between Africans and Indians. He is a black African and writes from personal experience as well, in addition to the research he has done on the subject. He has known Indians – as much as he has Arabs – in Africa since childhood, has interacted with both as a customer at their business establishments, went to school with them and stayed with them in the same boarding house at a racially integrated school, and worked with them through the years. Therefore, he brings to this work a perspective that is not just a product of secondary sources to document the study but also of what he himself knows about both Indians and Arabs. He has also written about both providing penetrating insights into their relations with black Africans. The work is intended to address the problems that exist in relations between them and Africans and what can be done to solve those problems not only in a mutually acceptable way but also unilaterally by Africans taking drastic measures to secure their interests and well-being even if the steps they take may lead to severance of ties with them. African diplomats in India have already, collectively as representatives of African countries, issued a formal protest and warning to the Indian government that they would recommend to their governments to stop sending African students to India – and to take other measures – in order cut off other ties with India if nothing is done to effectively end the brutal treatment of Africans in that country. The author also proposes some countermeasures African countries can take to achieve this goal. Other Africans, including some professors and national leaders among them a Kenyan senator, have also proposed some countermeasures in pursuit of the same objective because of the brutal mistreatment of Africans by Indians in India and by Arabs in Arab countries. A Nigerian diplomat in India publicly warned of possible retaliation against Indians in Nigeria by Nigerians who could force them out of their homes and into the streets where they could face retaliation in the form of physical violence in the same way Africans do in India where they are also subjected to other forms of abuse and humiliation – verbally abused and spat on – as well as discrimination in housing, evicted for no reason, and overcharged for goods and services simply because they are African. Indian authorities have not seriously addressed the problem of brutal discrimination against Africans in India. Dark-skinned Indians also face discrimination by light-skinned Indians but not as much as Africans do. Even they, dark-skinned Indians, attack and discriminate against Africans. If the problem had to do with skin colour only, dark-skinned Indians would not be attacking Africans. They would be helping Africans. They don't. They are, instead, equally hostile against Africans and some times even more so, especially when some people mistakenly put them together with Africans as kith and kin because of the complexion they share. Therefore, the problem is more than skin-deep. But it can be contained even if it cannot be eliminated. Otherwise African countries may be forced to take effective countermeasures in retaliation but without resorting to violence, the author contends.

Black Athena Revisited

Book Description

Was Western civilization founded by ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians? Can the ancient Egyptians usefully be called black? Did the ancient Greeks borrow religion, science, and philosophy from the Egyptians and Phoenicians? Have scholars ignored the Afroasiatic roots of Western civilization as a result of racism and anti-Semitism? In this collection of twenty essays, leading scholars in a broad range of disciplines confront the claims made by Martin Bernal in Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. In that work, Bernal proposed a radical reinterpretation of the roots of classical civilization, contending that ancient Greek culture derived from Egypt and Phoenicia and that European scholars have been biased against the notion of Egyptian and Phoenician influence on Western civilization. The contributors to this volume argue that Bernal's claims are exaggerated and in many cases unjustified. Topics covered include race and physical anthropology; the question of an Egyptian invasion of Greece; the origins of Greek language, philosophy, and science; and racism and anti-Semitism in classical scholarship. In the conclusion to the volume, the editors propose an entirely new scholarly framework for understanding the relationship between the cultures of the ancient Near East and Greece and the origins of Western civilization. The contributors are: John Baines, professor of Egyptology, University of Oxford Kathryn A. Bard, assistant professor of archaeology, Boston University C. Loring Brace, professor of anthropology and curator of biological anthropology in the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan John E. Coleman, professor of classics, Cornell University Edith Hall, lecturer in classics, University of Reading, England Jay H. Jasanoff, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Linguistics, Cornell University Richard Jenkyns, fellow and tutor, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, and university lecturer in classics, University of Oxford Mary R. Lefkowitz, Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities, Wellesley College Mario Liverani, professor of ancient near eastern history, Universita di Roma, 'La Sapienza' Sarah P. Morris, professor of classics, University of California at Los Angeles Robert E. Norton, associate professor of German, Vassar College Alan Nussbaum, associate professor of classics, Cornell University David O'Connor, professor of Egyptology and curator in charge of the Egyptian section of the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania Robert Palter, Dana Professor Emeritus of the History of Science, Trinity College, Connecticut Guy MacLean Rogers, associate professor of Greek and Latin and history, Wellesley College Frank M. Snowden, Jr., professor of classics emeritus, Howard University Lawrence A. Tritle, associate professor of history, Loyola Marymount University Emily T. Vermeule, Samuel E. Zemurray, Jr., and Doris Zemurray Stone-Radcliffe Professor Emerita, Harvard University Frank J. Yurco, Egyptologist, Field Museum of Natural History and the University of Chicago