The Effect of Steam Curing on High-Early Strength Portland Cement Containing Carbonate Addition

Book Description

In 1981 the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Committee A5 on Hydraulic Cements approved carbonate addition to normal portland cement Type 10 to a maximum of 5%. The decision was based on a considerable amount of data indicating no adverse effects on the properties of concrete and even improvements at optimum level of carbonate addition. The CSA Committee is now considering a proposal for extending carbonate addition to high-early strength portland cement Type 30 that has essentially the same chemical composition as Type 10 cement. Since Type 30 cement is used primarily in precast and prestressed concrete operations, a project has been initiated at the Research and Technical Center of Lafarge Canada Inc. to study the effect of steam curing conditions on the properties of concrete made with Type 30 cement containing carbonate addition. The main parameters will be the tricalcium aluminate (C3A) content of the cement, the presence of carbonate addition, and the curing temperature. The properties investigated will be compressive strength, freezing and thawing resistance ASTM Test for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing (C 666, Procedure A), and volume change ASTM Test for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic Cement Mortar and Concrete (C 157).

Steam Curing of Portland Cement Concrete at Atmospheric Pressure

Book Description

The primary reason for using steam in the curing of concrete is to produce a high early strength. This high early strength is very desirable to the manufacturers of precast and prestressed concrete units, which often require expensive forms or stress beds. They want to remove the forms and move the units to storage yards as soon as possible. The minimum time between casting and moving the units is usually governed by the strength of the concrete. Steam curing accelerates the gain in strength at early ages, but the uncontrolled use of steam may seriously affect the growth in strength at later ages. The research described in this report was prompted by the need to establish realistic controls and specifications for the steam curing of pretensioned, prestressed concrete bridge beams and concrete culvert pipe manufactured in central plants. The complete project encompasses a series of laboratory and field investigations conducted over a period of approximately three years.