Alors, tout tombe. Seconde partie

Book Description

En enquêtant sur Solomon, le maître bâtisseur de New York à l’origine de l’immense pont en construction, Blacksad découvre que l’empire du faucon est bâti sur un monceau de cadavres dont Iris Allen, la directrice de théâtre, n’est pas la première victime. Piégé par Solomon, Weekly est alors accusé du meurtre. Une véritable course contre la montre débute pour Blacksad afin de réunir les preuves innocentant son ami et permettant de faire tomber l’architecte tout en renouant avec son amour, Alma, dont le rôle dans cette affaire sera déterminant. Suite et fin du diptyque réalisé de mains de maîtres par Juanjo Guarnido et Juan Diaz Canales !

Alors, tout tombe. Première Partie

Book Description

Everyone's favorite cat detective is back, and yes, we mean John Blacksad. This time, he's on a particularly thorny case, as he's responsible for protecting the president of a mafia-infiltrated union. This new four-volume story of the bestselling series takes us from soaring heights to terrifying depths as Blacksad navigates from the lofty world of New York theatre to the seedy nether regions of the city, where the criminal classes ply their questionable trades. Towering above them all is the figure of Solomon, a construction magnate well on his way to rebuilding the five boroughs, come hell or high water. Print release by Dark Horse Comics, summer 2022.

Tombes D’Époque Parthe

Book Description

Among the hundred or so tombs of post-Alexander date excavated by Roman Ghirshman between 1947 and 1952 on the mound of the “Ville des Artisans” at Susa, six are remarkable for their construction and burial contents. Shortly before his death in 1979, Ghirshman, director of the French “Mission de Suse” from 1946 until 1968, had started to write up his final report. Based on his notes, the authors have engaged to publish these tombs, together with the original plans, drawings and photographs of the burial goods. The grave contents consisted mainly of pottery, but also included glass vessels, figurines, metal objects and other small finds. The study of the material from these large vaulted subterranean structures indicates that they were most likely intended as family tombs, thus remaining in use for several decades and should be dated in the first or second century AD. Similar tombs are known at other sites in the region of Susa, and even in Mesopotamia, e.g. at Seleucia on the Tigris. A synthesis of the evolution in tomb architecture and typology, as well as the burial practices, for the whole site of Susa between the Seleucid and early Sasanian periods (third century BC to third century AD), is also presented, based on the short reports and unpublished excavation notes of Ghirshman, in addition to unpublished reports by his predecessors at the site.

Le Guide Musical

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Eranos Yearbook 74 - The Age of Immediacy at the Test of Meaning

Book Description

The 74th volume of the Eranos Yearbooks, The Age of Immediacy at the Test of Meaning, presents to the public the work of the last two years of activities at the Eranos Foundation (2017–2018). The book gathers the lectures presented at the occasion of the 2017 Eranos Conference, Where is the World Going? The Uncertain Future, between Traditional Knowledge and Scientific Thought, the 2018 Eranos Conference, Space for Thinking and Thinking about Space. Reflections on the Relations between the Soul and Places at the Time of the Anthropocene, the 2017 Eranos-Jung Lectures, Who is Afraid of Interiority? A Journey through Literature, Philosophy, and Psychology, the 2018 Eranos-Jung Lectures, Who is Stealing our Time? The Age of Immediacy at the Test of Meaning, and the 2018 Eranos School seminar, The Mechanisms of Heresy: Old and New Forms of Exclusion and Repression. The volume includes essays by Valery Afanassiev, Stephen Aizenstat, Arnaldo Benini, Paul Bishop, Roberto Casati, Adriano Fabris, Franco Ferrari, Giuseppe O. Longo, Jaap Mansfeld, Panos Mantziaras, Grazia Shōgen Marchianò, Massimo Mori, Guy Pelletier, Antonio Prete, Francesca Rigotti, René Roux, Silvano Tagliagambe, Yannis Tsiomis, Amelia Valtolina, Matteo Vegetti, Antonio Vitolo, Samaneh Yasaei, and Chiara Zamboni.

Plato Revived

Book Description

Die einzelnen Beiträge dieses Bandes sind unterschiedlichen Formen der Wiederbelebung des Platonismus innerhalb der antiken Philosophie gewidmet. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit ist den Themen der Einheit und der Schönheit, des Geistes und der Erkenntnis, der Seele und des Leibes, der Tugend und des Glücks sowie der politischen und der religiösen Dimension des platonischen Denkens gewidmet. Ausgehend von Platon und Aristoteles werden die Verwandlungsformen von Platonismus, insbesondere bei den Neuplatonikern Plotin, Porphyrios, Jamblich, Themistios, Proklos und Marinos sowie bei den christlichen Autoren Augustin, Boethius und Dionysios Areopagites untersucht. Die Autoren des Bandes knüpfen dabei in vielfältiger Weise an die Arbeiten von Dominic J. O’Meara an. Die Weiterführung seiner Ansätze rückt insbesondere die spätplatonische Ethik in ein neues Licht. Die jeweiligen Studien tragen darüber hinaus zur Erforschung der vielfältigen Bezüge der Platoniker aufeinander sowie auf andere Denker bei. Das Buch macht in seiner ganzen Breite das Erneuerungs- und Verwandlungspotenzial des antiken Platonismus deutlich.