Alluvial Fan Flooding

Book Description

Alluvial fans are gently sloping, fan-shaped landforms common at the base of mountain ranges in arid and semiarid regions such as the American West. Floods on alluvial fans, although characterized by relatively shallow depths, strike with little if any warning, can travel at extremely high velocities, and can carry a tremendous amount of sediment and debris. Such flooding presents unique problems to federal and state planners in terms of quantifying flood hazards, predicting the magnitude at which those hazards can be expected at a particular location, and devising reliable mitigation strategies. Alluvial Fan Flooding attempts to improve our capability to determine whether areas are subject to alluvial fan flooding and provides a practical perspective on how to make such a determination. The book presents criteria for determining whether an area is subject to flooding and provides examples of applying the definition and criteria to real situations in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Utah, and elsewhere. The volume also contains recommendations for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is primarily responsible for floodplain mapping, and for state and local decisionmakers involved in flood hazard reduction.

Review of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Involvement with Alluvial Fan Flooding Problems

Book Description

This technical paper presents a general overview of the Corps of Engineers' past involvements, present practices, and the future roles in dealing with alluvial fan flooding problems. The Corps' approach to alluvial fan flooding studies and the analytical methods they use to assess potential flood hazards are summarized. Selected case studies are presented. Six important issues that need to be considered as part of an effective alluvial fan management approach are presented. An extensive list of references is also included. (fr).

Alluvial Fan Flooding

Book Description

Present Status of Management and Technical Practices on Alluvial Fan Areas in Arizona

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Discussions examine the history of the "404" program and evaluate its impact on highway development in Arizona and explore clarification of such key terms as "ordinary high water mark" and "headwaters." ADOT's policy for compliance with"404" program criteria is also evaluated. The report concludes with research recommendations that could enhance the ability to effectively manage the development of alluvial fans.

Flood Hazard Identification and Mitigation in Semi- and Arid Environments

Book Description

Alluvial fans are ubiquitous geomorphological features that occur throughout the world, regardless of climate, at the front of mountains as the result of erosion and deposition. They are more prominent in semi- and arid climates simply because of the lack of vegetative cover that masks their fan shapes in more humid areas. From both engineering and geological viewpoints, alluvial fans present particular fluvial and sedimentation hazards in semi- and arid regions because episodic rainfall-runoff events can result in debris, mud, and fluvial flows through complex and, in some cases, migratory channel systems. Further, in semi- and arid climates alluvial fans often end in terminal or playa lakes. Given the uniform topography of playa lakes, these features often present ideal locations for facilities such as airports; however, regardless of the engineering advantages of the topography, the episodic and often long-term flooding of these lakes attracts migratory birds. The purpose of this volume is to summarize the current state-of-the-art, from the viewpoint of engineering, in the identification and mitigation of flood hazard on alluvial fans; and to accomplish this a fundamental understanding of geology is required.

Geology and Geomorphology of Alluvial and Fluvial Fans

Book Description

Alluvial and fluvial fans are the most widespread depositional landform bordering the margins of highland regions and actively subsiding continental basins, across a broad spectrum of tectonic and climatic settings. They are significant to the local morphodynamics of mountain regions and also to the evolution of sediment-routing systems, affecting the propagation and preservation of stratigraphic signals of environmental change over vast areas. The volume presents case studies discussing the geology and geomorphology of alluvial and fluvial fans from both active systems and ancient ones preserved in the stratigraphic record. It brings together case studies from a range of continents, climatic and tectonic settings, some introducing innovative monitoring and analysis techniques, and it provides an overview of current debates in the field. This volume will be of particular interest to geologists, geomorphologists, sedimentologists and the general reader with an interest in Earth science.

Guidelines for the Geologic Evaluation of Debris-flow Hazards on Alluvial Fans in Utah

Book Description

The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) developed these guidelines to help geologists evaluate debris-flow hazards on alluvial fans to ensure safe development. Debris-flow hazard evaluations are particularly important because alluvial fans are the primary sites of debris-flow deposition and are also favored sites for development. The purpose of a debris-flow-hazard evaluation is to characterize the hazard and provide design parameters for risk reduction. The UGS recommends critical facilities and structures for human occupancy not be placed in active debris flow travel and deposition areas unless the risk is reduced to an acceptable level. These guidelines use the characteristics of alluvial fan deposits as well as drainage-basin and feeder-channel sediment-supply conditions to evaluate debris-flow hazards. The hazard evaluation relies on the geomorphology, sedimentology, and stratigraphy of existing alluvial fan deposits. Analysis of alluvial-fan deposits provides the geologic basis for estimating frequency and potential volume of debris flows and describing debris-flow behavior. Drainage-basin and feeder-channel characteristics determine potential debris-flow susceptibility and the volume of stored channel sediment available for sediment bulking in future flows.

Flood Resistant Design and Construction

Book Description

Standard ASCE/SEI 24-05 provides minimum requirements for flood-resistant design and construction of structures located in flood hazard areas.

Alluvial Fans

Book Description

Alluvial fans are important sedimentary environments. They trap sediment delivered from mountain source areas, and exert an important control on the delivery of sediment to downstream environments, to axial drainages and to sedimentary basins. They preserve a sensitive record of environmental change within the mountain source areas. Alluvial fan geomorphology and sedimentology reflect not only drainage basin size and geology, but change in response to tectonic, climatic and base-level controls. One of the challenges facing alluvial fan research is to resolve how these gross controls are reflected in alluvial fan dynamics and to apply the results of studies of modern fan processes and Quaternary fans to the understanding of sedimentary sequences in the rock record. This volume includes papers based on up-to-date research, and focuses on three themes: alluvial fan processes, dynamics of Quaternary alluvial fans and fan sedimentary sequences. Linking the papers is an emphasis on the controls of fan geomorphology, sedimentology and dynamics. This provides a basis for integration between geomorphological and sedimentological approaches, and an understanding how fluvial systems respond to tectonic, climatic and base-level changes.