The Role of Trust in Leadership

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Trust continues to be a leading concept in organizational commitment. Milligan (2003) conducted a survey looking at trust in the Air Force among junior officers. This study was conducted as a follow-up study to determine whether trust continues to be an issue in the Air Force. The purpose of this study is to measure the comparative strengths and weaknesses, as well as the significance, of leadership s ability to gain trust from its subordinates in order to reduce the numbers of officers leaving after their commitment. This research measures organizational commitment and trust in a random sample of 372 Air Force captains. All participants completed the following surveys: The Management Behavior Climate Assessment, Organizational Commitment Scales, Intent to Leave Scale, and a demographics survey. Findings of the research concluded with the following points, as trust is a growing factor in leadership and junior officers leaving the Air Force, there is a relationship between trust and commitment. There is also a strong relationship between commitment and intent of junior officers leaving the Air Force. Finally, trust was the primary variable in this study and it was found that with an increase of trust in leadership, there is a decrease of junior officers leaving the Air Force.

Organizational Commitment in the Military

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Most military researchers who have attempted to measure organizational commitment have done so on an ad hoc basis, preferring to invent new items and scales rather than incorporate well-established measures. The purpose of this special issue is to reverse this trend by bringing military organizational commitment research into the scientific mainstream and to do so in ways that will prove useful to military services while advancing organizational commitment theory and knowledge. This special issue grew out of a symposium conducted at the 1998 American Psychological Association Convention that arose when many in the field recognized the practical importance of measuring organizational commitment while maintaining a healthy concern for ensuring that this measurement was well-grounded in organizational commitment theory. Taken together, the articles in this issue demonstrate the concepts of affective and continuance commitment and their underlying measures by using them in different military samples and under a variety operational conditions.

Continued Service?

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This dissertation studies the turnover intention of military veterans working in the federal government through a series of three separate, stand-alone essays. On November 9, 2009, Executive Order 13518 established the Veterans Employment Initiative and invigorated veteran hiring within the federal government. By fiscal year 2014, 612,000 veterans accounted for 31 percent of the federal workforce, an increase seven percent in just five years (Office of Personnel Management, 2015). To account for this growing employee demographic, the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey began tracking veteran status in 2012 and analysis of this data shows that veterans are more likely to express turnover intention than nonveterans. This raises a troubling question: is the policy objective of the Veterans Hiring Initiative achieved if these veterans are more likely to turnover than nonveterans? This leads to the primary research question for this dissertation: Why are veterans reporting higher turnover intention than non-veterans? All three essays address distinct but related research questions. The first chapter examines whether or not military veterans express higher turnover intention as compared to nonveterans when controlling for the traditional antecedents of turnover. After accounting for job satisfaction, pay satisfaction, organizational satisfaction, gender, age, race, tenure, and work location, initial results find that veterans are 14.1 percent more likely to express turnover intention than nonveterans. Interestingly, when analyzing the type of turnover intention, veterans are 21.9 percent more likely to express intention to leave their current organization but are 23.5 percent less likely to express intention to leave the federal service than nonveterans. The second chapter conducts a follow-on study by interviewing 20 federal employees to determine why veterans are expressing higher organizational turnover intention than nonveterans. Through an analysis of the 2012-2015 Federal Employee Viewpoint Surveys and semi-structured interviews, this study finds that veterans may express higher organization turnover intention than nonveterans because their military background normalizes frequent job change; and federal veteran hiring preferences creates a human resource management structure facilitating ease of movement for veterans. Additionally, the extensive benefits provided for veterans by the military combined with the comprehensive benefits available to federal civilian employees incentivizes veterans to remain in the federal service. The third chapter explores whether diversity management can mitigate lower levels of job satisfaction among military veterans working for the federal government and whether veterans should be considered a standalone demographic in diversity scholarship. This study finds that perceptions of fair and effective diversity management are associated with higher job satisfaction among veteran employees, but slightly less so than among nonveterans. This chapter demonstrates that veterans are a unique employee demographic by showing statistically significant differences in job satisfaction between veterans and nonveterans while controlling for other demographics. Overall this dissertation contributes to public management research by highlighting retention challenges for veteran employees and offering insight into an understudied employee population accounting for approximately 30% of the federal workforce.

Military Veteran Employment

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Drawing on the principles and research from industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology and best practices from human resources (HR) management, this book will help civilian employers improve the way that they locate, hire, and retain military veterans and military spouses. Each chapter provides accessible guidance founded in research and data from leaders and experts to help companies maximize the benefits of veteran employees. This book offers a summary of best in class practices that will enable veteran employers and employees to thrive.

The Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles in Government Contract Employees

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This study sought to determine if a relationship exists between leadership styles and organizational commitment in government contract employees. The psychological contract theory, expectancy theory, and transactional and transformational leadership theories framed the study purpose. The quantitative research method using the Pearson correlational statistical design was used to assess variable relationships. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and the Three-Component Model (TCM) of Commitment were used to collect data from a sample of government contract employees. The results revealed weak but no statistically significant relationship between transformational and transactional leadership styles and organizational commitment. The study also found weak but no significant relationship between lassie-faire leadership and organizational commitment. Although not significant, the weak relationships indicate opportunities to better understand of the expected employee commitment-dependent outcomes resulting from decisions involving transformational, transactional, and laissez faire leaders.

Assessment of Service Members Knowledge and Trust of the Department of Veterans Affairs - Survey About VA and DoD Programs and Benefits, Individual and Organizational Trust

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The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) mission is to fulfill our nation's enduring commitment to Veterans. The VA recently faced crises and is currently undergoing a transformation. As a result, one of VA's top priorities is regaining the trust of the Nation's Veterans, Service Members, and the public. This research was designed to assess whether Service Member knowledge of VA and joint VA and Department of Defense (DoD) programs and perception of VA as a trusted organization affect potential use of VA program. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION * Background * History of VA * VA Faces Crises and Calls for New Leadership * The need to assess the Service Member Community * Research Purpose * Primary Research Question * Secondary Research Questions * Hypotheses * Assumptions * Limitations * Delimitations * Defining Terms * Summary * CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE * Overview * Knowledge * Individual Trust * Organizational Trust * Department of Veterans Affairs Crisis * Department of Veterans Affairs Initiatives * Media Effects * Summary * CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY * Overview * Methodology * Data Collection Method * Summary * CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS * Overview * Survey Demographics * Demographic Summary * Knowledge Analysis * Knowledge Summary * Perception Analysis * Perception Summary * Behavior Analysis * Behavior Summary * CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS * Overview * Secondary Research Question One * Secondary Research Question Two * Secondary Research Question Three * Primary Research Question * Recommendations * Knowledge Recommendation * Trust Recommendation * Further Research * Summary * APPENDIX A SURVEY * APPENDIX B SURVEY RESPONSES * BIBLIOGRAPHY

An American Sunrise

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