Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

Book Description

Text of Public Law 92-203, 92nd Congress, H.R. 10367. An act to provide for the settlement of certain land claims of Alaska natives, and other purposes. Passed December 18, 1971.

Guide to Sources for the Study of the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

Book Description

The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 USC 1601-1624) -- Public Law 92-203, approved December 18, 1971 (85 Stat. 688) has been the subject of a number of bibliographies compiled since the act was passed in 1971. They include stand-alone publications and ones that are in published books about the act. The bibliography that follows was initiated for commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the passage of the landmark legislation, especially to add sources published since the 40th anniversary and to be helpful for a researcher initiating a study. The first publications generally provided background historical context and summarized the law, although from the start critics of the legislation published works expressing their concerns. After the regional and village corporations organized and land selections started, sections of the act needed clarification, and Congress began to amend the law. Numerous articles appeared in legal journals as issues such as the extinguishment of aboriginal hunting and fishing rights, tax issues, the revenue sharing plans, and tribal sovereignty were debated and clarified. As the twenty-year implementation period neared 1991, writers assessed the law’s successes and failures. Several movement leaders wrote memoirs. Historians began to write books, with context as well as details of implementation of the act and to interpret the impact of the legislation on Alaska Native people, the State of Alaska, and federal Indian policy. In addition to printed works, radio and television programs, oral history projects, films, video productions, and recently, podcasts have been produced.

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

Book Description

Text of Public Law 92-203, 92nd Congress, H.R. 10367. An act to provide for the settlement of certain land claims of Alaska natives, and other purposes. Passed December 18, 1971.