Methods to Analyse Agricultural Commodity Price Volatility

Book Description

This book examines the issue of price volatility in agricultural commodities markets and how this phenomenon has evolved in recent years. The factors underlying the price spike of 2007-08 appear to be global and macroeconomic in nature, including the rapid growth in demand by developing countries, the international financial crisis, and exchange rate movements. Some of these factors are new, appearing as influences on price volatility only in the last decade. Although volatility has always been a feature of agricultural commodity markets, the evidence suggests that volatility has increased in certain commodity markets. A growing problem is that agricultural price shocks and volatility disrupt agricultural markets, economic incentives and incomes. With increased globalization and integration of financial and energy markets with agricultural commodity markets, the relationships between markets are expanding and becoming more complex. When a crisis such as a regional drought, food safety scare or a financial crisis hits a particular market, policy-makers often do not know the extent to which it will impact on other markets and affect producer, consumer and trader decisions. Including contributions from experts at the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the USDA, and the European Commission, the research developed throughout the chapters of this book is based on current methodologies that can be used to analyze price volatility and provide directions for understanding this volatility and the development of new agricultural policies. The book highlights the challenges facing policy makers in dealing with the changing nature of agricultural commodities markets, and offers recommendations for anticipating price movements and managing their consequences. It will be a practical guide for both present and future policy-makers in deciding on potential price-stabilizing interventions, and will also serve as a useful resource for researchers and students in agricultural economics.

Does speculation with agricultural commodity futures cause price bubbles in the event of negative production shocks?

Book Description

Since the mid 2000s, an increasing financialization of commodity futures markets is taking place. This has fueled an ongoing discussion about the effect of financial investments on the development of commodity prices. Against this background, the trading activities of financial speculators also come to the fore. There is the concern that such speculators can cause irrational overshootings of agricultural commodity prices, e.g. in the event of global production shocks. In such an event the decrease of total supply induces a price surge menacing food security in developing countries. Yet, the question emerges whether speculation aggravates this price increase, eventually inducing a price bubble. The relevance of this concern is reinforced by the fact that due to climate change an increased frequency and severity of global agricultural production shortfalls is at stake. If speculation evokes an additional threat to food security in the event of a production shock, the political agenda should not be confined to focus solely on the adaptation to climate change. Instead, it is then also necessary to address speculative activities on agricultural commodity markets. This book scrutinises whether speculative bubbles can be identified in the event of severe global production shocks. For this, a framework for tracing the transmission of the futures price's development on the spot market is developed. Using annual data from 1979-2012 for maize it is analysed whether production shock related price bubbles occurred.

Agricultural Commodity Markets and Trade

Book Description

This book argues that the viability of many observed market and non-market interventions in agricultural products worldwide depends considerably on the underlying behaviour of the relevant commodity markets. Many of these policies have had distortive impacts, resulting in much discussion and controversy in the context of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha Round of trade negotiations.

Agricultural Product Prices

Book Description

Published continuously since 1972, Agricultural Product Prices has become the standard textbook and reference work for students in agricultural and applied economics, buyers and sellers of commodities, and policymakers, clearly explaining conceptual and empirical models applicable to agricultural product markets. The new fifth edition uses up-to-date information and models to explain the behavior of agricultural product prices. Topics include price differences over market levels (marketing margins), price differences over space (regionally and internationally) and by quality attributes, and price variability with the passage of time (seasonal and cyclical variations, trends, and random behavior). William G. Tomek and Harry M. Kaiser review and adapt microeconomic principles to the characteristics of agricultural commodity markets and then apply these principles to the various dimensions of price behavior. They also provide an in-depth discussion of prices established for futures contracts and their relationship to cash (spot) market prices; cover the influential roles of price discovery institutions, such as auctions and negotiated contracts, and government policies regulating trade and farms; and discuss the specification, use, and evaluation of empirical models of agricultural prices, placing emphasis on the challenges of doing high-quality, useful analyses and interpreting results.

Agricultural Futures and Options

Book Description

Reflecting on the agricultural future options markets as the stable road through the often times volatile world economy, this important guide provides a basic but functional treatment of futures/options in price risk management for agricultural commodities, fully supporting material with actual data analyses to demonstrate and illustrate concepts. Offers an integrated treatment of fundamental and technical analyses of the markets, and provides extensive treatment of fundamental demand/supply analysis with data-rich examples and illustrations. Presents full coverage of technical analysis, using actual charts and prices to demonstrate concepts, and discusses the bar chart as guides to management decisions. Emphasizes interest rate, stock index, and currency futures as important to the agribusiness and multinational firm, providing a detailed study of these dimensions and sources of risk. Now updates all data-driven illustrations and examples and offers extended content, coverage, and sophistication to treatment on options.

Agricultural Futures and Options

Book Description

Agricultural futures and options has been written for the potential and actual users of agricultural futures markets but should also provide a useful introduction to the more academic students of the subject. Divided into three parts, the first examines the North American markets with chapters on Chicago, definitions, hedgers, commodity trading advisors, options, New York and the Winnipeg community. Part 2's study of the European markets looks at soft commodities and the London Fox, the London Grain Futures Market, meat futures, potato futures and soya bean meal futures. Investing and investor protection is the subject of part 3. Guidelines are provided for opening and servicing an account and a further chapter deals with regulation.