An Evaluation of the Status, Effectiveness, and Future of Toll Roads in Texas

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This project has investigated the future of toll road development in Texas. As indicated in two previous reports, our research has determined that, while toll roads represent a potentially vital component of the Texas transportation network, the future of such toll roads in the state will depend ultimately on the public's willingness to support them. This report, the final report of this study, discusses several remaining issues that are important in developing a state toll road policy. The final chapter summarizes important study findings, including those of an earlier, related project.

Texas Public Opinion Regarding Toll Roads

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The Texas Department of Transportation is facing a severe shortfall in funds needed to address the state's growing transportation requirements. In response, the Texas Transportation Plan is exploring various funding alternatives, including toll roads. A statewide survey undertaken for this project reveals that toll roads are seen as an acceptable alternative to increasing motor fuel taxes. Adjusting the results to account for gender bias, the survey reveals that 61.7% of Texans favor toll roads over motor fuel tax increases to address transportation needs. Support for toll roads comes primarily from urban areas. Rural areas support toll roads over motor fuel tax increases, principally because residents oppose any increases in taxes. The survey results also indicate that a larger percentage, though not a majority, would accept tolls on existing non-tolled roads and the use of toll revenues for non-tolled roads.

Analysis of Input Variables for a Pre-feasibility Evaluation Model for Tol Highways

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This report analyzes the main variables affecting a toll highway project, and develops mathematical models that describe their behavior. These models can serve as a tool in the decision-making process during the planning and operation of the facility. This study focuses on the development of a toll traffic estimation model based on the attributes of the highway and the elasticity of the demand. The goal is to estimate the amount of traffic that could be diverted to the toll facility in an existing corridor with a free access road as an alternate route. Some possible methods to estimate the toll price are discussed as well as an analysis to determine the optimum toll. The Mexican experience is used as a case study to develop empirical models.

Evaluation of Surface Transportation Funding Alternatives Using Criteria System Established Through a Delphi Survey of Texas Transportation Experts

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For more than a decade, transportation officials have been concerned that, at current levels, the fuel tax, the primary funding source of surface transportation in the United States, would not provide enough revenue to satisfy the ever rising transportation needs. Recent studies have evaluated alternative funding strategies at the national and state levels. In this dissertation, the author improves this evaluation procedure by developing a multi-criteria evaluation of different funding options for implementation in Texas using a technique called PROMETHEE. This evaluation uses a new criteria system established through his Delphi survey of Texas-based experts who are experienced in transportation financing and/or participate in transportation funding policy decisions. With a well-organized survey process, the author tries to develop a consensus among the officials from metropolitan planning organizations in Texas, various districts of the Texas Department of Transportation and the staff of the Texas Legislative Transportation Committee members regarding the criteria and their weights. The resultant criteria weights seem to indicate that the expert panel members recognize the importance of public opinion and its impact on reaching a legislative solution. They appear to be less concerned about criteria that may be addressed through research and modifications to the funding alternatives. This research shows that the funding policy is not seen as a tool for improving user efficiency; this result differs from the common view in the literature that encourages the fuel tax's replacement with VMT charges, which have high implementation and operating costs. Since the criteria system is based on a Texas based panel opinion, it likely strengthens the credibility of the resultant recommendations among the public. Based on his evaluation, the author recommends increasing the fuel tax and tolling all new freeway capacity, while gradually moving towards congestion based tolls on all toll roads as the set of future funding options. Through a scenario analysis, he shows that his recommendations are not affected by the differences in opinion regarding the criteria weights or any uncertainties in the scoring. Complex, high-cost methods that require advanced technology such as VMT charges and tolling of all existing urban highways are not preferred. Previous researchers' attempts to identify new alternatives have mainly concentrated on improving the revenue sustainability and promoting efficient travel behavior. With this research, the author tries to bring back the focus to public acceptance and any factors that influence it. Effort to improve the public awareness of transportation funding needs and to improve the public acceptance of increasing the fuel tax and other user charges appear critical for future success. The author also analyzes the choice of implementing local funding solutions in place of statewide funding solutions. In the expert survey, the panel members suggest a balance between the two types of funding while the statewide funding should remain primary. Based on the literature review and Delphi survey responses, the author proposes the integration of both methods such that statewide funding remains primary, local funding is coordinated by regional planning and the user-pay principle continues to govern transportation funding.