An Italian Did What British Could Not Do

Book Description

An Italian Did What the British Could Not Do – There is an urgent need to frame the right strategy for the development of meat and poultry production in the country. This will certainly bring prosperity to millions of our rural citizens and create employment in rural India. Having achieved the Green Revolution, the white revolution and the Blue Revolution, it is time to ask the question can the Pink Revolution be far behind? Certainly, this will require a large investment in infrastructure, mainly in cold storage, and modern meat processing plants. Without a strong and dependable cold chain, a vital sector like the meat industry, which is based mostly on perishable products, cannot survive and grow.

An Italian Did What British Could Not Do

Book Description

An Italian Did What the British Could Not Do – There is an urgent need to frame the right strategy for the development of meat and poultry production in the country. This will certainly bring prosperity to millions of our rural citizens and create employment in rural India. Having achieved the Green Revolution, the white revolution and the Blue Revolution, it is time to ask the question can the Pink Revolution be far behind? Certainly, this will require a large investment in infrastructure, mainly in cold storage, and modern meat processing plants. Without a strong and dependable cold chain, a vital sector like the meat industry, which is based mostly on perishable products, cannot survive and grow.

The Naval War in the Mediterranean

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This volume, originally published in 1987, fills a gap in a neglected area. Looking at the entire war in the Mediterrean, the volume examines the war from the viewpoint of all the important participants, making full use of archives and manuscript collections in Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria and the United States. A fascinating mosaic of campaigns emerges in the Adriatic, Straits of Otranto and the Eastern Aegean. The German assistance to the tribes of Libya, the threat that Germany would get her hands on the Russian Black Sea Fleet and use it in the Mediterreanean, and the appearance and influence of the Americans in 1918 all took place against a background of rivalry between the Allies which frustrated the appointment of Jellicoe in 1918 as supreme command at sea in a role similar to that of Foch on land.

The Outlook

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Britain, America and Arms Control 1921-37

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Arms control diplomacy as a central factor in superpower relations is not a new phenomenon. In this book, Christopher Hall traces the rise and fall of a previous arms limitation effort, the naval treaties of the interwar years, which successfully controlled competition in the strategic weapons of that era - the battleships and other vessels of the British, American and other 'great power' navies. He shows the problems and their solutions - many of relevance today - which made the treaties possible, and their major role in the peaceful transfer of leadership of the west from the British Empire to the United States.

The Italian Navy and Fascist Expansionism, 1935-1940

Book Description

Robert Mallett argues that the Duce's aggressive war against the Mediterranean powers, Britain and France, was to secure access to the world's oceans. Mussolini actively pursued the Italo-German alliance to gain a Fascist empire stretching from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean.