Alpha Omega Paradigm

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Pure precepts, vital connections, straight-forward catechisms, the elements of the "Alpha Omega Paradigm" will invigorate your Christian walk. Do you have the courage it will take to embrace it?


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The Alpha-omega Process

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The Apocalypse Paradigm

Book Description

1. The Revelation of John exerts an almost irresistible attraction to those who are intrigued by its intricate and complex structure (JPR, p. vi). 2. Despite its name, appears to cancel as much as it reveals, disclosing its mysteries only to those patient enough to pore diligently over its every word, its every peculiar turn of phrase (JPR, p. vi) 3. The Book of Revelation is written now, in our own history and in our own city, in our own lives and in the lives of our children and our descendants in the pervasive emotional shadow of our failed responsibility and in the dependency of the evil acting on our behalf. The time for the Book of Revelation is "always"; the site for it is "everywhere"; the understanding of it is "impossible"; the feelings are overwhelming (Introduction). 4. A conflicted world of realities and an allegorical world of mental fantasies, like a popular TV reality show, are offering a kaleidoscopic framework of paradoxes: Chaos and order, helplessness and hope, destruction and justice, war and peace, insane devilish actions and healthy, spiritual goodness, unbalanced lives of people with mental and physical disabilities and their care providers, and the expression and context of the devil and the good- all these are the text and context of the Book of Revelation, the Apocalypse (Introduction) 5. The Book of Revelation, more than a strategy and form of communication, is a paradigm: It attends not only logical needs of comprehension but also structural human needs that are essential for interactions within a social and human context (p. 4). 6. The negative forces of the spirit fight against the positive forces within the same human individual in the struggle of eternal life. In fact, the earthly proximity of good and evil reverses the reality and frequently darkens the conscience and moral understanding. The essence of good is absurdly assaulted by the unscrupulous immoral acts of evil, an assault that leads our mind to the apocalyptical abysm of absolute failure and profound sickness, reflected in the confrontational experience of spiritual brightness versus material darkness, rational versus absurd behaviors, a natural saintly rapture of living versus a vulgarly immoral rupture of life, the functional beauty of sex versus the psychopathic abuse of lust. No religious institution and no sacred name is free of the human behaviors frequently possessed by the beast, such as within the Legionaries of Christ and the Holy See when both were profaned by the universal plague... pointing to... (the) spiritual massacre of many children through continual sexual abuse (p.14). 7. Evil reverses the world of reality, without reason and justice. Evil establishes an imaginary court with its own judgment and summary punishment in a realm of an obscure frame of racism and discrimination (p. 14) 8. The Apocalypse appears to be the framework of the paradoxical struggle between death and life, chaos and order, suffering and love, helplessness and hope. The transformative struggle is clearly illustrated in political history (15). 9. The consequences of this convoluted Johannine world... extends into the future (p.16). 10. The book is an attempt to connect in many trials humanity with God within a context of social, political, and cultural events in a history tinted with suffering and oppression. The scenes and motives complete the final step of the redemptive covenant and assure a human future that rewards the faithful worshippers of God with His heavenly presence (p.27).

The Paradigm

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Harmony Theory

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About the Book This book is time travel, faster than light entanglement fusion, and a new theory of DNA, cancer, and viruses. Evan Olsen presents proof that spacecrafts can travel faster than light, and the laser plasma method on how to do it. This is a solution to grand unified relativity quantum theory and chaos, a solution to uncertainty. This is a continuation of harmony theory the grand unified transformations and the mathematical theory of dna. Its alpha a lorentz transform equal omega wind freq ratio on a torus equal delta the energy gap equal psi a mobius transform on omega equal epsilon the square root of the current density ratio for a superconductor equal del the inverse of rotation stability for fusion equal lambda the ratio of the frequncies for laser plasma equal phi the faster then light transform. This is the solution to uncertainty and entanglement the combination relativity chaos and quantum theory as well as dna a strange attractor with entangled pi bonds as a new theory on life and cancer and viruses. As well as a ship that can go FTL. About the Author Evan Olsen has completed a bachelors of science in physics and minor in math, as well as a second degree in neuropsychology and minor in biology. Olsen enjoys martial arts, running, movies, video games, and cross country skiing. He is the eldest of two children and lives in Edmonton Alberta, Canada.

