Français Interactif

Book Description

This textbook includes all 13 chapters of Français interactif. It accompanies, the web-based French program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004, and its companion site, Tex's French Grammar (2000) Français interactif is an open acess site, a free and open multimedia resources, which requires neither password nor fees. Français interactif has been funded and created by Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services at the University of Texas, and is currently supported by COERLL, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning UT-Austin, and the U.S. Department of Education Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE Grant P116B070251) as an example of the open access initiative.

Aider les élèves en difficulté en maths CP et CE1 - Tome 2

Book Description

Addition, soustraction, multiplication, géométrie plane, grandeurs et mesure Comme le tome 1, cet ouvrage analyse les difficultés généralement observées en mathématiques au cours des deux premières années de l’école élémentaire, pour aider les enseignants à faire face, en remédiation ou de manière préventive, aux difficultés rencontrées par un nombre important d’élèves de C.P.-C.E.1 en mathématiques. La démarche repose essentiellement sur des activités de manipulation, offrant de multiples manières d’amener les élèves à élaborer les représentations mentales qui leur font défaut et à assimiler les raisonnements indispensables. POINTS FORTS - Tableau des principales difficultés avec renvois aux propositions d’aide - Référentiel détaillé des compétences à acquérir pour surmonter chaque difficulté identifiée - Travail, conformément aux I.O. 2002, à partir de matériel : les supports retenus sont faciles à se procurer ou à fabriquer et généralement peu coûteux - Très nombreuses activités pour chaque difficulté, exploitables soit de manière individualisée, soit en petits groupes, voire collectivement - L'ensemble des deux volumes couvre la totalité du programme de mathématiques du cycle 2. SOMMAIRE Introduction 1) Les opérations 2) Géométrie plane 3) Grandeurs et mesure 4) Tableaux de repérage des difficultés par domaine, avec renvoi aux propositions d’aide correspondantes L'AUTEUR Catherine BERDONNEAU, docteur en didactique des mathématiques, est professeur de mathématiques à l’I.U.F.M. de Versailles. Elle assure depuis plus de vingt ans des actions de formation d’enseignants et de formateurs, tant en France qu’à l’étranger. Elle est membre de la Commission Internationale pour l’Étude et l’Amélioration de l’Enseignement des Mathématiques (C.I.E.A.E.M.) et du Conseil Scientifique de l’Association Générale des Institutrices et Instituteurs d’École Maternelle (A.G.I.E.M.). PUBLIC CIBLE - Enseignants de C.P.-C.E.1 confrontés aux difficultés en mathématiques de leurs élèves (voire enseignants de cycle 3 ayant à mettre en place des P.P.R.E.) - Maîtres-formateurs, C.P.C. et autres formateurs amenés à conseiller les enseignants sur la gestion de l’hétérogénéité et/ou l’aide individualisée - Enseignants des R.A.S.E.D. - Stagiaires en deuxième année d’I.U.F.M.

Educational Planning

Book Description

It was in a context of unprecedented economic growth that educational planning developed in the 1960s. At the time, educational planners were entrusted with orchestrating the tremendous expansion of schooling, with the aim of both universalizing education and providing national economies with the qualified manpower needed. Such rigid mandatory planning is not suited to today's world, but other forms of planning such as policy analysis, policy dialog, labor market analysis, and strategic management are still valid. The following is a complete list of reprinted essays collected for this book.

How Students (mis-) Understand Science and Mathematics

Book Description

In this long-awaited book, Timothy J. Lensmire examines the problems and promise of progressive literacy education. He does this by developing a series of striking metaphors in which, for example, he imagines the writing workshop as a carnival or popular festival and the teacher as a novelist who writes her student-characters into more and less desirable classroom stories. Grounded in Lensmire's own and others' work in schools, Powerful Writing, Responsible Teaching makes powerful use of Bakhtin's theories of language and writing and Dewey's vision of schooling and democracy. Lensmire's book is, at once, a defense, a criticism, and a reconstruction of progressive and critical literacy approaches.

Aider les élèves en difficulté en mathématiques CP/CE1

Book Description

Face aux difficultés en mathématiques d'un nombre important d'élèves de CP et de CE1, bien des enseignants se sentent démunis : les matériels pédagogiques existants prennent peu en compte les blocages qui se mettent en place et la multiplication des exercices d'entraînement s'avère peu efficace, surtout à long terme. Cet ouvrage recense et analyse les difficultés observées dans les classes, et propose, surtout à l'aide d'activités de manipulation, d'amener les élèves à élaborer les représentations mentales qui leur font défaut.

Planning and Implementing Programs for the Gifted

Book Description

The author's system approach to program planning stands in contrast to the "packaged-program" approach that will be familiar to many readers. Rather than advocating a single all-purpose model, the author stresses the need to develop programs for the gifted that are based upon and responsive to the peculiarities of specific localities.

Genius Denied

Book Description

With all the talk of failing schools these days, we forget that schools can fail their brightest students, too. We pledge to "leave no child behind," but in American schools today, thousands of gifted and talented students fall short of their potential. In Genius Denied, Jan and Bob Davidson describe the "quiet crisis" in education: gifted students spending their days in classrooms learning little beyond how to cope with boredom as they "relearn" material they've already mastered years before. This lack of challenge leads to frustration, underachievement, and even failure. Some gifted students become severely depressed. At a time when our country needs a deep intellectual talent pool, the squandering of these bright young minds is a national tragedy. There are hundreds of thousands of highly gifted children in the U.S. and millions more whose intelligence is above average, yet few receive the education they deserve. Many school districts have no gifted programs or offer only token enrichment classes. Education of the gifted is in this sorry state, say the Davidsons, because of indifference, lack of funding, and the pernicious notion that education should have a "leveling" effect, a one-size-fits-all concept that deliberately ignores the needs of the gifted. But all children are entitled to an appropriate education, insist the authors, those left behind as well as those who want to surge ahead. The Davidsons show parents and educators how to reach and challenge gifted students. They offer practical advice based on their experience as founders of a nonprofit organization that assists gifted children. They show parents how to become their children's advocates, how to win support for gifted students within the local schools, and when and how to go outside the school system. They discuss everything from acceleration ("skipping" a grade) to homeschooling and finding mentors for children. They tell stories of real parents and students who overcame poor schooling environments to discover the joy of learning. Genius Denied is an inspiring book that provides a beacon of hope for children at risk of losing their valuable gift of intellectual potential.


Book Description

Your students will find a treasure trove of information on selecting, entering, and competing in national contests in almost every talent area. Featuring information on more than 275 competitions, this is the most comprehensive, up-to-date listing of national competitions available for students. All Levels

Iowa Acceleration Scale, 2nd Edition, Manual

Book Description

Feedback from four years of nationwide use has resulted in a 2nd Edition of this research-based, systematic, and objective guide for considering and implementing academic acceleration. Developed and tested by the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa, the IAS ensures that grade-skipping decisions are thoughtful, well reasoned, and defensible. A study team composed of educators and parents considers data from a series of questions, which are weighted to provide a score leading to acceleration recommendations. Features Include: ?Appropriate tests more clearly specified ?Better descriptions of achievement and ability tests ?Aptitude tests now included ?Scoring clarified and enhanced ?New case examples of student acceleration ?Updated references regarding acceleration research studies