Writing and Vocabulary in Foreign Language Acquisition

Book Description

This volume features eight articles on writing and vocabulary acquisitiontwo crucial areas of study in foreign language learning and teaching. Five contributions have come from notable research environments in Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Poland and Wales. The first section is devoted to studies of writing in a second or a foreign language (L2). The second section deals with vocabulary acquisition illustrating the wide scope of the issues open to investigation.

Tense and Aspect in Indo-European Languages

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This monograph presents a general picture of the evolution of IE verbal systems within a coherent cognitive framework. The work encompasses all the language families of the IE phylum, from prehistory to present day languages. Inspired by the ideas of Roman Jakobson and Gustave Guillaume the authors relate tense and aspect to underlying cognitive processes, and show that verbal systems have a staged development of time representations (chronogenesis). They view linguistic change as systemic and trace the evolution of the earliest tense systems by (a) aspectual split and (b) aspectual merger from the original aspectual contrasts of PIE, the evidence for such systemic change showing clearly in the paradigmatic morphology of the daughter languages. The nineteen chapters cover first the ancient documentation, then those families whose historical data are from a more recent date. The last chapters deal with the systemic evolution of languages that are descended from ancient forbears such as Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin, and are completed by a chapter on the practical and theoretical conclusions of the work.

Alpha Omega

Book Description

I. DEATH After a long, frightening journey, a Seeker of Truth reaches the top of a mountain and finds the cave of the Wise One. He says, O, Wise One, I have come many miles and suffered many hardships, to ask you one question. Ask, says the Wise One. What is the meaning of life? says the pilgrim. The Wise One pauses, smiles slightly, and replies. You have come far and seem to me worthy, so I shall give you what you seekthe truth. The answer is in your question and this journey is your life. Go back down the mountain. When you arrive, you will know how much time you have wasted, and you will have no more time left. So, give me your watch. Why is life so mysterious, and why is its purpose so elusive to us? It may be that we have looked for the meaning of life in the wrong places as though in a nightmarish scavenger hunt arranged by the Prince of Darkness himself. From one moment to another, we thought it was money or power or fame or honor or comfort or some other pleasure of the flesh, only to see them, finally, as false clues leading to a mountain we shouldnt have climbed. This book records an inquiry that found the meaning of life by discovering the meaning of death. This is reflected in the words and behavior of those who decide to die: the suicides. These poor souls have much to teach us, for they have measured out for us the value of death, from which we can calculate the value of life. So a study of suicide leads to the truth about lifeyours and mine. This book guides you to that revelation. The surprise of the book is that you will discover that you knew it all along. The promise of the book is that you will know that you know. II. LIFE The relationships that a person has with other people are the central core of that persons existence. The people you meet, the members of your family, those whom you love, and even your sworn enemy are the motivating forces behind everything you do and the reason for your stay on this planet. In short, the meaning of life is relationship. What if life were relationship, pure and simple, the end and the beginning? If life is relationship, it is not wealth or fame. It is not winning or acquiring or what you accomplish or where you live or how much education you have or the honors you have been given. It is not how law-abiding you are or how devout you are in your religious faith. Your worth is measured not by your bank account, the property in your name, or the trust you established for your child or children. Your worth is measured by the relationships you have formed in your lifetime and the care with which you have conducted them and the way that you treated those other persons. This view of people as enmeshed in relationships with others living in, by, and for them rejects the Cult of Self and the selfishness nourishing that demon. Your lifes meaning is before your eyes each day. In every encounter that you have with another person, every word or glance or touch, life reaches out and embraces you and fulfills your purpose for being here.